>this scares the jew
This scares the jew
A person with dyed hair and thin bones?
lol my hair cutt.
Everyone on Sup Forums should have this haircut.
His hair looks soft :3c
He needs to lift weights, he has small traps.
not really gringo
is that Draco Malfoy?
No hair my friend. I'm an Iranian looking mogrel so it doesn't matter.
This guy looks like he could kill 100 civilians including children without any remorse. Good German!
Only retards believe that muscles make good soldiers. The will to exterminate makes again and again makes good soldiers.
>this scares the Anglo
You should not be on Sup Forums untermesnch.
Im sorry to hear about your racial handicaps.
His facial features look fragile. But I get what you're saying OP. Euros in general seem to be much weaker than Americans. We have a lot more fat fucks, but we also have a better strength training culture imo
That IS the (average) Anglo, desu
what is it called?
>ayo barber, get me that hitlerjugend haircut
I always thought it was an undercut but there are varieties of it
that fairy wouldn't even scare a child lmao
I don't think it has a name, but show your barber a photo of it and it's fairly simple. You need alot of hair to work with so grow it out beforehand.
the dresden dropout
No, Americucks are no different. You are just fatter and live off muh number 1 because you slaughtered Europeans for jewish gains. How that translates into "better strength training culture" I don't know.
His features are not that "fragile" either given the sight of many yanks I see at these rallies. You're degraded as much as Europeans have. Also, what scares the jew is the potential of such a phenotype.
>a country that takes pride in being used as cannon fodder and it's women being shipped off like cattle
The undercut.
>this scares the kikes, niggers, muslims and germanics
Hitler youth, but just show the barber a picture to save yourself the hastle
>This disgust the white man
>This hornies the Muslim
Aesthetic, need to find the blondest girl to make a kid like this.
OP confirmed ubermensch. Can YOU say the same??
good thing i'm not a country
He is ugly though
You're a Brit, OP. Your descent from the glorious heights of the past is all the more ignoble and shocking because of how recently you lost it all. If us Americans are so contemptible, it should shame you even further than you already are (if possible) since we have taken your former position of global dominance.
Also that guy you posted is on ridiculous amounts of gear.
>German genetics,best genetics
>pure Aryan
he looks dirty
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
That's because he just finished plowing your mom's asshole
Nice meme
He looks totally handsome and thereby very authoritarian, not the kind of feminine cuck boy in the OP
>americuck posting
>h-he is on gear
You don't say, you fucking spic.