White women cannot be fixed. It is time for you to accept this reality. Blacked has successfully gained control of our women's mental faculties. It is time for plan B.
White women cannot be fixed. It is time for you to accept this reality...
>Dating whites
Ebin maymay
What is this beauty?
Find her or report her.
Your choice
Can I message you if I'm trans racial?
thousands years product of inbreeding
Say you identify as a nigger.
I'm finally able to use my Mountain Nigger privilege.
Checkmate crackers.
Where's she from though?
Lol she already has herpes. And blacked white girls don't exist for me. It's like they're invisible.
I identify as a nigger.
Actually disgusting
Are you in Winston? I live in kernersville kek
lol why theres so many niggers from nigger countries lately on this board
>tfw when having a white red-pilled girlfriend
I wonder if he goes to Wake Forest
What's it like living in a world without women
Kek bong
I hate muslims to the core but this chick will be soo fun to watch while getting a head.
You mean getting head, Pajeet
That's kind of sad. The (((indoctrination))) has worked so well this mildly unattractive girl feels she can't be with a person of her own race. I was planning on explaining (((them))) and (((their))) tricks to my children in high school but I may need to do so before then. I drop little hints now but perhaps the time has come to let them see the world for what it truly is.
Why would you mind?
Poles aren't even white.
>says you're juden
Problem solved.
Future single mom right there
>tfw if you say niggers should stay with niggers you have quite a liberal attitude
feels good man
Whatever as long as she gives all those nasty expressions
im sorry, i dont argue talk with subhumans from monteNEGRO
Britain is FUCKED
Look at the background hajibs
said nigger from gerministan
top kek
Nice propaganda, keep pushing it kike.
>It is time for plan B
Asian girls.
Sure thing POOlack.
Isreal, bro. I swipe left but I would love to run her over with a Mack truck Mohammed-style
in reality only few degenerated inviduals are into race mixing
lol britain
Maybe white men are shit. For all the color superiority sure seems odd white men can't woo there own ladies.
Kys you filthy sexual deviant pajeet
anyone found her name?
im into muslim girls lately
>American women cannot be fixed. It is time for you to accept this reality. Blacked has successfully gained control of our women's mental faculties. It is time for plan B.
T. Jamal bin Ackbar
>one random, unattractive white girl with probable daddy issues likes to burn the coal
>hurr durr the white race is doomed white bois btfo
>implying every white girl that went to college or is in college isn't some coalburning liberal racetraitor
Theres still plenty of white women who arent like that. In fact the actual extent of it tends to be heavily exaggerated because the media pushes it so much. Rarely can a tv show go by without a black man/white woman relationship depicted now. But just like the plethora of black lawyers, doctors, secret agents, family men and child prodigies on fictional tv shows....its an idealised version of what they want society to be rather than a true reflection.
>problem glasses
Run away and never look back.
You are right, the only solution is going your own way
I'm in a happy relationship and we're going to have 3 beautiful blonde children with light eyes. There's nothing you can do about this.
Uh oh, problem glasses
>plan B
Artificial wombs and AI sexbots?
People naturally prefer their own. Sup Forums is paranoid with the whole ALL WHITE GIRLS ARE MIXING AHHHHHH
>Implying the 2% of white women who are disgraceful enough to date blacks represent all white women
Message her, faggot. A lot of these girls will say things like that at first hand to be sarcastic and trendy, but in fact they want white men talking to them, they crave for it, it's like those tsunderes in anime.
In Argentina they still hire white actors and families.
You turn your tv and see a happy Nordic family telling you to buy shit or you are a nigger
waaahh waaaaah
this is her daddy's fault he didn't put the fear of his cock in this natal disappointment
There are major breakthroughs in artificial wombs and crspr coming. Women will be replaced in 30 years. Concentrate on making as much money as possible, clone yourself and fuck prostitutes
Great, I imagine.
Basically this
She's trying to intimidate you to see if you'll actually message her
Also this
Very few white women racemix, and the ones that do will usually also fuck white guys
where are you getting that # from?