>you fucked an entire continent America. sorry not sorry
Kayden Johnson
You will be in the next 20 years, do you think all this BLM and white guilt shit is going to be over because of Trump? Soros and his buddies have money to destabilize countries for 10 lifetimes, they will not stop until borders are meaningless and they are in control of all the shadow governments, why do you think everyone is pushing the "lol countries are for retards we are all one" shit.
Dominic Cooper
>2:40 >that ridiculous ghetto bike
Jason Roberts
After they got rid of the blacks they would have gone after the Native Americans and Hispanics.
That's how evil whites are.
Good thing they lost.
Jayden Wood
>the perfect parallel park at 2:40 shit nigga
Brandon Sanchez
>created greatest country on earth that is now being taken down by niggers >evil whites
Blake Allen
That guy's channel also has the only KFC in the US with bullet proof glass youtu.be/jkICZmB_C0Q