Are you more Fascist or National Socialist?
Are you more Fascist or National Socialist?
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I just want women to stop voting like assholes.
National socialist
Get fucked statist
you'll grow up one day.
I'm a Nice Guy Nationalist.
I feel more European than anything.
Neither, both are for faggots who can't lead themselves.
NS is a lie just like Democracy
Imperium Romanum'ist
Roads, Justice, Gladiator fights
What's not to like?
Roads? where we're going, we don't need roads.
You're all faggots who can't lead yourself
If everyone is a leader who do they lead?
What you're describing is anarchy
>obviously from your pic which was slow to load on this crap toaster I'm on
The difference being?
>inb4 jew
lmao anarchy is at best an ideological fantasy what are you 12 get off of Sup Forums
I'm a fashy fascist
Mussolini being killed and dragged through the streets whereas Hitler caps himself in the brain, both sent their own people to die for empire, people who worship this shit are retarded, literally
Daily reminder that your ubermensch got killed by his own people he slaughtered in needless fucking war.
Throw your hands in the air! And wave 'em like you just don't care!
Trips say youre wrong
I don't know but here's a scattershot of all the things I use to try and figure it out.
So only give voting rights to land owning men and call it a day.
run shill.exe
Clerical Fascism, fuck Nazis.
Have you ever considered the fact that anarchy generally doesn't exist because it doesn't work?
Or the fact that every currently existing state came from what was once anarchy?
patriotic nationalist
You're (You) is on my comment.
That's a violation of the NAP.
It does work until dipshits come along and shit all over it. Look at Spain before Franco. They made it work for quite some time before shithead fashies came and fucked it up.
>both sent their own people to die for empire
As opposed to who? The British Empire? The Americans? The Soviets?
Maybe explain the difference yourself then.
How am I a dumb fuck? I'm an anarchist, dumb fuck.
used to be natsoc. I'm worried all forms of authoritarianism are (((deceptions))) though. Look at all the symbolism in the third reich, constant references to babylon, nimrod, Luciferian sun-worship, etc. The bible said there would be false angels of light and I think Hitler may have been one of them.
Now I'm just ultra-trad, ethno-centric, and centre-right politically. I'm patriarchal and anti-homo as well due to my religious beliefs.
I'm a former Fascist, I now see myself more as a follower of Evola. I admire Mussolini, tho...made mistakes, but damn he loved his people! And he deserved to be put in front of a judge for his errors, not killed like an animal.
Mussolini was based. Hitler wasn't. He got the whole continent into a war and murdered millions of innocents. Also destroyed the face of "fascism". People don't think of Mussolini and blackshirts when they hear fascism, they think of Hitler and the NatSoc degenerates.
National Socialism is short term, desperate measures.
Fascism is long term, with a focus on maintaining greatness.
If Germany hadn't had the Treaty of Versailles, I could have envisioned a Fascist Germany. A Mussolini figure would have been great for the Germans. Mussolini was respected even by Churchill. He taught Oswald Mosley. A Fascist Germany and a Fascist Italy could have generated the support for a European Military Alliance to fight the Soviets. But no, The Treaty of Versailles made National Socialism necessary. Also fuck France for the Rhineland Bastards that was a really filthy fucking move.
I like to think that I'm both fascist and national socialist, because I just can't make up my mind I mean they both seem like fantastic ideas.
Neither, I'm ancap
I can lead myself, most everyone else can't though.
>you'll grow up one day
Only edgy teenagers are fascists and "natsocs" though
Yeah, they sure made it work by torturing and/or gunning down clerics and other people they didn't like. Followed by getting their asses raped by other countries because their organization was retardedly inefficient.
You're a fucking moron. The Paris Commune/"Anarchist" Spain/"Anarchist" Ukraine are nothing more than the squashed roots of a budding authoritarian shitshow. If the Whites won the Russian civil war, you'd be saying the same thing about "Lenin and his anarchist communist paradise."
Kill yourself.
I don't think anyone here truly wants a state as authoritarian as Nazi Germany... at least I hope not. But if you're ethno-nationalist and traditional it's hard not to look up to Hitler because he led the last successful movement with those values. And people are gonna call you a Nazi anyway, so you might as well embrace it.
I want my people to conquer the stars
same can be said about memecaps
>How am I a dumb fuck? I'm an anarchist
Kind of redundant, no?
Tfw no modern day Mosley
wow must be why I see so many teenagers running around with fascist insignias all day and never see memetarian symbols.
Nat Soc
Lolbertrains and ancaps need to grow up.
How about you kill your fucking self.
All authoritarianism is fucked up.
Nobody has the right to be a strongman authoritarian.
Nobody has the right to murder.
Fucking kill yourself.
Might is right
Worshiping a Jew named Schinklgruber sure does make you smart and better than everyone else doesn't it?
Ancap because I'm not a retard and I can see how obvious it is that the "state" will not exist in 3 decades.
If you are into politics but aren't a futurist, you are a fucking ape subhuman and deserve to get shoved into a ghetto when the AUGS take over.
The meek will inherit the earth. The meek outnumber your ubermensch and no matter how many people you destroy the fascists will always be killed and overthrown
Moral relativism is one of the worst kinda of degeneracy.
>raging this hard
>no rebuttal at all
Awww. Did I squash your little "anarchist" fantasy?
Here, have a picture of a smug "anarchist." The inevitable fruit of your ideology.
Mosley was truly one in a billion. Intelligent, woke on the Jews but not a sperglord, good looking. Hitler lacked the last two.
Thank God his work lives on so we can use it today
yes, and if the meek destroy us, then might is right.
No, because no matter how much you LARP you won't ever "rule" over me.
I'm a Nationalist and a Globalist
Fascism was already beaten, so I guess that makes it wrong.
More women voted Le Pen than men.
Thanks for proving my point.
everything else is lefty statist crap
fuck your nationalism
Fascist. Democracy has it flaws. Just because the majority votes something doesn't mean it's right. The majority can be fucking autistic. Like here in France...
Adolf Hitler truly had a beautfiul soul
Who the fuck wants bigger goverment and who the fuck want socialism
nat soc...
National socialism focuses on Eugenics and German Tribalism.It's also not as right wing as fascism due to the socialist aspect.Fascism is about natural hierarchies.Nazism is about appealing to the people
>*Adolf Shincklgruber
>fixed that for you
How so? Proper fascism hasn't ever really been tried.It's always bastardized by appealing to democracy and the people
No, having an IQ of 135 puts me in the 98% of all people intelligence, so although I am not smarter then everyone, I can say that there is a 2% probability your smarter then I am.
Also nice argument, you'll get where I am eventually even I was once a lolbertrian.
I am extremely fascist about my freedoms and extremely national socialist in regards to taking care of my people, ancap for people allowed to run their own business but any crony shit and you violate the nap = dead
>he's a 135 IQ brainlet
How does it feel to be on a lower plane of existence to 156 IQ masterrace like me? It's okay, the world always need Janitors and garbage men
Its a retarded failed system that murders people, how is it any different than any other form of authoritarianism? Its retarded, its warmongering, its sending your children to die in needless wars. Fascism is a failure of an ideology that perpetuates war eternally against the individuality of a man and destroys all personhood, even those within the party. If you fucking edgy faggots want totalitarianism so fucking bad go move to fucking Saudi Arabia or North Korea.
I highly doubt this.
His name is still Adolf Hitler
People don't deserve freedom, they become slothful and degenerate like we see in america.
Then by all means, fucking take your fucked up teeth and your crumpets and tea and move to fucking North Korea or Saudi Arabia!
this - it's all short-term, self-interested bullshit from women
I'm more of a civic nationalist.
You're an anarchist right? Move to Bir Tawil, its literally claimed by no state. There you won't have anyone ruling over you.
What is bobby fisher IQ 190
Keep trying there is always a bigger fish, that just so happens to be calling out the Jew
Also still not an argument, lolbertrian just love ad homs.
But Saudi Arabia and North Korea are not Fascist.Ancaps like yourself will grow out of this state, you will one day realise that the people are too stubborn and arrogant to govern themselves.Actual, Proper Fascism hasn't been tried yet.But guess what, the quality of life in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy was actually great.And the economies were good.The morale was good.You'll grow out of your anarchist fantasy of being able to do whatever you want.It'll never happen, why dedicate yourself to it?
Weird how high IQ people call out the jew. probably just a (((coincidence)))
"Nobody has the right to murder, so let's live in anarchy to give people the right to murder"