Why are you not vegan yet?


We understand that Americans will literally kill for a hamburger, nay, cheeseburger, but is it not more redpilled to be vegan like Hitler?

>post the best hamburger

I'm vegetarian but I don't really like the imitation meats, I only like the spicy Chik'n patties, Veggie corn dogs and Soyrizo with eggs. I'd probably try out the burger, doubt I'll like it though.

Vegan ism is the ultimate bluepill.

have you had a shiitake mushroom rack of ribs before?

Is that what you call brown dick fucking you in the ass now?

Why do you still choke down Jew cock in America? Are you really that cucked?

>Trying to call anyone else a cuck

Fruits and vegetables are living organisms just like cows and chickens. Venus flytraps even have brains and can move and shit. You are no better than a carnivore you faggot herbivore.

theres literally no argument against veganism other than "i dont give a fuck about animal's suffering". or maybe "most vegans are liberals so i cant be a vegan" but thats pleb tier thinking

But its true. Everything the U.S. does has to be approved by Israel. Are you proud of that?

Should fast food restaurants in America show movie clips of the slaughter in the dinning area? I mean, isnt that the full experience?


They should have an area out back where we can slaughter our own beef. Pick it out ourselves like a 5 star restaurant and deliver the killing blow ourselves then wait on the chef to prepare it medium rare in front of us. That would be the full experience worth paying for. Especially if its veal.

Why are burgers so perfect?

Hippie faggots have an obsession with turning vegetables into imitation meat.
Just eat a salad.

Does being vegan mean you'll have to stop chugging mohammed's cock?

Sweden...it's bluepilled to be vegan...remember? Redpilled means nazi, racist, hateful cow eating bigot...

Here's your (you)...faggot...

I wanna eat there too...getting a passport today...

I am because I wanna be healthy and look cuter

Awww I like you too Serbia



I like eating red, white meat and fish. If 'im gonna die because of it so b it. Rather go my own way and die by something I enjoy eating.

Shouldn't throw stones in a glass house

Fix your own fucking problems before you come up with "solutions for Americans"

>fruit wants to be eaten
are fruits plant cucks?


veganism, liberalism, humanitarianism
all different sides of the same coin

there is no argument for veganism other than "muh virtue signal" "muh snowflakery"

you are indirectly killing children by supporting the cancer industry en masse

capitalism to be honest

also constitution

fruits are sluts

I meant the burgers you eat :)


Because the only good vegan, is a dead vegan.

Me, my family and relatives and their relatives, our servants are all vegan.

Cmon he obviously has an eating disorder.

>i dont give a fuck about animal's suffering
that is not true I give a fuck about it, so when animal dies for someone to eat it I want it to taste good. Btw are you trying to bang a hot vegan chick?

Yeah but you live in India so it's moot.

mfw right wing veganism is the ultimate red pill

you treat living things according to how responsible they can be held

animals(men) - niggers - jews

because Iam not a swedish cuckold

I like kangaroo steak
It's good

wallaby hamburgers bro, shit is good

>just eat this plant based meat imitation product
>it's just like meat
I'll just eat meat. the treatment of an animal that literally exists to be eaten is not any concern of mine.

The animals we cull for food are bred specifically for the purpose of eating. If they were no longer used for eating, they wouldn't be bred, and would die out within one generation. If everyone in the USA alone went vegan overnight for whatever reason;
>98,400,000 cows would die as there would be no more need for them, and wouldn't be bred any longer, and would become extinct within the country
>90,000,000,000 chickens would die due to no longer being bred, and would become extinct within the country
>68,000,000 pigs would die due to no longer being bred and would go extinct within the country

Among many other livestock, if everyone suddenly went vegan, it would cause the mass extinction of so many animals. Why are you so hell bent on committing genocide of these animals?

Fuck you straya I want a kangaroo burger

Screw veganism, couldn't care less. I eat what I like, and as long as there's production, you can't stop me.

Grilled chicken is very healthy and convenient. It also contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (good fats) and all 21 amino acids that make up protein. Fish have this as well and also have Omega 3 acids which are very good for you. It's not eating meat that is unhealthy, it's all the sugary drinks and snacks.
>*Downs sharing size pack of skittles*
>*Drinks 2 liter of Pepsi*
I'm so aware because I'm a vegetarian guise, when will you be healthy like me?

Also certain dishes are made unhealthy by the sauce. A grilled chicken sandwich is perfectly healthy for you, but if you add mayonnaise, vinaigrette, ranch, or another "non meat" side to it the empty calories start racking up. Obviously there is a difference between vegetarians and vegans, but they are both low test cucks who don't eat meat because they are uneducated.

>implying animal genocide is a bad thing
>implying animal torture isn't

I think anyone is all for the humane killing of animals, but thankfully in the USA we're not infested by filthy Muslims who have to praise allah before slitting the throat of a cow in a sacrificial manner. Take that shit up with the sandniggers in shitistan

>Why are you not vegan, comrade?
Because I'm human and not insane.

There is not enough livable land on the planet to support a full vegan diet for every living person. The planets that produce the shit you need to survive on a vegan diet use vastly more water than any other plants we use as food majority of all fresh water would have to be used. and to farm the amount needed we would need to destroy every ecosystem on the planet to grow said planet to fucking feed every man, women, and child. Get off your goddamn high horse.

plants not planets.

What if I don't care about the environment?

>implying growing fruits and vegetables doesn't cause animals to suffer
If you saw what they do to the bee colonies used to polinate fruit orchard you'd change your mind.

There are more bee killed for a glass of almond milk than cows for a burger. I Don't Get these peoples moral high ground shit at all.

I think seitan tastes pretty great but as its own thing, not trying to make it pass as meat.
Also dat 75% protein.

pretty sure this is what 10 years of HIV medication does to you. Nigga is probably only 25 but looks 45 with a body of a 11 year old girl.

Great, mechanically chewed veggies glued together with coconut oil. Ceiling back after they make vegetarian rack of lamb.

Clumsy typing, *come back

The burger is an edible monument to the glory of capitalism.

>shiitake mushroom rack of ribs before
mushrooms dont have ribs

Because I have testicles.

I eat dicks ... is it ok?

no, the pile of severed heads you swipe off your driveway to get to your car everyday, is a monument to the glory of capitalism.


Hitler: A failed art student who was a vegan socialist who banged on about social justice for his people and saving the environment.

Hitler and the Nazis are the embodiment of bluepilled thinking.


This triggers vegans.

My meat production area. Chicks nearly ready to move to coop. Both female rabbits are pregnant. Soon I will butcher the bunnies and take the eggs to feed my family. And it's all 100% legal and moral, and there's nothing vegan psychopaths can do about it!


A wise Australian. I have seen it all

I'll have you know that I'm on a strict raw paleo-vegan diet.

>be vegan
>end up malnourished and eating expensive food to try to make up for it
meat is cheap, and has lots of shit that's good for you. Don't go full retard and eat deep fried meat all the time, but humans need some meat for development and for bodily growth.

Most of the Ameriburgers that end up fat off of burgers are eating shit like OP's burger with a large fry and a large coke, burgers aren't really that bad for you unless you load them down with bad toppings and use a really unhealthy bun.

>he drinks soda
>he drinks wal mart milk
>he eats any meat but fish and chicken
>he is a slave to the food jew

If it tastes worse, it has to cost less.
No person in their right mind would buy an inferior product and wish to pay more for it.

Unless it's much healthier, which it could be.

You ever butcher a bunny before? They sound like dying infants.

I'm vegetarian for breakfast and lunch (usually), and carnivore for dinner. Why be a fanatic about it? Meat is delicious and good for you. Just eat less.

I feed them until weaned off the female and at 5 lbs. Yes, I have butchered many. They only make squealing noises when you do it wrong. Quick snap of the neck and cut the arteries - no noise.

If you've never killed another animal and prepared it, and eaten it you're a faggot, go live off soilent for the rest of your life

Being shot in the chest/head or being stunned then killed is a more humane death that will cause less suffering than 95% of animal deaths in the wild.

I'd rather be ripped apart by a coyote in the wild than be some weird sex toy for peta.