Everyone knows their are white Mexicans and whites all over South America. Some are whites, some are natives, most are a varying mix of the two.
Everyone knows their are white Mexicans and whites all over South America. Some are whites, some are natives...
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He looks like that gay ginger kid from Shameless.
Most degenerate tv show ever
>written by Louis CK the kike ginger Mexican
>Sup Forums still watches it
i hope this help op
Indeed. The people on the show act like they have no shame.
Argentina being non white was always a meme. Anyone who actually believed that is retarded.
He's right about American education. Every black I have spoken to was not aware that Spain is in Europe or that the spanish people/language are white. Even some whites and asians are ignorant of these facts.
100% Bavarian Phenotype
>buttmad bean still posting this
No one seriously believes that that are no pure Spanish Mexicans dude.
It's just that the majority of Hispanics in the US have native blood. The VAST majority.
And yes,
>I-I'm only 10% native!!
is still mixed and we can easily tell