Sup Forums is always rig-

>Sup Forums is always rig-


Other urls found in this thread: of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf

>genetically weaker
what does that even mean?


Means you guys spawn children who mutilate themselves, flood their own homes with invaders, and think of new ways to eradicate the rest of their kind.

Seriously, what other race does that?

Weak nigger were killed
Only the most efficiant one were allow to breed back then
To make better faster and stronger nigger

Artificial selection

Which transhumanism will eventually fix due to our more advanced brains.

less diverse

is that why the strongest men have been almost exclusively white?


Great sample size.

Meanwhile, average IQs and crime statistics tell the whole story.

>implying lions,tigers and bears are superior
because they are stronk

what a stupid "study". 20 ppl vs 15 ppl. i'm sure they chose their samples "very objectively".

it is stupid to believe that one race is superior to another. same for white supremacism.

Race is a social construct there are no differences between the races we are all the same.

Thats why niggers should be working in the fields

>muh IQs prove I'm superior and black ppl are dumb!
>n-no! Liberals aren't smarter than conservatives, IQ statistics don't mean anything!


I know this is b8, but it's worth mentioning that most studies like this are never able to be replicated or are debunked, stories that never make it to media.

Weaker in fucking what? In intelligence? In physical strength? God fuck burgers your media are trash. Even the worse media in Portugal are superior to CNN.

>20 v 15

Every day, life gets more and more absurd. I'm playing FFX right now and it is literally more rational and sane than the shit going down in the world right now.
What the actual, for real, FUCK?

why do I get the feeling that liberals don't consider any of the ethnicities of whiteness to be legitimate?

White people BTFO

It means someone paid for a finding. Most research coming out of universities are like this nowadays.

That aside, they're trying to say "weaker" in the sense of preventing mutations etc. All in all its a bogus study and shit science. If we're talking in terms of health issues, each ethnicity has its ups and downs.

But coming from Cornell, color me surprised. Sample size of 20? That said, it wouldn't be hard to use this exact same paper to make a push on the genocide of whites by other ethnicities. And the authors of said paper would have to support that claim otherwise fall on their sword, so to speak.

not BBC


This is complete bullshit.

Look up strongest men in the world competitions

theyre all white guys, inb4 slavs aren't white.

Even more reason why niggers are suited for the fields.

Race is a social construct, tho, so WTF is this shit.

>Whites Genetically Smarter than Blacks, Study Finds

A wise man once said: If you're not strong you've got to be smart.

Niggers we're probably stronger than the average white man back in the dag, but because they were still chucking spears at wild animals they were easily enslaved.

The fact that average niggers in current day America are quite tall and big (at least, this is the stereotype. I know this for a fact to be bullshit in most countries), is because most weak blackies got fucking killed off by their slave masters

sample size = 20 + 15

muh siens

you're a delusional cuck who lives in a fantasy world. kill yourself

A sample size of 20 whites and 15 blacks \
wew lad this is fucking kike science

Never said I'm superior, I'm looking at averages and the record is already clear.

Pretty easy concept, maybe the forums you go to can straighten it all out for you.


>20 whites vs 15 blacks
are you seriously telling me that they couldn't find a larger sample size than 35 people?
and what the fuck is the
>researchers found that the former showed much less variation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter
pack it up guys, we're inferior because we haven't allowed UV radiation to mutate the shit out of our genes for thousands of years

If this was true they wouldn't have to completely ignore genetics.

so what's the blacks' excuse?

>A (((((University))))) pushing the narrative that white = bad and black = good

I sure didn't see that one coming.


>Study finds OP is an obese micro penis loser that will never have intimate contact with a real or 2D woman in his lifetime
Wow I'm amazed how accurate these studies are.

Same. After the red pill wears off and the depression stage passes it just becomes a fucking joke. The inmates run the asylum and we're strapped in for the ride so might as well shit your panties, piss people off and have a good time at their expense.



lol neurotic kikes are losing their minds.

How many non-whites actually compete in these competitions though?

JESUS everyone on this board are fking retards...all those answers are incorrect.

It basically means if a white woman and black man shack the kids most likely have more black genes than white genes (not 50-50 like in white-white situation). It's been known the gene that is in charge of skin color, is "genetically weaker" for whites than it is for blacks. In other terms; black-white bang eachother kid most likely black

>Science determines that race isn't a social construct

These morons don't understand the full implications of this study.

Yeah I mean it's not like there's thousands of years of historical record to lean back on.

hahahah when hites get cucked by the black and science show it they blame the jews what a SURPRISE not everything in life is a conspiracy you fucking morons

what about the 20% of blacks with sickle cell gene. what about the highest rate of lupus? bet they ignore those factoids.

kek you know all your cunt is made of inbreeds?

>possibly harmful mutations

Such as what, a superior brain that gives us power to opress shitskins?

Yes, the genes for mental retardation are very "strong" as well.


why does JIDF pay for this shilling?

try rephrasing that in english, pasta nigger


the best genes in the world wont protect you from aids nigaz give each other in prison

>Study finds
well I'm convinced.

fuck off shariablue with your shitty coopt memes
pepe rules supreme

The reason for this is that smaller amounts of humans left Africa versus the humans that stayed there. Genetically Africa is far more diverse than anywhere else on the planet.

However, genetic diversity is only really something you should worry about if you're in a population that is prone to inbreeding like Iceland (everybody is too related to eachother) or in the middle east (cousin marriages are common).

If you look at historically very isolated communities with lower populations they are often fine health wise (not born with defects) such as Polynesians, Inuit, Aleutians.

Genetic diversity is something that I don't really think anyone should be concerned about what with all of the contemporary race mixing and advent of genetic engineering becoming a lot cheaper (CRISPR).

Yes it's true. The "white" genetical code is less stable and thefore weaker than "black" genetical code. That's why we need a specific legislation protection our genetical code from stronger ones.

That's what liberals do right ? Protect the weak ?

None because they don't compete well enough.

Not kidding. It's often related to countries, and consistently only highly white countries put in white candidates that actually get anywhere.

>Science results
>Common people interpretation

Pick one.

>The pics of "death pizza" in the background
These pedos need to be publicly executed

On AVERAGE, black people are also more intelligent. White retards with no brian think that just because they are weak physically automatically means they are superior in intelligence. Wrong.

all that study prooved was that niggers are dumb, they assume that people are in the south are conservative without realizing that there are more black people in the south.

Liberals by and large are dumb as fuck and mediocre. can't wait to put them in mass graves desu

All of you idiots are missing the point.

This study proves that Black and Whites are genetically different.

That proves empirically that it's not racist to say blacks and whites are not the same. It's a fact.

Next time someone says we're all equal, point out that studies find we're genetically different.

This is a good thing for the future race wars.

By this metric Jews are the weakest genetically by far.

>genetically weaker
>sample size: 20-15
/nupol/ is full of morons. No scientific study is going to use terminology like this. You'll never see a study that claims alligators are genetically weaker than crocodiles. The sample size alone invalidates this study. This is propaganda dressed up as news.

There are no "white" or "black" genes ffs. A lot of the genes of european/white origin are recessive. As such considered 'weaker'. This is also compounded by the claim that rates of cancer, etc (ie mutations) are more common due to the said lack of diversity. Its mainly the diversity claim they're making. Which is why when you see mixed kids they don't usually look 'white' in terms of traits. As european traits are by and large recessive.

If you don't understand the topic, don't be an idiot.

>If your mom gets fucked by a nigger you are more likely to become a nigger
Wow... to think they only needed a few hundred thousands of your burger tax dollars to come to that revelation.

less racemixed

Everything is batshit. I look at the catalog of Sup Forums and the stories I see seem straight out of the Twilight Zone on the worse LSD trip ever.

How the fuck is a judge allowed to sentence a double murderer to 364 days in jail? How does no one not yank her off the bench?
How is it possible to send a double murderer to only 364 days in jail? Sentencing schedules not exist anymore or some shit?

And Europe is obviously having open war waged upon it, and not even the most right-leaning public figures are saying it.

White skin pigment genes are recessive which means that mixes are more likely to have darker skin, although because they will inherit some of the genes from their parents they won't be as dark as their black parent. Although some dark skin genes can be recessive. I think Australian Aboriginal dark skin genes are particularly recessive.

That doesn't have anything to do with genetic diversity, in fact it is indicative of the opposite. Basically because Malaria was such a huge problem in Africa those who had the sickle cell anemia mutation in their genes had more survivability than those that didn't. It's similar to how some people in Northern Europe have resistance against AIDS which has been linked to genetic adaptations caused by the Black Plague.

If there was a worldwide global pandemic and government protocol/cleanliness didn't matter and it was only genes Africans and African diaspora would have the highest chance of surviving due to the genetic diversity, perhaps a small percentage would be genetically different enough to be immune.

>studies with literally of thousands of participants don't have these findings
>somehow sample size 35 gets this shit

So many triggered nazis haha i swear to god first you deny the blacks have larger penis och now this too you just cant accept science

when science claims things that beneficials to colored people you always scream its the jew

you are pathetic but then again i cant bully you because its in your genes hahahaa

Except what this survey is stating is something that is commonly known and easily explained due to history. It isn't propaganda it is just pop science. You're only getting triggered by it because you're uninformed.

well if you genetically select the strongest black people and make them fuck and let their kids do all your hard labor that's bound to happen

Yeah we know we werent bred like dogs during slavery where the blackest nigger survived. Leading to a evolutionary path of bigger dumber niggers

>yet another meme ((study))

Into the trash it goes

>implying 20 is even a significant sample size
>1,800 people in Sub-Saharan Africa

>Human genetic diversity decreases in native populations with migratory distance from Africa, and this is thought to be due to bottlenecks during human migration, which are events that temporarily reduce population size.[35][36]

>whites are officially weaker than blacks
>this means that whites are no longer superior, blacks are
>blacks are superior
>now we can be racist towards them

Not triggered, moron. I just know a legitimate study when I see it, and this ain't one.

geneticals are important when bill the science guy talks about gender (which is not biologic, sex is) but not when science shows whites are weaker GOT IT hahaha

The word would be recessive then, not "weaker", and the blurb in the article is saying it's about diversity of genes

>sample size of 35
>Using American blacks as the standard when they're 30% European on average

Theres a huge margin of error because of the shit sample size.

Another interesting piece of history is that sub saharan Africans don't have any Neanderthal DNA, also a contemporary human race called the Denisovan intermixed with Asians/Indians/Australian Aboriginals.

>Blacks are genetically weaker than whites, study finds.
Now that's advocating for racial supremacy.

Actually, this falls more in line with propaganda. While I agree that it could be seen as pop science, it leaves out a great deal of important details.

Genetic strength is rarely related to diversity due to micro-biomes in addition to elements of individual adaptation.

The sample size is also horrific provided the argument they're attempting. All in all its trash science.

>I know nothing about genetics or human history

It's okay to just admit you're wrong sometimes user

This is a confirmed shop

W40k movie when

>genetically superior to the white man
>outnumber the white man
>still get enslaved by whites
>still depend on whites to free you from slavery
>still depend on white systems to keep you supported


underrated meme

You're too dumb to have this conversation with me. This study is 10 years old, has already been debunked, and the opposite conclusion is found to be true: That Africans, statistically have the same burden of deleterious mutations.

Genetic diversity is synonymous with genetic strength considering that genetic diversity was often the only thing that could save crops from pests/disease before weedkillers and genetic engineering.

>Genetic strength is rarely related to diversity due to micro-biomes in addition to elements of individual adaptation.

I don't know what gut flora has to do with it. I'm sure they play a role within individual health but I'm not really sure how that is relevant to this discussion.

Salamanders aren't niggers, Phillip.
If you knew the lore you'd know why their skin is how it is.

>mfw SJW'S pick this shit up
>muh we are all equal and the same
>but only diverse ones are the same
>there are no races
>but diverse race is stronger


If you want a good sample size, just look at the NFL and NBA -- DOMINATED by black people. If the dominance of blacks in professional sports doesn't prove their superiority, I don't know what will.


Sup Forums is always right means Jews are always behind it. Congrats, youre still a newfag.

Try again:
Blacks fail the mirror test at 6 years old while whites pass at 18-24 months old of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

Mixed-Race children are more prone to mental illness

Mixed Race couples more likely to have stillborn children