Greece thread

Let's have a thread about Greece

I don't really know a lot about Greece's debt crisis or whose fault it really is. Eurosceptics and Greeks blame the EU and vice versa. Are the Greeks just incompetent, or are they being abused? Should Greece leave the Eurozone?

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>I don't really know a lot about Greece's debt crisis or whose fault it really is.

Imagine you walk into a bank, drop on your knees and start begging the manager to give you a small loan because you'll starve. Against all odds he does it. A year later, after you're supposedly on your feet, he asks you to start paying it back.
But you tell him to go fuck himself

We blame the EU on the outside but on the inside we blame ourselves. Many for example were working at the public sector, they were getting paid while chilling at the PC at work and drinking coffee and getting big ass salary.

Many people were employed in the public sector and paid good for no work so they would vote the same party at next elections. This happened for many years and the government had to take loans and loans to be able to pay the salary of like 40% of the country that worked in the public sector.

Pretty much Greece became half communist state but the difference was we had no production at all or anything, our only income is from tourists and again people provide services to tourists and don't declare their income so they don't get taxed, so basicly government had no income at all that's why all loans were needed.

Fast foward several years, old fucks get 3k euro pension here while young 20 year old people work for 500, the state can't pay these loans and when EU says for example lower the pensions of the old fucks people get mad and blame everything on EU. In reality, we did it to ourselves, EU had nothing to do with all of this.

Socialist country you mean

It's both.
The Greeks got tricked into thinking it was free gibs, and the EU was either dumb enough to not see it coming, or wanted to have a country shackled to them.

Both are at fault, but the EU fucked up royally trying to fix it through austerity

How can Greece reduce its debt by increasing public spending? They at least have to do some corruption measures or limit its public sector before they get gibs relief

how is it that western civilzation originated in greece when every greek poster is a buttblasted retard?

It's like this except your still starving cause instead of using the loan to buy food you bought imported cars Instead

Turkish rapebabbies