Is Islam a problem? If so, what to do?
kick out
Infiltrating humanist and enlightened information into their environment
Physical removal?
Accept and have your wives and children converted to force and raped?
Is Islam a problem? If so, what to do?
kick out
Infiltrating humanist and enlightened information into their environment
Physical removal?
Accept and have your wives and children converted to force and raped?
Other urls found in this thread:
Islam is not the problem. The people are the problem. I could start a cult to kill every human being, if people follow me, It's the peoples fault for being willing to subscribe to terrorism.
Stop being a social constructionist.
And yet innocent children get brainwashed in the desert to believe in the non-sense of a pedophile goat fucker. Ofc Islam is a problem, look at the devouring potential of this death cult. The only school lecture this brainwashed kids get to use is the pile of shit called Quran.
Islam is the problem, they truly hate anyone who doesn't believe in the Quran. We the people have not seen the dark side of it.. for fucksake they think little boys are for pleasure and females are for reproducing.
Islam is the problem.
It gives ideological justification to wage war against the nonislamic world: dar al-jarb, or the house of war.
Islam should be eradicated, along side Judaism.
>hate jews
>and women
>and "degeneracy"
Look at every country and compare them to another in their rates of Islam and see what you find yourself.
I personally wouldn't want anything to do with Islam
Wrong, whabbi is the violent branch of islam that isis and saudi arabia follower, the man is right, people are the problem, especially ones like you.
So does christianity, none of yall have researched islam to have any input.
Yes. Look at this news
There's only 1 peaceful branch of Islam, the Ahmadiyyas (and only because Ahmad their "messiah" was heavily influenced by buddhist and hindu teachings). Naturally, they're considered Kuffr by every other sect and are subjected to Jihad.
Should add that cognitive dissonance on the part of the more moderate muzzies != Islam being peaceful. The moderates simply don't have a good understanding of the life of their prophet.
Ive researched countries with shira law in africa that didnt use such extreme means while others did and only subjected muslims and not non muslims too it, and what about the history of peace between sunni and shiite, the majority of islam? Also look at the timeline of the creation of the branches, whabbi aka terrorism is spreading even to indonesia, its also one of the more recent form of islam established that was shunned by the vast majority due to violence and not allowing festivities.
Sunnis are subhuman confirmed.
Islam apologists like you, won't change the fact that your religion is degenerate.
Not a apologist, i speak facts. You can live in ignorance and blame who you want, but as a german i expect better from you. There is a enemy in paris,germany and europe. Their called saudi arabia, and "was" turkey. They send whabbi sunni's from their land to take over, they have yemen and refuse to attack their religious enemy, the jews. I even saw a source where they threatened to send jihadist to the russian olympics, they are the reason for the arab springs and many other disasters, and their being paid alot to do it.
There is a difference, speak to them. They infest your country, you'll know the difference because one kills the other even though they are both sunni but one isnt whabbi, its more of a tool to do what you want as long as your a man, a tool called religion that controls the many.
History is the truth, the 70's show a middle east with modern values that was shapped by radical islam, or whabbism muslim brotherhood, among other recently created movements under the pretense of islam, its such a simple strategy and there are too many idiots.
Not surprised with you, your country is lacking and was destined to perish.
Also, how can i be defending islam when im speaking against another form of it? All religion is bad but the people who do no wrong shouldnt die, ive seen how they feel through videos, some are staged some are real, you can tell.
Islam is a big problem in Sweden. It has brainwashed people to think it's okay to rape our girls and fuck goats to death. Pic realted, it's one of many goats found dead with semen in it's anus. It's so bad that most Swedes avoid going near to the muslim areas at all.
You are absolutely right. In Islamic societies, reading a book other than the Quran and religious texts is considered unnecessary. They base their entire existence on the book and they have no other ideal than living like the people from Muhammad's time. Islamic is made to dominate people's lives in every aspect. There is no place for entertainment, no place for art, even the social life is divided and less encouraged.
NOBODY can reject that the ideals designated by Islam are immoral and it is a medieval state of mind. The only valid argument for Islam is that it wasn't reformed like Christianity did, so it's barbarism can be tolerated. The problem here is that Islam, by nature, is counteractive to any kind of change and reform. It strictly defines the way one should live and treats those who don't welcome with violence. Islam is always ready for war, even modern history has many examples of mosques and imams calling for attacks, for war.
Because of these reasons, Islam is the a plague of humanity. However we can't blame the idealogie completely. Since it's very reactionary, we must treat Islam with stealth, Western world has publicly stood against it and it only makes it stronger. We should draw a line between the religion and politics while we intervene (not that we should) in Middle East etc. Islam thrives when the people who defend it are attacked publicly or targeted, they legitimize themselves through self-defense. Also, USA are the main factor for Islam's rise. First, they supported jihadists and Islamists directly to beat the commies and after that they made it even larger with their occupations. They are only recently beginning to understand that used idiotic politics after causing Iran to become a Islam state, making Saudi's rich, supporting Bin Laden, dividing Afghanistan etc. They are real idiots and now the whole world, including the Muslims are paying for it.
And almost all of them are young men, i know the situation, some of them arent even from the middle east. Most come from nigeria,somolia,saudi arabia, and more im unsure of, it was all a lie tols to you by the western "allies" and nato.