96% of French-Israelis voted for Macron

80% of American citizens in Israel voted for Trump.

Majority of Russian citizens in Israel support Putin.

But Let Pen only got 4% of the French Israeli votes.

Why didn't Le Pen get the same support as Trump and Putin?


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Why so silent Sup Forums ?

Le Pen wanted to ban wearing yamicas in public. Why do you think?

But how can they support Trump and Putin and then suddenly jump on the Macron train.

They knew France falling is essential to the plan.

Macron is a Rothschild puppet
he will do what he is commanded

I'll have two pools in greater Israel

Americans and Russians are alpha countries, most of European countries are cuck countries. So, whether they are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or atheist they voted for the cuck candidate. Same will happen in Germany and Sweden.

Trump sucks the Jew dick daily

jews in france want to keep kosher food and circumcision. they are also afraid of white nationalists

Greater israel is gonna be glowing green in 10 years you nigger loving faggot

nazis are nazis.

>implying it won't be BLACKED first
they are already dwindling and the afronigs are marching en masse ^_^

Kikes don't want too many niggers in the US just enough so whites won't be able to turn on them, too many nigs they would lose all power since the country would be Detroit, can't make money off that many.

Israelis hate women. They're as bad as muslims

Because there are many outright Nazis in Front National. Front National is basically unvotable for many.

Jean-Marie Le Pen was full 14/88, so even though Marine has tried reaching out to Jews, many still have bitter memories of her father.

Le Pen wanted to end dual citizenship so of course Jews don't want that

Isn't that why we built Israel? When is this shit gonna stop? White nationalists would hate them a lot less if these Jews actually you know... SPOKE TO THEM AND THEIR LEADERSHIP

I honestly think being female and not having the strong image really affects people perception. And no this is not sjw shit. It's just who can honestly believe some female leader will carry out all this extreme stuff while keeping the country safe? Trump and Putin at least look like guys who can take it.

You might be on to something.


Because France is cucked


>Trump is a pro kike puppet
>Le pen is anti kike
>Why did kikes not vote for her

Not sure if trolling or just a shart in mart with a proxy

Rothschild puppet vs Putin puppet
Who do I vote for?
I dont envy the french!

>putin puppet

please tell me you're memeing

Because her father is a notorious antisemite. Have some brains, Sup Forums.

Doesn't explain why (((they))) support Putin.


>Be jewish
>Harassed and hated by Muslims since the birth of Islam
>Vote for terror apologists
When were you when the shills got shilled by shills
>Next time Jews complain about anti semitism point to these voting statistics

>Trump and Putin suck Jew dick daily




>Why didn't Le Pen get the same support as Trump and Putin?
Israeli jews want Macron because his policies will intensify anti-semitic attacks by muslims
which in turn will increase the number of French Jews moving to Israel.

France is a dead end, better be done with it quick than a slow painful death.

this desu senpai, isrealis have shit up another countries society then fuck off back to their ethnostate in the levant.

That's because Macron is Jacques Attali's puppet who is a very powerful jew.

>because Macron is Jacques Attali's puppet

More info please

this. it doesn't matter how middle class and orthodox kikes vote, it matters where the big money goes.