Eastern Europeans are bas-
Eastern Europeans are bas-
B-but t-they're so f-fashy... d-deus vult, BASED Pooland, praise k-kek... ;_;
Look mom! I posted it again!
>le based Poles XD magyar brotherz :3 we are tha reel fashiss!
Cucks, all of them.
You are missing the point. Against are countries fucked by eu in the ass. For are countries that shit on eus refugees demands and use eus money to benefit. Etc here in Czech Republic we already 4 times postponed deadline for switching our currency to Euro cuz if we do we end up like Slovaks who got fucked by Euro really bad. Same goes for Poland, Poland actually makes huuuuge profit cuz somehow due to their economy and prices its cheaper for me to buy iPhone from reseller who bought it in Poland than go to big tech store and buy officially imported brick. Same brick, same localization, 10-15% difference.
My question is: how many refugee crimes Poland had to be anti Eu ? They just dont give a shit cuz they dont have this fucked up stuff there
>-ically cucks
Of course eastern and southern Europe support the EU. They just get gibs and don't contribute shit.
we just get free germoney there are a lot of nice signs in poland that say "payed with ue money"
>Unfavorable 71%
Fucking kys. Seriously.
You would be Ottomans right now if it wasn't for the EU.
Yeah , half of staff is paid by eu contract where I work, little do they know only one person works on the thing contract is about for like 8 hrs a month