Weed is OBVIOUSLY bad for you, you retards

Weed is OBVIOUSLY bad for you, you retards

Weed Causes Cancer:
Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

Weed Is Addictive:

Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Other urls found in this thread:


Weed Causes Lung Damage:

Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:

'Causes' you should look up what that word means.

>Weed Causes Cancer:
Smoking weed causes cancer*...So does smoking carrots.

People don't smoke carrots . . .

Correlation doesn't equal causation, but correlation is evidence of causation.

And many of these studies establish causation anyway

Who gives a shit. It doesn't hurt anyone but me, the person who made a decision to smoke it.

>Weed is OBVIOUSLY bad for you, you retards


What about alcohol, should that also be illegal?

Hurts your kids, hurts your family. Hurts the taxpayer if they have to pay for your medical bill. Hurts anyone you influence, hurts anyone who looks up to you.

That's a separate topic. Alcohol isn't the same thing as weed. Also I didn't mention legality.

>but correlation is evidence of causation.

this thread gave me cancer

Weed isn't just one chemical. Some chemicals in it are good for you but any study on cannabis, not specific chemicals found in cannabis, show it to be incredibly bad for you. CBD is in cannabis, its good for you, and it doesn't get you high.

Lol no, that not correct

DARE pls go

Are you retarded?? The point is, it's not the marijuana that gives you cancer, it's the carcinogens from lighting matter on fire and breathing in the smoke.

Show me a single person who has gotten cancer from eating marijuana.

>what is an outlier
>what is coincidence
>dude weed lmao

Niggers are bad too

So are muslims

Smoking is the most common method of consuming cannabis.

That's like saying cigarettes don't give you cancer cos you can shove them up your ass

and weed is a nigger drug

>being this brainwashed

Your ID is purple because you're a faggot, why don't you go holster some cock, there, Mexico?


now time to roll

What is vaping, genius? As a nu-male, you should know all about that.


Cry more

It really hurts SOO much

Ban coffee too

Coffee is a completely separate subject. And legality is a totally different subject. I didn't mention law.

Weed is for degenerates and niggers.

>inb4 muh alcohol kills

Alcohol is for degenerates as well. So are cigarettes.

Sort yourselves out.

Okay so you'd agree "tobacco doesn't give you cancer" is a reasonable statement then?

Alcohol and weed are not separate topics. If you believe in the regulation of one substance but not another you're just playing games and being a child.

Which is obviously what your little Larp here is all about

>I'm a white fucking nerd

Ban water

go home old man

>Chronic use is bad
No shit. The majority of those studies showed nothing for light, occasional users.

Alcohol is worse yet nobody gives a shit or even mentions it.

Honestly OP what you're doing is projecting.. you realize that you're unhealthily addicted to the internet so you're trying to lash out at another group that likes things you don't like.

Maybe you should turn off your computer, put your phone away, and do something else for a change

>now watch as the weed fags storm this thread to defend a plant

I'm actually not. I post this very thing in this very thread every day. I've done ALL of the drugs, and although I do not condone drug use I do not support it either.

I think everyone has the right to do what they want with their bodies, and I also think everyone should try drugs and alcohol at least a few times, but I also think it is just part of growing up.

If you are still doing drugs past 21 you are a miserable failure at life and you should seriously consider suicide.

here for a good time not a long time
that's why i take steroids and smoke weed after my workouts

My point is that weed is degenerate. Weed and alcohol are different drugs. I didn't mention law because I didn't want to talk about law. I wanted to talk about the effects of one specific drug.

And no the only reason they'd be related topics is if 1. I was arguing the legality which I'm not and 2. I thought the only reason they should be illegal is "drugs should be illegal".

Weed and alcohol are different chemicals, have different properties, therefore if my reasons for it being illegal is related to a property found in one and not the other then the legality is a totally separate topic and would require discussing totally separate principles.

But non of this is relevant because you're just using your libertarian principles to dodge discussion of the topic of weeds health effects

Fuck off paddy


I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to take advice from a Canadian

No its not idiot its just a plant while you do real drugs like alcohol. Do you wanna ban grass or trees too LOL moronic

You get worse health effects from sitting in a chair for more than 3 hours a day

Get over it you fucking crybaby

Yes. Tobacco doesn't give you cancer. Smoking things gives you cancer.

>Eating tobacco
No cancer
>Vaping nicotine
No cancer
>Injecting nicotine
No cancer
>Nicotine patch
No cancer
>Shoving tobacco up your ass
No cancer
>Smoking cigarettes.. as well as anything else

>"smoking anything gives you cancer"
>"but smoking marijuana does, too"

>TFW will never blaze it with snoop Dogg,Jesus,Hitler & Abraham Lincon

I don't do any drugs. Don't smoke. Don't drink. No coffee, no tea, no chocolate, no simple sugars.

A lot of these studies didn't take into account that the subjects they were testing could have already been retarded, and used other drugs before weed.. not all but a couple that I clicked on even admitted this.

no one is dumb enough to take a stoner seriously, either.

enjoy your life as an unmotivated manchild

You REALLY need to learn to talk without being autistically specific . . .

So you're like the vagan fags that want a ribbon?

Yea they did

In order which is more degenerate, weed, fapping, alcohol, hard drugs and being fat?

>Hard drugs > Being fat > Fapping > alcohol > weed

Then your opinion is completely invalid and discarded

Go fuck a potato




>don't do drugs
Lol boring kid no experience you have no right to say drugs are bad for you
>does drugs
omfg why do you blame drugs for all your problems take some personal responsibility

You people are brainwashed.

Hard drugs > Weed > Being Fat > Alcohol

They account for tobacco use you mongoloid.

>Every effect of weed that is negative is a tobacco

Yeah right haha

Ireland is not a real country

Vatican City could beat you in a war

FYI I have probably done more drugs than you but it is completely irrelevant.

>I'm actually not. I post this very thing in this very thread every day.

That was cancer to read you autistic child. Nobody gives a shit what you have to say because what you say is cringey garbage. Reevaluate yourself.

You're fucking retarded. Chew gives you all kinds of oral cancer, you fucking mongoloid.

Like this one that mentions other illicit drug use could be a factor, then writes off the other drug use as insignificant.. how can you single out the effects of weed, while knowing test subjects have done a multitude of other drugs?

>preachy born again vegan that wants a ribbon

Start posting those hilarious "studies" where they claim that cannabis can give you schizophrenia, you know, the ones that literally only exist in the UK and Australia, have low sample sizes and laughably poor methodology? The ones always sponsered by government health ministries in the aforementioned countries?

I love those, they're funny

Good thing there were tonnes of studies and not just one

This. Preachy people need to shut the fuck up and mind their own goddamn business and stop acting like society is responsible for them or other people who make shitty choices.

Hard drugs>being fat>weed>alcohol.

Fapping is nearly a biological requirement, or at least some feeling of sexual adequacy (which is what Fapping emulates)

>Brainwashed fucking idiot who wont accept any information that contradicts their degenerate beliefs.

You're basically a feminist.

and you have the gall to call others 'child'

stoners are disgusting

You're probably the same retard who will say I don't have a right to talk if I haven't tried anything

Basically anybody who disagrees with you isn't credible

Nitrosamine in chew*, nigger - Which comes from pesticides and other contaminants during curing and processing.

migrants kill more people than weed induced cancer.

>no simple sugars
Any fast-acting carbohydrates, such as those in bread and pasta, convert to sugar instantly once in your body.

If you really want to go all of the way for your health, then you need to cut out breads and rice and such too. Low-carb diet.

Look at my flag. I mainly get my carbs from potatoes. Don't eat bread. Sometimes I eat brown rice, never white rice.

Dont smoke. Dumb nigger.

No, I agree with you, you're just a loser and a faggot.

>a leaf calling anyone else a faggot

you're just jealous no one wants to smoke you

Well, potatoes aren't good for ya either bud. Just pointing out that, even after abstaining from so many substances, you still consume things that are unhealthy for you. You are not above those that drink and smoke.

These are interesting papers, I will take them into consideration while writing my review paper on weed.

So I'm not above some fat fuck who eats chocolate and drinks cola all day because because instead of being 100% optimal health I am instead only 98%?

>a fucking potato moor
Lol Britain should've totally ethnically cleansed the island; we'd be much better off without you and your commie nationalists.

>all of the retards that think that smoking something that alters your behavior is in no harmful to your brain.
really made me think.

the delusion is real


Weedfags act exactly like fat feminists trying to claim they are healthy.

>Weedfags act exactly like fat feminists trying to claim they are healthy.
No. You're acting like bacon is the devil just because some fatasses indulge in it way too much of it and fuck up their health.

What is moderation?

All memes aside, this is a fantastic collection of reputable studies. I am definitely going to share these with my Jew professors who are still pushing the "muh weed cures cancer and isn't addictive" meme

>implying that matters to the jews
they pushed the retarded theory that claims that every single human came from africa when even the creator retracted that claim but the piece of shit jews still pushed it.

You have college professors telling you weed is good for you? Does this Marxist hole have a name? Why do you even go there?

Yeah cos those girls got fat on salads and excercise >.>

Table sugar is bad for you. Ice cream is bad for you. Cakes are bad for you. And weed is really bad for you.

You know what you're even worse than the fat feminists, at least they don't claim cream and icing make you thin.

I like you potato nigger

See you tomorrow! Same time, same place!

>alcohol is least degenerate

found the alcoholic.
get help.

Not going to name the Jew because that could get me expelled but guaranteed you can find it in any liberal arts classroom. Even tho this was in my Bioethics class

Yeah it's pretty common for college professors to say weed is good for you. Jews are pushing it now.

Pretty sure CBD gets you high. Are you thinking of THA?

No CBD can't get you high.
The myth of "different kinds of highs" is complete bullshit stoners came up with after hearing that CBD is good for you.
This whole "Nah man I smoke high CBD strains they give me a more relaxed buzz instead of a trippy one" is complete nonsense.

THC gets you high, no other known compound in weed does.

>You get worse health effects from sitting in a chair for more than 3 hours a day

No. That argument is total garbage.

Drugs is for retards

Actually the "relaxed" feeling could be explained by them having less oxygen in their brain due to smoking more to get the same amount of THC.

But CBD definitely doesn't get you high. You can get pure CBD and it doesn't get you high.

i love how these threads always draw out the UC students and reddit shills

As a regular pot head since 16 I can say that people shouldn't smoke until they are 25

Let your brain develop or you could fuck up your hippocampus.

I vape or eat my weed to avoid the carcinogens inherent to smoking literally anything.

Weed is still less dangerous than alcohol or cigarettes, both of which are legal.

Smoking weed is bad for your health, whoever says otherwise is retarded.

However, your whole "I have to pay for your medical expenses" thing is bull shit. You can say the same for red meat.

You also ignored posting the medical qualities of marijuana when it isn't smoked and is applied correctly.

Either get rid of booze and tobacco, or shut the fuck up you useless Hibe.