The cucks on leddit are trying to close down the /r/the_donald, what can we do to stop it and help our bros?
The cucks on leddit are trying to close down the /r/the_donald, what can we do to stop it and help our bros?
/r/T_D is the new world user, they are OUR colony
>our bros
No. Fuck off, faggot.
That being said if that sub closes down they will all flood here. Let's hope they have what it takes to help themselves. They'll probably just fold like Syrian immigrants and abandon their home without a fight like the cucks they are though.
Let's help them out so we don't get flooded with these faggots
>if they close it down we'll have to deal with a migrant crisis
>if they don't, it will continue to get even more cancerous
we got a north korea situation going pn here
On the one hand I hate you and your gay little community, but on the other hand I fear that if your sub gets shut down you'll all come here.
This is like the situation in North Korea.
>If we destroy them, we are flooded with inferior useless citizens
>If we "protect" them, they stay in their cesspool.
It's either help them out or get flooded with plebbit migrants if they get shut down. I'm conflicted here.
You racists are cute when you are angry.
You do realize that their fallback is here right?
Let them.
Reddit in general is pure cancer but that subreddit is the absolute fucking worst.
They're the retards that flooded Sup Forums with retarded memes to swing the election for a meme candidate instead of trying to push someone that might actually help the country. (for the record, no, not hillary)
Fuck this is a tough situation.
If we help the cancer grows and we are basically linked with them forever.
If we don't they may survive, most likely not, but then if they don't they come here and fuck our site up.
>implying they would come here
They're the same lily skinned faggots as the rest of reddit. They can't survive outside of their hugbox.
There's nothing keeping them on reddit aside from their fear of different opinions and criticism.
Hahahahha. So true. Don't need a refugee crisis on this board
When they invade in large numbers, they create an echo chamber to make themselves feel accepted.
they're not even fucking nazis
get out. take your socialism with you.
Jesus christ ledditers are retarded
They do this especially when the euro posters are asleep. I can't stand this place after 5 pm eastern, because all the cucks and nonwhites flood the board and post about inane bullshit and Fox News talking points
We just need to sharpen our edge a bit and most won't stay here long. Defend our borders with gore but there's no point of sending in troops so to speak.
>what can we do to stop it and help our bros?
We don't. Let nature take its course.
If and when they're shut down, we should immediately go all-out in dropping red pills. Not to convert them, but instead keep them away. Those coddled faggots aren't going to stick around on a board that's constantly insulting muh based niggers, kikes, trannies and faggots. At the very worst, most of them would go to /bant/ or some alt-lite site far away from here.
If their subreddit gts shut down those faggots will flock here
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA After ruining Sup Forums completely you expect me to help you?
No, kiss my ass. I'd post a middle finger picture but that wouldn't be smart
Stop using my name faggot
They're honestly one of the least-hateful subs at this point it's fucking hilarious. Watching all these shill subs spew absolute vitriol towards them while calling for them to be banned has me amazed at their lack of self awareness
>They're the same lily skinned faggots as the rest of reddit. They can't survive outside of their hugbox.
> They can't survive outside of their hugbox.
You realize Sup Forums has been a safe space for neocucks for like a year now right?
Truly though there has been a massive amount of bots shilling nonstop for the last 2 years
Prepare for our borders to be overrun by the_donald refugees. Not gonna be pretty.
Nothing of value lost
Good. Maybe they'll stop shitting up Sup Forums now.
They're already here calling everyone a shill who calls their hugbox of a subreddit cancerous
Fuck off r the donald nigger.
Make a subreddit called r/enoughenoughtrumpspam and make it a fat people hate sub
You don't have to prescribe to any political opinion to post here.
Whatever you think you just have to be able to back it up.
I hate redditcucks just as much as the next guy, BUT JUST REMEMBER: if r/the_donald gets shut down, we're going to have a migrant crisis on Sup Forums. And reddit isn't sending their best.
Let them die and flood the board with nazi shit.
Make this place stormfront 2.0 and run the civic assholes off
Need to keep td alive otherwise they will all come here
The only reason I might care is because I know they're going to come here, but they've already infested this board anyway
If that board goes, how are "we" gonna do normie outreach?
That board is a stopping ground and dissemination place for "our" ideas to spread to counterract the subversion and degeneracy rampant today.
They go, and we become an insular and irrelevant shithole flooded with useless normies.
>You realize Sup Forums has been a safe space for neocucks
Pol is the hurtbox mate.
Its about exposing yourself to constant stream of news from degenerate reality.
It is a constant black pill that values truth above all else.
Its not neocon. If anything its a conglomeration of Nazis and Libertarians.
>No mention of anti-semetism
Seems they need to spend a little more time on Sup Forums.
>Pinochet killed thousands!
While they support Stalin and Pol Pot.
You don't have the numbers to make your dreams work, you are simply dividing up what is the only feasible option.
>our ideas
last time I remembered we call neocon Jews out here, you get banned for doing that from the_donald. You have to go back.
The classic shill move. Changing or misusing the definition of words for your own agenda. So sad. Low energy.
I saw that shit, rage inducing lol
>when leftists accuse me of being part of a hate group
Try suicide.
Try posting any sort of liberal thread, it will be locked and archived within minutes. Sup Forums is a massive echo chamber
It's knd of like with Britain and Pakistan at this point mate.
thinking youre morally justified in everything you say and do is one hell of a drug
Communism general literally gets hundreds of replies every thread
Cruz would have been a better choice for the country, but to think I would trade that for all the laughter and insanity electing Trump brought there is no way.
Daily reminder only shills hate on t_d, its a vital stepping stone for normies to be redpilled. If we lose t_d itll be a bad day for us, we need to help save them.
god if they loose their platform more of them will migrate here.
We have the numbers and drive. This board has been throuh 2 deletions, pol harbor and the exodus.
Failing that we can ask hiro to ban Trump general and force them on bantz or just destroy it ourselves to deny the board to red.dit
Try post anything that isn't communism general, see how long it lasts.
do you not see the fucking repetitive communism threads every night? is that liberal enough or is there a far-far left i should be worried about?
Back to plebbit cunt.
It's an arena of political discourse. Weak arguments and poor examination are met with ridicule and are ignored, while a well thought out examination is held in higher esteem but only for the hour. And when one would think that moment is forgotten and the same arguement is used that golden retort is pulled right back out of the archive. Sup Forums is an arena, a hurtbox, and one hell of a nightmare for the easily offended.
Global warming, pro-abortion, gun control etc. threads also get hundreds of replies
Fuck off shill
Fuck you. The donald is a cult
fuck off arthur donald, not helping you
also "antifa hasn't committed any terrorist acts", just look up the anarchists
Where do you think the current civic nationalist assholes on here are from? /r/T_D fags think white pride is bad, and "muh based minorities" are good.
You're going to see a great increase in those civic faggots here once their sub falls.
please, please just stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a shill. It's fucking impossible to have a conversation.
>Implying anything other than Civic can work in this day and age
Start with civic and we can tweak it until we get what we want from there. If you treat all people truly equally (I.e. get rid of affirmative action and shit) the cream will naturally rise, at which point we can start promoting ethno-nationalist ideals, telling them that if they want to run shit they can go back to their ancestral homelands and run it there. If not they can stay and be labor like in Rhodesia.
>ignore flag. American here for work
It would actually help us at this point if they close
.02 cents
Wrong. The fact that you're calling me a shill proves my point haha
Not gonna pretend faggots and queers are normal
That hasn't been true since the Bernie migration cucked everything around the time he lost.
Good afternoon fellow centipedes!
Let's have a good thread but remember to tone down the racism a few notches okay.
>arthur donald
dude wat
How would that help us?
either lurk more than 5 minutes a day or open your eyes. You're not a shill, you're a dumbass potato
TD is full of idiots but they're useful idiots. the more people disputing leftist rhetoric on th communist cesspit that is reddit the better.
T_D doesn't really matter. It purely exist to get the other subreddit hidden.
Let it die
Kind of like you did after gamergate?
Because after the inital flood of faggots, we would never have to deal with them again, plus it would destabilize reddit further
Bring them on in. #refugeeswelcome
You're not our "bros" reddit. You are to Sup Forums what refugees are to western civilization. Fuck off.
Ok present wrapper, I'll be seeing you on leddit soon
Who fucking cares? Anyone posting on plebbit is a retard.
TD is the closest Reddit is going to get to Sup Forums culture. They're cancer, and they're reddit, but they're OUR cancerous piece of reddit. We CREATED them. Besides, we don't want them coming here if they get shut down.
>archived within minutes
Liberalism is boring.
Most people can agree with liberal principles like freedom of speech, equal rights etc.. There is nothing left to discuss.
>it will be locked
Nope. Moderators dont ban so long as it keeps to the rules. Maybe if they wanted to actually discuss liberalism they shouldnt put porn content in there.
Sup Forumsirgins need to go back too.
Then we need a plan for both outcomes.
If they come here then obviously they must be redpilled so we dump redpills in every "wahh, my subreddit was banned" thread
If they stay on rebbit than we continue with our hourly "R DA DONALD CRINGE"threads until they leave.
How would that cesspool flooding us possibly help?
Woah guys... FUCKING... BASED!
If they can't survive on their own they weren't meant to die
It's the Sup Forums way
He's right you know. They are young and foolish right now, but may yet grow into truly V O L K I S C H patriots.
Stop using this user's name please
Oh you're that dumbass commie /leftypol/ potato who posted a fake picture yesterday
ID filtered
if anything they are good for a laugh, think about how much they irritate the rest of reddit. didnt they have a thing were reddit had to cut them out of there front page because it was getting the most views or comments or whatever their popularity contest is for it.