Iron Pill Thread

Fellow Iron Pills, how can we combat the degeneracy pervading western society? I welcome any methods for improving the standing of the volk and curtailing the influence of our enemies.

As Lenin said, "What is to be done?"

Other urls found in this thread:

stop fapping

Don't quote lenin. He is a total cunt.

You don't get to determine degeneracy. Who are you to adjudicate morality? People evolve past their degeneracy. You don't get to control people. Let people evolve.

Here is a suggested reading list. Remember brethren, the swole of the body is worthless when one lacks the swole of the mind.

Anyone has that comic where he tries to use his volkish powers on women but since women are retarded it doesnt work?

But it is so fun

Is the ironpill the new fedora?

I'm trying lad

Very interested, don't think I've seen this one.
Did for a while. I like the ascetic idea of it, but after doing some research it seems that test rises for a bit with nofap but then drops drastically afterwards. The body literally downregulates production if you're not using it.
I'm just a guy with some historical context. Pic related

Just take off your pants and roll with it

It will all work out in the end, trust me

Why does he have the Trisquel logo?

>fap every day
>still aesthetic from lifting
>still have normal T level
I don't watch porn if that's what you're wondering but fapping ain't the issue here

it kills male drive yes. Sometimes that's good. Mostly bad.

That would be the altright populists

>HATES "DEGENERACY (ie things i do not understand)*


What's wrong with being a reactionary?
Liberal progressivism destroyed this country.

Except Sup Forums stands behind western civilization, whereas muslims rove from place to place ruining everything.
>culture comes from latin cultura
>cultura means cultivation
>if you are not cultivated, you don't have a culture


>Wahhhh im so weak and pathetic maybe ill just vote for this big strong guy to be mean to all the people I dont understand!

The "reactionary" part of the image was satire. Ethnonationalists (even white ones) aren't truly reactionaries because they lack historical context and grounding in pre-french revolution principles. The try to organize around the will of the people, whereas natural hierarchies are clearly superior. Ordered society is a triangle made up of other triangles.

Why does Iron Pill dress like a 3year old picking out his own clothes?

no thanks
i like women

And at what level of understanding do you think that avoiding your culture's eradication would be justified. I don't think you'd support the action even if every trump voter had a PHd in arab studies, because your issue with the action isn't the lack of understanding but the appropriate discrimination against a malfunctioning group of people. You just lob out the "trump supporters are uneducated" as an ad hominem, but the underlying rationale behind their decision is totally correct.

You live a fantasy. Know this

Natural hierarchies being monarchies/dictatorships, rule of the strong, you mean?
Interesting to see an American with this kind of rhetoric.




spotted the fapper.

I've got moldbug and evola to thank for that, although I always had a natural inclination towards hierarchical systems. Honestly, I still haven't found a structure that I think would work well, but I've read enough neoreactionary propaganda to have lost all hope in any system grounded in vox populi.

>Why does Iron Pill dress like a 3year old picking out his own clothes?

no one knows. the author is mystery.

Did I call you a muslim you wretched swede? A libertarian is just a progressive with a dose of "muh property rights". You have no deeper principles and can't conceive of anything above you, so you fall victim to everything that is below you. You love freedom and egalitarianism because you're afraid of a world that isn't at peace. The truth is that peace only comes from mastering the world, and mastering the world is only possible when we master ourselves. Of course, you'd rather wallow in degeneracy.

There's no hypocrisy in my system because I own up to all the nasty bits (at least on Sup Forums). And every day society becomes more accepting of those nasty truths. It won't be too long now before proper principled men can walk without fear through the streets.

This is so fucking childish it hurts. Don't forget to draw more shitty strawman comics in, that will certainly help you find a place where you belong so you won't feel useless and lonely anymore.

Here's a way to identify a fellow iron piller.

Tl;Dr me on the Iron Pill

we need white sharia now

The Iron Pill is a heroic archetype that we can endeavor to emulate as children of mother EVROPA. Principles, health, and strength are in, degeneracy and decadence are out.

White Pill will become the next Iron Pill after he dies. He's the best pill after all.

I'm on day 13 right now. Feels fucking great and already had one wet dream to clear up the pipes

We had this, it was called patriarchy. Same place we get the word patrician from. As long as we held to the old ways Europe "doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus". But now look at us. Our sickly hands can barely reach out, let alone grasp anything. We need a return to health.

Gray pill checking in. Mainly just sidelining myself to laugh at both sides

Orange pill is a nice new addition. Basically the Peterson Pill.

BRUH, I was trying to do nofap but had a wet dream (the first one that I remember desu) and felt embarrassed becaue I thought it was cheating.

are wet dreams okay then?

Lift. Remember alpha fucks beta bucks. Quit your job and fucking lift dude. Seriously, did I mention lift? Also when you approach a HB12 remember to go aggro and always neg. Agree and amplify and gas light and hangout at clubs. That's where the HB10+ hangout. Amused mastery when the bitch you're fucking acts like a fucking bitch. And always say "no" to project alpha dominance. Also, wear clothes that look 20 years too young for you. It might sound stupid but it projects dominance. Drive a truck you have to step up into and become extremely passionate about an obscure branch of martial art. And LIFT!!!


It'll make a come back soon. It won't be one big explosion, rather small steps leading to the inevitable. You see this happening in the U.S with Trump, he's portrayed as a brash, aggressive businessman who doesn't take no for an answer ie an alpha.

You also noticed the trends of those speaking heavily out against Feminism during Trump's successful campaign. People weren't afraid to speak their minds and dismiss Feminism as some scheme to destroy Masculinity, and now the average American cannot stand Feminism or the destruction of Masculinity. And where are the Feminists now? They're clamoring around Liberal safe zones lashing out at one another, eating the movement alive while claiming Patriarchy has taken over the white house.

I wouldn't worry about it. It happens in every era of Civilization, we'll return to our roots once again, give it ten more years or so, people are already seeing the blowbacks of the so-called 'Matriarchy.'

Become an example of excellence, and the ones that still have desire and will left in them will be inspired.

I am a professional athlete, and brought people on to the right path by simply being good at what I do.

Not only that, once they understand effort and applying the will, the more receptive they are to the truth of our world.



The Iron Pill sounds like a cross between a /fit/, a swag loving poser and a new age medicine doctor all rolled into a wigger covering... are you getting high off your own smugness?

But women won't like you back

>I thought it was cheating.
>are wet dreams okay then?
Of course they are. Wet dreams are how the body gets rid of excess semen when you don't fap.

yes, it's a healthy biological function outside of your control.

Thank goodness.

Now, the journey begins.

who else here at one month /nofap/

It's better to create a negative feedback loop for involuntary sexual arousal. I take ice baths twice a day and it dampens my arousal mechanism. I also use a wet towel in the morning and hit myself in the groin at a medium to soft strength. The bruising actually increases testosterone while at the same time reducing the urge for sexual arousal due to the moderate pain. I take calcium carbonate tablets to help with the initial nausea which only lasts about a half hour.

I will give you one tip though, wet dreams that are centered around jacking off to porn are still somewhat bad for you as it still is feeding off that dopamine addiction.

Try to practice mindfulness based mediation for 8 minutes a day. Just clear your mind, close your eyes, and focus solely on your breathing for that time and deny any outside thoughts that enter the brain. If you're thinking about porn all day, you're probably gonna have porn based wet dreams.

Overall though, wet dreams are preferable to jacking off, good luck brother.

Duly noted,

Thank you.

ITT fat lumpy nazi nerd pretend they are big strong tough guys

Veganism is iron pilled though.
So is catching wild game but that would be a problem if everyone in the world used it as their sole means of acquiring meat.
Why would any Volkisch man support the factory farming industry and the horrible way that animals are treated.

first step, stop quoting lenin you idiot.

lenin and his idiocy nearly destroyed half of europe and created the ladder that angela merkel used to climb to power

socialism is ALWAYS a stupid idea, because socialism IS MARXISM, the very same jewish plot you profess to oppose.

No, there is no "good type" of socialism. it's always bad.
No, there are no countries able to use socialism without spiraling into marxism, (see sweden, the previous poster child for "good socialism")
No, you can not have socialism without eventually sliding into a cesspit of open immigration, degeneracy and economic collapse

socialism is ALWAYS shit, because it's made from shit.

Lots of text big worlds didn't read lol
Plus bloke looks like proper fuccboi which most of this board would hate

Iron pill is daft m8
Stick with your red & black mix

This all help when you're starting out, thank you. To move up a level you can implement the following as well, I've had great results.

Once early in the morning I was following an HB9.5 out of the club and went too aggro on her. She dropped her pink self defense taser and I kept it. I like to run out the battery and charge it for like ten mins only to keep the voltage low. When you get the urge to masturbate or look at porn, I engage the taser on my genetals over my compression shorts. You can do it directly, but this tends to cause blisters and scabs which lead to itching which leads to you touching yourself more, which is a bad thing. The key is to practice and find the correct voltage and duration; enough to punish yourself hard, but not enough to cause permanent injury. The point is to associate arousal with pain so it's easier to maintain control.

I was quoting ironically, but I can see how that would be lost over the text medium. I'm no friend to those who drink the bolshevik poison.
It's that kind of intellectual laziness that allows lefties to look down on the right wing. Don't read the comic, necessarily, but have a strong counterargument up your sleeve for whatever progressive sophistry they'll throw at you.

I absolutely credit this current cultural pendulum swing to the internet. The ascendancy of liberalism in the last half century is due to the progressive hold over media and educational institutions, but now that the internet is ubiquitous we have a change to spread contrarian ideas without risk of social ridicule. I think that over time the hegelian dialectic between the new viewpoints will produce an ideology much more in line with reality - along with some dank maymays.

>hit myself in the groin at a medium to soft strength
Holy, are you memeing me? Did you have some seriously unhealthy fap habits before you started this practice or do you just have a strong libido?

A volkish man would recognize the natural hierarchy present between man and lower beasts. He would also recognize that as an omnivore the path to full human flourishing lies in eating from the full spectrum of nature's bounty.

Has someone met a brown pilled guy in real life?

At my worst I was out of control and masturbating 3 to 4 times per week. I've implemented the groin hit/ice bath method for a few months and I'm never going back to my old ways. They're good to do in combination because of the swelling. My test count is higher than ever and I feel like I'm finally atoning for all the bad thoughts I've had over my life. It's really a serene feeling.

I just fucking pissed away £30 on some erotic content.

I feel like such a pathetic cuck.

>natural hierarchy
That's not the point, if he really cared about being superior to animals he'd go out and kill his own not pay someone to torture/rape/kill animals for him

Self flagellation is not Iron Pilled, self control is Iron Pilled. Read some Evola and get your life in order.

Get rid of your credit cards or keep them in a safe deposit box if you have to. If you want to be iron pill, you have to work on self-control and self-punishment for creating negative feedback loops. I've done all of these and they've helped tremendously. Try cold showers anytime you do anything that makes you feel short-term pleasure, or if you're away from home use clothes pins in a pinch, no pun intended.

Thanks for your testimony. I'm going to try cold baths.

not masturbating 3-5 times a day

so what's wrong with degeneracy its our natural state

And is he supposed to bind his own books too, before he reads them? But wait, he'd have to chop down the trees and process them to make the paper. But wait, he'd need to make a hatchet first.

Self sufficiency is a meme. The division of labor is a prerequisite for specialization. Specialization is what allows for mercantile exchange and the spread of civilization. Man's ability to coordinate his actions are precisely why he's superior to the beasts.

Degeneracy is beneath you. Here is some wisdom from the /lit/ Iron Pill thread.


I agree, but we all have to start somewhere. If you're bad enough like I was, you don't have the mental tools necessary. You must start by using physical tools on yourself (I mean actual tools) and the mental strength grows from there.

Degeneracy sounds fun we all only have 50-80 years of life before an endless nothing might as well party

You are EXACTLY right.

it is a fucking "feedback loop" I keep falling for the same shit over and over and losing my hard earned money over and over again.

This has to stop.

>iron pill thread

Haven't seen one in awhile.

European Paganism pill is the final pill.


universe dosent care might aswell kys

Somewhere between Iron and Gray desu

Let me give you a more complete chart. Had to crop some out to make it fit.

if anyone has a higher res version feel free to share.

Leftists have become so repulsive that they are driving normies to us. The best thing we can do is just offer them the same resources we found when we were red pilled. TGSNT, Red Ice, TheRightStuff, all the AmRen talks, ect. I told one of my coworkers about Vargs yt channel and now he watches him. My dad used to be a hardcore zionist Christian, not anymore lol. People are more receptive to our ideas than you'd think, you just have to wait for the opportunity and they will soak it up.

>European Paganism is the final pill

Exactly if you are going to rid your continent of foreign races and cultures its only logical to do the same with religion. I dont see how you can call yourself a white nationalist while worshiping (((their))) god.

>When you realize you are Indigo pill with an Iron pill physique
No feels, after learning everything I know I lost the capacity for feels

That Generation Identity book is trash, it just read like one big bitch fit.

Archeofuturism is great. Would also recommend Shock of History.

I know that feel. I have some minor nerve damage though, but I'm with you.