More Generation Zyklon News

>Future World Champion material

He made comments about a fellow driving being bad and implied it had something to do with him being Brazilian(which he was forced to apologize about), and recently made comments in an interview about how being back in Europe was nice because of familiar food and culture.

Generation Zyklon has even made it's way into the sports world.

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Also he drives for Red Bull, which is already /ourbrand/ only half ironically.

>tfw amd amx wins the race

the owner of Red Bull also planned to start a conservative news site recently and criticised Europe migration policy

I honestly just want to see a three way battle cause I'm a greedy bastard and it isn't enough that Ferrari has Mercedes number this season.

yes, see

had his best race before F1 on the place where Hitler had his giant rallies

The long list of """"""""coincidence""""""""" grows.

Also, let's not forget that the current champ is a blonde haired blue eyed German who's father's name is Keke

isnt the owner of red bull team or something like that right wing like he invested in some right wing media im not sure...

yeah, something like that. He doesn't like the rapefugees