In Dublins fair city

Palestinian flag to fly above Dublin’s City Hall.

What is Sup Forums opinion of Dublin standing in solidarity with the people of Palestine to mark 50 years of Israeli occupation in the West Bank and to show the support of the international community for the Palestinian people?

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Fuck the Muslims.

Suck a muslim dick, irish fag ahah.

The council is controlled by Sinn Féin. It's a good cautionary tale of what would happen if they actually got big boy power and not some city council.

Delusional Irish wankers at work again? its no surprise really

what the fuck is wrong with you Irish cucks... don't allow that ugly flag to fly above Dublin's City Hall.

Might as well be flying an Israeli flag

but it will btfo da goz :DDDDDDD

Btw are you really from Palestine?

The Jew fears the Hibernian.

>Palestinian flag to fly above Dublin’s City Hall.
FUCK YOU GUINNESS BEER, will never buy any thing made in Ireland. Fuck them