Is the world better with nukes?
Is the world better with nukes?
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in the hand of kikes? no.
No, but now that the cat is out of the bag, the world would be better off if everyone had nukes.
>believing this
>what is nuclear deterrence
If it wasn't for nukes the arabs would have bombed Israel a long ago
We need nukes to take advantage of the energy they can produce, same for fusion
I'm just horrified of what terrible weapons these can make, despite how much they can benefit us
That Civilization 5 AI tho
How do you deter someone if they have the exact same weapon as you? That's like saying "don't shoot me or I'll shoot you".
if everyone had nukes, no one would ever use them. if you mean the world would be better because of this, then sure. we wont get nuked, no one will. but speaking in means of power and control, its best that not all countries have nukes.
Have you never seen a mexican standoff?
It would be better if we launched them all
things would be solved a lot more efficiently if not everyone had nukes.
No because no one fucking invades a major power. The removal of threat has turned Western Leaders and their people into total faggots which is why the left wing utterly rules.
It's either nukes or industrial warfare.
Nukes are fine, but creating protocols to initiate global thermonuclear war if your nation ever falls is beyond reprehensible. So is owning an illegal nuclear arsenal made of stolen technology and resources from your "allies".
>removal of threat
If you think that risk of invasive war with death and destruction is less dangerous than the mythical rule of the left with some degeneracy attached, then i don't have news for you. Only children who never saw war can think that way.
It would be if we ever fucking used them
the ayys wont allow it
- Wargames 1983
Nuclear first strike will lead to ecologic suicide...
And everyone is screaming theories about north korea and iran, but no one double checks. or even care for example how israel got some, which is state that dont signed the nuclear arms ban treaty...
At the end of the day, no
An armed society is a polite society, most Australian cucks don't understand that
>implying I don't have wn arsenal of nukes already
No.We can't even kill each other live civilized men anymore.
Why even live?
> We dont need nuklear electricity because a plane could crash in it
> Implying fukushima was a very intelligent place and NOONe xD xx( could ever predict it
tfw coal and oil
tfw doing 1000x more damage than dicks made out of uranium-233 that emissi as much as a football field per america.
why ask? is the wolrd better since gunpowder was invented? better since man learnt how to ignite and preserve fire?
yes, it is better with nukes. the last two discoveries lead to more bloodshed.
There were more than 2000 surface nuclear tests and a few hundered atmospheric nuclear tests.
That's about 1000 nuclear wars already just for testing purposes.
Weird how nobody seems to bat an eye at that.
Nuclear war isnt that big of a deal and they should just get it over with and DO IT.
Constant teasing and blueballing for 60 years now.
Someone explain to me why normies are afraid of nuclear warheads that have almost ZERO fallout when the ruskies even tested shit like the tsar bomb that has significant fallout.
Like doesn't it count when it's only exploded for testing purposes?
I dont get the nuke panic AT ALL.
We should have had 2600 nuclear winters by now.
What exactly is wrong with Pax atomica?
That eagle looks so fucken badass.
Well with them we won't repeat WW2, that's for sure.