What do foreigners know about Jeremy Corbyn, the UK's next Prime Minister?
What do foreigners know about Jeremy Corbyn, the UK's next Prime Minister?
He is the hero you need to free you from Tory austerity and corporate corruption, not the hero you deserve.
>Trusting polls
>CON nearly twice LAB
>This despite being openly Tory in many places in the country is enough to make you a social pariah at best, get your stabbed at worst, so people won't admit to it
The cuckest of cucks.
Only positive is that he is pro-Russian.
Interesting how the media will react when Russia hacks Theresa May and leaks it to WikiLeaks.
>Jeremy Corbyn, the UK's next Prime Minister
He has a pseudo-religious cult following, total cuck, SJW, extremely low turnout, poor vocal skills, bad hygiene, hatred of British culture, puppet of big banks like Macron.
>puppet of big banks
Could not be more wrong
A funny old uncle who rambles about nationalizing shit or something
really, then why does he keep kissing their whiny asses on Brexit ?
Isn't that the name of one of the guys on Top Gear?
He was pretty good in Top Gear.
He is a leftie and SJW who sides with communists. And he will be gangraped by the Tories in the election.
Corbyn is neutral on Brexit, the Lib Dems and the SNP are the ones trying to stop it
Are you fucking retarded? There's no chance in hell he will win
>next Prime Minister
>Couldn't even win an MP election
Given his past strong support for Chavez and Maduro, why don't any journalists ask him about his thoughts on what is happening in Venezuela?
I haven't seen him pressed on this topic at all, and can't find much other than an old tweet from Corbyn in which he claims solidarity with Chavez and the Chavistas is Venezuela.
It wouldn't be very hard to grill him on this topic. The socialist regime that is in charge in Venezuela is clearly indefensible.
That he's a communist, that he hates Brexit, that he hates Exorcet missiles.
>he hates Brexit,
This one is wrong.
He was extremely unenthusiastic about backing Remain while May shilled hard for it.
Well I wouldn't trust him, he's sketchy, typical politician, wouldn't be surprized if he turned out to be another monolithic eu imperialist
>He was extremely unenthusiastic about backing Remain while May shilled hard for it.
True, and if he doesn't represent the working class then he's really a left-wing politician.
I dont trust May neither, but I think she's currently doing a wonderful job with Brexit.
Silly Japan man
Served him coffee today in Manchester. He looked rattled.
He wants to give everyone a "free" girlfriend?
Or so i've heard.
He is the only option against WW3
Yeah, because Corbyn would bend over and take it straight from anyone you twat
> Jeremy Cuckbyrn
> Prime minister
*breathes in*
>bend over
What is so (((bad))) about "bending over" for Russia, the last strong white nation?
I think he is pretty based and cool guy, i think we could become good friends UK if you will have Jezz as PM
Remember when Trump wasn't going to provoke the WW3?
>corbyn is neutral
who cares, it's a vote for a party, not corbyn. And they're full of crony blairite multiculti faggots
The Russian gets it.
Only Corbyn can save your daughters from getting drafted for Theresa May's war against Russia.
corbyn is more cancerous than aids
he's a little Stalin wannabe it's almost cute