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That faggot Macron just announced today that all illegals migrants will get welfare and that he will make sure not a single one struggles
Here's the link to laugh at
Macron - For the immigrants. Fuck the French
The funny thing is that no one will come in and save them, because they let them in, legally.
What a bunch of cucks
They need to let in some aussies to give the Muslims the bants and kick off the civil war. I can picture you kangaroo fuckers walking around with Qurans covered in bacon
Don't be down my friend. They voted for this :^).
I'm sure if he demanded Poland to take in rapefugees, you'd make them feel right at home, wouldn't you?
Yes goyim you reap what you sow.
Um Germany, you guys ain't doing any better in terms of this, in fact you guys are on par with Sweden at this point. Damn you guys did a 180 from WW2
You forced us to because (((they))) ordered you.
It's all your fault why Europe is what it is today.
So you are saying the USA stopped you guys? I thought it was the russians
It'a not about who stopped us it's about who mentally reformed the people.
Western Germany was controlled by the US for the most part and you brainwashed the german people into this eternal guilt shit. That's why many people from eastern Germany are still so right wing. Russians didn't force this good goy guilt agenda but when the USSR seized to exist your propaganda even reached the eastern parts of our country.
Now almost all of Germany is the submissive goy you wanted it to be and we continue to grovel in front of (((them))) just like you do.
>blah blah blah
>it's not us who are voting merkel
Oh wait, it is. Regardless of the reason why things are the way they are, they are the way they are. White Germans are the ones voting to cuck themselves with no end in sight. Blame America, blame the jews, at the end of the day, you're still a country of weak cucks that deserve to die.
>Being this mad
>They voted for this :^).
literally so
5% parisians voted for le pen
9% of the paris region
looking forward to the raping of all the cuckservatives
Never have I implied that I'm mad. I'm basking in the hilarity that after a day of Macron winning, they shut off a train station due to 3 dangerous people
Macron then announces that immigrants should get gibs.
I have nothing to be mad about.
>allowing demonocracy to demoralize your face
not very aryan of you
yes i also want a 1000 people peace attack
Well paris is a literal shithole now to the point japanes tourists need therapy afterwards cause they were promised the city of love, wine and parfume what they got was a shithole so wow what a surprise.
>becoming the next cuck country
But Macron is more to the right than Hollande.
We should be slightly less cucked now.
Yes things are the way they are because you wanted them to be that way.
It can't be helped and I agree with you there's no way to save us because you can't escape mass brainwashing. The german people are voting Merkel because the media influence and feeling of guilt that you planted and still keep planting is incredibly strong here.
All it takes is some nigger smacking the word nazi into our face and we hush down like the good domesticated dogs we are. Just as planned eh?
He is just Hollande 2.0 but with his platform moved slightly right. Hollande knew he had no chance at winning so they commissioned a splinter cell.
>implying I'm White
>implying I'm not the most powerful race
I have nothing but contempt for Germans, Swedes and the French because their weakness disgusts me. Just thinking about how fucking cucked you lot are makes me sick. You let your children get raped in public swimming pools, you let your women get raped en masse on New Year's eve, you get run over by assault trucks and you make candlelight vigils for the poor muslims that may be affected by racist backlash, you never learn and keep voting to destroy your own people. It's infuriating watching you all do it with a smile on your face.
Paris Syndrome has been a thing for decades.
The world will be much better off when Germany collapses and is made an example of.
>The world will be much better off when Germany collapses and is made an example of
Oh that already happened decades ago. What's left is an empty shell being used as a tool.
But that time the example was to see what nice cucks you could become. It'll be the opposite message in the near future.
How many immigrants in 2017? Make your guesses below.
Your opinion is irrelevant you shitskin mongrel. I would rather be a weak white person than a strong nigger.
>i'd rather get raped by niggers than be a nigger
Spoken like a true cuck. And I'm not a nigger but I'd rather be the bull than a cuck.
>non white leaf
>calling anyone a cuck
stay jelly from the wrong side of history.
us and germany are the good guys and best friends forever
Why are you people so butt-blasted over France? Let them do their own thing, it's not your problem.
I feel bad for the decent people of France that don't want this like the one's that post here but fuck all the one's who voted for more rapists from Africa. It's truly a shame the entire French culture has to be put on the sacrificial altar to appease the European Union jews but I will be happy with news of every terror attack. Let them serve as an example to the rest of the world because their people clearly don't give a fuck.
i hope they don't make it everyone else's problem when the inevitable happens
Don't into hacking my voting bro.
Continental European governments have all done better than the UK on state education, health outcomes, democracy, industry, quality work, exports, affordable housing and living standards for ordinary people. They are all also less in debt, with better cheaper trains than in privatised rip off Britain.
They all have PR voting and representative mainly centrist governments. We have skewed right wing governments based on 30 odd percent of the vote and we have voted to cut ourselves off into faster decline.
Everything is in crisis here and not on most of the European mainland.
The UK thinks it is superior, but is falling behind on every measure and has voted now to plummet.
Fuck off back Paki
>ITT cuck countries making fun of other countries
jej keep laughing at us maybe it'll make harder for you to see the state of your own countries
awww. You gonna cry?
you guys always deflect, "yeah there are terror attacks foiled or carried out daily but look at YOUR country!". It's fucking pathetic, instead of deflection maybe you guys should take a look in the mirror and look at why you guys are so fucked up. I will admit, as well as amny Americans, that we have a serious nigger problem and a serious illegal immigration problem. The French fags always get butthurt and just deflect. I know you Sup Forumsacks aren't the ones to blame but christ.
>America and Britain lead the way
>Ignoring the media
>Media is faker than ever
>literally everything the say is the complete opposite of the truth
>French pussies follow the media like diligent litte sheep
you guys aren't human to me, kek
I'm sorry Tyrone Rodriguez, what did you say? I don't speak mexican.
holy fuck...
This is just sad. I bet he's crying as he tries to type these shit comebacks.
dude your country is being fucked up. We are too, so is the UK by pakis, so is Germany somewhat by muslims. Why are you frogs too proud to admit it though?
>Butthurt Labour voter
>mvq la France est pire que le Canada maintenant
Vive le Québec!
>frog and kraut are now le friends
Why are you still in the UK if you think that little of us :^)?
Move to France and see if you are entitled to some of their gibs
Mexicans and blacks are christians abdallah. Sure they're subhumans, but christians! It's a fundamental difference between our countries. Your immigrants are muslim conquerors you cuck. They will never carry a french flag with pride, hell I heard they're trying to cancel christmas trees and nativity scenes in schools and city halls. Tell me about your gun laws :).
I wont laugh at France
We have a saying "either say good about the deceased or don't say anything at all"
so thats it
I wont say anything about France
Its dead
France commited cultural suicide
Once center of European civilization shall become niggerian caliphate, led by a elderloving fag.
Charlemagne is rolling in grave
France is dead and nothing will change it
>Macron wows to give immigrants 'solidarity cash, 700$ per month
Shit that's amazing.
I can't laugh at France, there's too much mutual hatred.
well at this rate isis will have nukes in europe in 20 years so yeah it is everyone's problem like it or not
Is it bad that i hoped Macron to win, just to see France die?
To be honest, i always disliked them, mostly for historian reasons.
But i find it very funny (in a dark humor way) to see them getting killed by these Nigger Monkeys and Shitskined Allhuha Goatrapists, who they still protect.
Also everytime Mohamad and Ufububalagugu do a Untermensch firework, more people get racist, and that is fucking epic.
Btw. Sweden is still my favourite, with all the Ubuntus raping these slutty Mongoloids ^^.
Can't wait for the next attack!
Praise KEK