Explain this

Explain this.

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If Islam wasn't almost exclusively practiced by inbred shitskins yeah I'd be down with it.

>jesus "yes"
what did he mean by this

Christianity once could've check those very same boxes. It has lost its fangs over time though. But to your point, I can't explain why Sup Forums can't see that the Jews are (so-far successfully) attempting to manipulate the secular west into a massive war against the Islamic world, when really we should work with them against the Jew.


fuck off mate; you know as well as everyone here that you have to bow to the islamic version of jesus under islamic rule. being a Dhimmi, means also, that you have to openly proclaim muhammad to be the last and ultimate prophet as well as proclaiming jesus was not the son of god, all while having to pay taxes for being allowed to be "christian"

that's religious freedom under islam for you

fuck off ali

Islam is the true religion of the Aryan race.

"Only in the Roman Empire and in Spain under Arab domination has culture been a potent factor. Under the Arab, the standard attained was wholly admirable; to Spain flocked the greatest scientists, thinkers, astronomers, and mathematicians of the world, and side by side there flourished a spirit of sweet human tolerance and a sense of purist chivalry. Then with the advent of Christianity, came the barbarians." - Adolf Hitler

Sup Forums
>shows interest in traditional art & music although they do not contribute [check]
>hates women [check]
>hates pop music [check]
>against racemixing [check]
>hates millenials [check]
>likes guns [check]
>wants deaths squads [check]
>wants morality police [check]
>praise mass/school shooters [check]
>NEETS [check]

>shows interest in traditional art & music although they do not contribute [check]
>hates women [check]
>hates pop music [check]
>against racemixing [check]
>hates millenials [check]
>likes guns [check]
>wants deaths squads [check]
>wants morality police [check]
>praise mass/school shooters [check]
>NEETS [check]


Its yes actually. The rest more or less is correct yea.

> secularism

Kys mudslime faggot.

This was the attitude in the original Sup Forums, with support for Qaddafi and Assad, but over time the JIDF has taken over with their "deus vult" meme.