Trump Playlist

>VP Pence hosts Honor Flight Vets 5/8/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #15 5/5/17
>Pres Trump on 75th anniversary of Battle of the Coral Sea 5/4/17
>Trump meets with shitposting PM Turnbull 5/4/17
>VP Pence Hosts Cinco De Mayo 5/4/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence/House Leaders on obummercare repeal 5/4/17
>muh legacy 5/4/17
>Pres Trump signs EO (Free Speech/Rel Liberty) 5/4/17
>SoS T-Rex address to Dept of State 5/3/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>American Comeback Story

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(muffled awoos)

Defend this. Pro tip, you can't

Ted Cruz is no dummy, however Sally Yates ate him for lunch, LOL! Honestly It was absolutely pleasant to listen to Sally and I really enjoyed her speaking, politely, professionally, directly, clearly and to the point.
One extremely intelligent, competent and composed lady vs. a small minded bigot imbecile.

>Conway ripped the guy, saying, “I like the way you talk shit while I’m walking away.”

Have to start putting concrete in the feet of journos writing these types of things and sinking them too.

Dan Scavino hinting at something

Spoken like a true Bernout.


Anything happening today? I know yesterday was court funtime, anything coming out from that? Any salt ?




If it was something he wouldn't be merely hinting at it in order to build speculation.

What is the butthurt gonna look like when Trump says Flynn was a fake patsy and rehires him?

>coast guard deliberately guarded their coast



>people unironically believes that the United States needs these things

GOOKS, NO!!!!!!!



It's probably a concession call from election night.

Get away from the chocolate, dog.

I wouldn't worry about it

Looks like greece found a solution to the migrant problem

>homophobic SJW retard

Asia really is a backwards place isnt it?

>as from 1 September 2017 Clandestine migrants who have applied for regularization will have access to 'solidarity cash,' 700$ per month
>t. Macron

Really makes you think

b-but I wuv chockwit

Happening pls.
please, a happening.

I can't take how boring things have been.

spice today?

Step away from the chocolate milk.

He wants to make friends with norks I think.

>Have to yell at an old woman behind her back while she is walking away

What a fucking pussy

Nothing much, 4th Circuit will probably keep being cucks so well have to wait longer for SCOTUS.

It's like I'm back in the generals

Awoos can't have the choccy, they'll die!

Now here, have this onion

haha, yeah right. they need to improvise during their deliveries constantly because of feral city niggers double parking in the streets and even thieving the packages from their goddamn trucks.

so much of ups' routes simply cannot be automated because of shifty hood spics and negroes.

CNN reports today

>Greece and Italy can just send all their rapefugees to France now

Thank you, France, for ruining yourself so that the better European cultures might survive.

>no-fault divorce
>basically created Al-Qaeda
>still celebrated by conservatives
Why did they object to Obama, again?

He's just going to hand out citizenship to tens of millions of immigrants so no nationalist like Le Pen can ever win. And the French will just roll over for it and take it like a bitch because muh tolerance and diversity.

Go back before the election and there was little of note ever. Consider yourself lucky, it was mostly debates over nothing conducted by armies of little hitlers

Christ, she's not an awoo, she's a hellhound!

it is odd, but they have the best news

It's like they don't want to be a viable source for news anymore

>no rand

cucked again

Well they average at 800K views now in total, they want to die.

They never plan to stay there, m8. Also Greece and Italy were already bred out of existence, only thing left are mulattos and ruins.

>Angela Merkel, no children
>Emmanuel Macron, children

Lesson; Stop voting for Childless people

he did this in his first day in office?

He's learning but he is still one salty manlet

I have no sympathy for the french people. Even the Le Pen voters.

They did not try hard enough.

I was in the Le Pen Generals. It was primarily americans, british people, and australians. The eternal Anglo was putting up more of a fight than the French.

Trump was elected because he and his supporters worked hard. Everyday Americans did what they could, donated what they could, and spent their time trying to get Trump elected. There was a real sense of "This is it, this is our last chance" and we fought like it. Even when things looked grim, American kept fighting for Trump.

I also want to say that even though America fought its hardest, I also want to thank each and every foreignanon who helped too. You all are very much appreciated, more than you know. I'm just saying that the country itself also has to fight. If America didn't work to get Trump elected, it doesn't matter how many foreignanons tried to help.

The same happened with Brexit. While Americans, Australians, and Canadians helped the British, it was primarily the Brits who helped themselves.

seems so. (and didn't announce this during the campaign, kek)

You guys watched the anonymous video that is on drudge?
Are they getting younger people to join or what?

What do you expect? He doesn't trust Paul Ryan at all.

I unironically supports this, it's a great filter for deranged people that feel no empathy

it is really unfortunate he was left out. hes had the best healthcare proposal thusfar. sad!

what a faggot

And "muh libertarians" and "muh cuckservatives" are praising him as a true-conservative free-marketeer

It was already in the works but he's speeding it up. He wants to make it so bad people won't be able to even keel.

at least you got cruz on it

>Ted Cruz
>Pat Toomey
they're a part of the Hispanic Caucus you bigots

France has their own image boards, you worthless wanker.

mailman / delivery truck driver is hell here.

Btw about uber and their retarded rating system, i did some digging

>Beginning today, Uber is encouraging riders to be more fair when it comes to rating their UberPool driver. Say, for example, you request an UberPool and aren’t happy with the rider(s) you got paired with and gave the driver a lower rating because of it. Now, if you don’t give a five-star rating to your UberPool driver, you’ll be able to give more feedback on why you rated the way you did.If your reasoning doesn’t have to do with the driver specifically, and instead is related to the other passenger(s), then the poor score won’t affect their rating.

Maybe the recent changes fixes your grievances, it wont be so bad after all by the looks of it.

What about onions?

I've been coming on this website for years. Since I've been coming there have been fags trying to claim they speak for "anonymous" it always ends up being some 14 year old faggot who just found out about Sup Forums or some shit. I wouldn't pay too much attention to anyone that claims to speak for "anonymous"

They're also lethal for dogs to eat!

r8 2020 prediction

I doubt they're near the size of Sup Forums. The French on Sup Forums nearly all rolled over and said it was pointless to try. They had given up before it even started. There was more push for Le Pen outside of France than in it.

Care more about Cotton. Cruz is just a conservative wearing an evangelicals skin. Evangelicals are snakes wearing human skin so they mostly didn't notice during the primaries

The fuck?!? Cruz is Hispanic. Fucking CNN whitewashing again just like with Zimmerman

I thought so years ago.


Nah m8

I fucking love the Greeks


Everyone kinda has this idea, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico I'd put in the grey, the rest will go Trump

>all white men

>tfw you will never have a woman that is as loyal to you as KAC is to Trump and America

i hate how 5-star ratings became the "ok" rating

>all white men
White men are exactly what I want running the government, no problem with me

>tfw half greek, half german
it is like the blood of the gods is mine.


Enough for fucks sake :DDDD

>New Jersey

Why not make California red while your at it? ;DDDDD

Texas will go blue

There won't be a California as everyone will starve to death, paint MN the deepest blue you can because Swedes are a horrid race of people, give New York a light red, make NH slightly pinker, and make Mississippi the darkest red you got.

If it's a black man that hates niggers
It's a special case.

Change CO and VA. I think Trump can turn VA red. He almost did last election and they had their senator running.

Minnesota won't uncheck itself, Nevada will turn more blue, and red New Hampshire is a fucking meme. Also Colorado is too fucking high to vote red

Other than that pretty good.

What good is size when French are a minority here? 33% from a formally minor party is great and the demographics indicate younger people voted mostly for her.

I wouldn't say 5% is almost.

The problem with Colorado is that while you can deport the spics, you can't deport the Californian refugees that keep voting like Californians after they leave. I still think he has a shot in Nevada and Colorado if he deports enough.

Our electoral map would be so much more aesthetic if New Mexico went red again and that blue shitstain in the middle of the country that is Illinois would fuck off.
MN only went for Clinton by less than 2%, fuck off

>comey just mispoke about huma sending emails to her husband!

What a fucking joke


drumpf btfo

*Takes a hit on his vape*
"We should totally have an open border with this country"

>half German
>doesn't even live in Greece

Sorry bro you don't qualify.

Fucking racists.
Ted Cruz is Latino, Pat Toomey is trans-racial Hispanic, and Mitch McConnell is a turtle.

More KAC adult fan fiction when?

it will depend a lot on job creation
states that were leaning liberal and spic in the last election will go full trump if people get back to work
and with military support it will swing more
the democrats last election were promising programs to people
trump offered jobs so he crushed it
trump will win bigly next time if the jobs are back and solid

>MN only went for Clinton by less than 2%, fuck off
It's a joke.

most texan babies are pablos already

I'm not so sure about Virginia. Sure they had their cuck running and still only won by 5%, but I feel like NoVa has been flooded with so many non-whites and DC bureaucrats that it may be futile.

I believe that James Conley needs to be put in federal prison for 10 years for intentionally messing with a national election to further prevent other agencies from doing this. I also believe the entire FBI needs to be both disbanded and abolished for it's involvement in influencing a national election. I would have the US Marshall's service comb and screen the entire FBI arrest anyone else who were involved, like many in the New York office. I would then re-set up the FBI but have them under the US Marshall's service from now on.

Everybody saw this dude politicize the FBI during the elections he should be prosecuted for interfering... what he did affected our national election, and swung it for Donald Trump..

You know they are Turtophobic. You saw the way they treated Jeb during the election.

*plays with dreadlocks*

we need mexicans to pick the fruit dawg

>tfw gorsuch is comfy but Clarence probably misses Scalia's fire

Because France is going to go through 6 years of death, depression, terrorism, and continue societal degradation. They already have the HIGHEST amount of Terror attacks in the EU, and will continue to have the highest for 6 more years. Macron wants to bring in more refugees and migrants and make it worse.

It's not gonna get better over 6 years. Am I some doomday prophet who believes France will actually collapse? No. But more innocent people will die.

We have the best Europeans, don't we, folks?

>red Hawaii
>red Vermont
>red Rhode Island
You might as well be trying to get a blue Tennessee.