>average German almost 50
>low birth rate
>lots of job openings
Germany needs 200.000 immigrants a year to survive. Why doesn't Sup Forums understand?
Average German almost 50
Yes we know you love sucking muslim cock now fuck off
Have you tried it? Its really good!
a cancerous growth will kill the body.
Germany is the next Armenia. Say goodbye to the German ethnicity.
A german typing with a muzzie dick in his mouth.
Fuck you.
Why doesn't the government pay people to have kids?
Maybe you wouldn't need them to survive if you actually took responsibility like your ancestors and worked while trying to have as many children as possible with white purity.
Gov actually does that, but its not really a game-changer desu. The tax cuts are more useful than the money families are getting
Have you tried just have kids? Fucking Germans.
You know "immigrant" doesn't have to mean "muslim", right?
>Germany needs 200.000 immigrants a year to survive.
No we don't. Why would we? People are simply thinking economy is the holy grail and we need to increase consumerism and taxes to make the rich richer and feed the ever rising debt spiral. It's literally a hoax.
Germans were almost wiped off the map multiple times throughout history and they survived.
more jobs available with less workers to fill them means companies will innovate and compete for the labor that currently exists. this is exactly what you want in a society. free market with low unemployment and companies competing for workers.
importing sandniggers and other subhumans to fill these jobs will just replace the native population, drive down wages and balkanize your country so that you never attain political unity. a house divided falls.
Why not having kids n shit instead?
So Germany without Germans?
Also lol at using that Jap English teacher immigration spammers Jap Pepe.
Why don't you invite Russians/Ukrainians/Belorussians instead of Arabs? We would gladly integrate.
*Cough* capitalism *Cough*
>1 post by this ID
You are wasting your time asking.
So you don't understand the matter at hand? Debt based monetary system is not essentially part of capitalism. There existed capitalism without that (like weimar republic or pre 1913 US). It's just that was pushed by the elites to enslave the people but this concept is not necessarily capitalist.
daily reminder that capitalism is a term made up by karl marx
>Inviting migrants that doesn't talk the language and refuse to learn it
>99% of them end up on welfware
How about just raising your birthrates you faggot?
Make young german people have 15 kids each, just like dunecoons and niggers do, and problem solved.
Why is so hard to understand?
>selling your land for a bunch of useless notes to buy shit you don't need.
anyway, you've crossed the Rubicon 50 years ago.
you won't exist in this present Geoffrey and racial fired in the near future.
>lots of job openings
>Germany needs 200.000 immigrants a year to survive.
>Non-german immigrants
wew lads
the memes right themselves
>Germany needs 200.000 immigrants a year to survive.
stop listening to jewish social engineers. they want to fuck you hard
I want to come!
Aren't you getting tired of posting the same shit every day?
While you are right that at least german Sup Forumslacks should use their dicks and not their mouths for the sake of our country you must understand that our society is completely differently structured as making children becomes an optional burden instead of a life insurance when the state carries your ass in every aspect as long as you use most of your energy for the worklife.
That and the fact that the nuclear family does not get protrayed in the best light make the bearing of children appear unattractive to the natives.
"Wow hans, I never knew you were black!!!"
This is not shithole (latin) America, amigo.
I'd love to move to Germany to help make it white again, but the language is too hard to learn, sorry.
Lots of job openings? Really? Where can I get one?
Shitskins and niggers are net loss, retard.
>average German almost 50
>low birth rate
Conclusions: German birthrates must be boosted
>lots of job openings
Not a problem as it is. Most job openings are just fishing for wagedumpers. Most moaning about lack of skilled workers is a farce to import more niggers by libfags and to lower wages. There is no "shortage".
>Germany needs 200.000 immigrants
Now kill yourself faggot
They have no time for kids because of work. They need to work because immigration costs. The economy grows because of immigrant consumption. And economic growth makes the dying kraut happy.
Germans want to die. They have no history. Germany is a lie. Adolf saw it, created a myth of the past, and made the people believe in a future.Say what you will about Hitler. But know he was in truth their savior, and only hope for a future. Now look at them.
How about you stop that birth control and abortion shit? There: problem solved without niggers and mudslimes.
of course it is
A Romanian
We ( Whites ) Should focus on having more children and putting the question of demographic crisis to the politicians !
>millions of unemployed spaniards, greeks, french and italians
>NOPE better import africans who wont work anyways
Germany everyone
turkroach plz go
>make the bearing of children appear unattractive to the natives.
I wonder (((whos))) responsible for that
Just make some kids and give them jobs early.
Who needs foreigners?
germania delenda est
Lots of EU nations have high unemployment. Why not get workers from those countries and solve two EU problems with one solution. If the EU doesn't already have an organization that helps ensure its current labor force is properly utilized it should create one.
If it does have one already they should find out a way to make it work better because obviously a lot of EU labor is not being utilized judging by the high unemployment figures in some EU nations.
The people liking and voting for the heavenly welfare system and some economists who drew the cheapest conclusion.
>import refugees to take up jobs
>won't even curb their own trash
The rapefugees wont work anyway. If they wanted to fill Jobs they would do what you propose. But you know its not about that. Its about the eradication of germans and white people.
>world is vastly overpopulated
>declining populace is somehow a bad thing
Germany is a castrated country with a population that is almost as soul'less as the chinese. They think happiness is a number. In germany are unspoken strict rules that i cant trace back to any other country in the world. Their minds are like robots, they always functing the same in the same environment and than change when presented to the next. They dont care about immigration as long as they are productive for the holy economy. A happy german is a german in a environment they have chosen as happy and will output the same behavior and emotions they have chosen for that environment regardless of how they felt just moments ago. You people dont know the german, i do.
Wait first it was about saving "refugees" and now it's about filling jobs? Oh ok.
Going into a recession and having your country slowly die would be better than importing shitskins and letting them run amok in your country, giving freebies, letting them freely rape your women while you defend them.
Low birth rates mean nothing, people don't just stop fucking.
The question is even deeper - why there is bigger unemployment in those countries? Where did the workplaces vanish (let me remind you - there are less people).
This is the resul of EU policies.
> Germany needs 200.000 immigrants a year to survive
If I pull off those immigrants, will you die?
A risky move, actually. Turns out that overly generous child benefits are a bigger incentive if you are poorer or less responsible, thus spurning the wrong people to have children.
A better choice for a natalist policy would be subsidies on childcare, generous rules around time off of work, and tax breaks rather than handouts. (Tax breaks only being effective if you already make enough money to pay tax.) Make having kids cheaper, but in no case actually a situation where people on the dole have a couple more kids to boost their gibs so they can buy new rims on their ride or whatever it is that they spend money on.
it would be very helpful
Es ist nicht so, man kann Deutsch in ein paar Jahre lernen.
ffs Germany, it pains me to see you come to Mexico and have your children here :(
"abkindern" (maybe best translated as off-childing?) was the practize the Nazis and the DDR sucessfully employed to boost the birthrate.
You may get a credit by the state for an own house (or a business?) and for every child you make a quarter of the credit doesnt lie on your shoulders anymore.
The AFD wants to make that a thing again.
So AFD is pro-mudslime party?
>Germany needs 200,000 immigrants a year to survive
To survive what?
And how does importing people who want to change your whole society equate to surviving?
I don't think having less people led to higher unemployment in those countries. Look at Japan or South Korea. They have declining populations but very low unemployment. In the past importing workers from these nations might have caused a brain drain and that could have caused the economic problems in the high unemployment EU nations. However my plan would only target people who are unemployed in EU nations with high unemployment and if anything could help undo some of the damage of past brain drain worker migration or at least alleviate some burden on their budgets.
Germany should ban shitskins then import Slavs (but pay them this time, the whole forced labor thing was inefficient).
Europe is finished and so is its long dead identity. Evolution doesn't select for cuckoldry, it selects for reproduction.
Failure is its own just punishement. Success is its own reward. Simple, really.
Sup Forums should work for war and chaos, not to de-cuck cucks. Europe really deserves a biowarfare attack. Kill everything then let nature take its course.
EU (globalist) policies led to more unemployment there.
>> "survive"
Do you honestly believe that your country would die if your economy would shrink few % point?
I find it hillarious how Germans accept giving away their country for a promise of sustained income - as if loosing few hundreds euros is worst than loosing your country and heritage.
>Germany needs 200.000 immigrants a year to survive. Why doesn't Sup Forums understand?
So Germany needs to cease being German in order for the German nation to survive?
Which court decision is this meme referring to, you fucking mongoloid?
Germany - the kind of autists that take in an in Austria FAILED ARTS STUDENT and make him their surpreme Führer ... surprised when he shits the bed - fucking idiots.
ROFL. You dumb fucking pieces of shit. You realize the heads of Siemens specifically started pushing this idea in 2013 to defray the financial strain of weakened German economy? They wanted to reduce the labor prices to offset their lower buying power.
How are you people this fucking dumb?
They even have interviews on youtube that still say as much.
You people deserve to be raped. Seriously.
Also, this should be natural market correction. Increase the wages, people will be more content and produce more children. You are using immigration to support the aristocrats (haplotype z381).
>low birth rate
rly makes you think
apparently germany is also lacking shit in their public pools, since they bring migrants to fulfill that job.
>Muslims owning houses
they do.
usually the run down shitholes packed with human trash and subsidized by the taxpayer.
Instead of giving gimethats to immigrants why don't you give gimethats to germans so that they make babies?
You know you could've just taken in Chinese people.
Germans are unbelievably trusting of bureaucracy and systems.
A family that doesn't send kids to state schools is psychiatrically disturbed. News sources that go against what the government says are unheard of. People may not like the idea of foreigners taking over their country, but they don't criticize the current situation, because they trust that the government knows what they're doing and has their best interests at heart. I swear to god the only reason the Stasi doesn't still exist is because Germans value physical privacy, not because they detest that type of government overreach.
a society is nothing more than the people in it. if you replace the native german population with foreigners, the country/society is no longer german. why is this so difficult for you retards to understand. If you replace the german population with pakistanis, you are now living in pakistan. you stupid fucks are inviting your own ethnic cleansing and replacement, and if you allow this to happen now, there will be no opportunity to go back.
>because they trust that the government knows what they're doing and has their best interests at heart
Just one answer: politically correct
Population fluctuations are normal and have happened throughout history. They've convinced you it's necessary to take in immigrants to survive when it's not, it only ensures unhindered growth for corporations and a higher GDP. They're shilling mass immigration for money and power, make no mistake. It's all about the profit graph shooting straight up with them.
Your people won't die off from losing some numbers, you'd just have less crowded cities. Instead they are being replaced and your cities are crowded as shit, with shit.
Yeah that's what I'm saying
In Italy it's the opposite, we are convinced that the government it's doing all wrong all the time, even if it is doing something good.
Now that feels a little healthier to me
I understand the German state is inherently anti-German and anti-white, and that it's collapse would be best for all white people.
Why don't YOU understand this? Oh yeah, because you're German.
But what about your booming economy!
>Germany is overpopulated
>Economy is booming
>Birthrates decling
>Germany is overpopulated
>Economy is booming
>Birthrates decling
>Germany is overpopulated
>Economy is booming
>Birthrates decling
Don't worry, your population will correct itself soon enough. And guess what it will take with it.
Why don't japs allow immigration like germancucks do? They both got rekt in ww2, went through allied indoctrination, are westernized and have ageing population but you don't see poor chinks/koreans/asian peasants being invited to settle or drowning by the thousands off the shore of Honshu. What's the difference?
germans work less than any other nation and have higher purchasing power than norwegians
we chose not to have children; that's it. i dont want children either
those sand nigger will never have the quilifications that are needed. Fuck off Achmad
Reminder that "ageing population" is Jew doublespeak.
Japan is overpopulated. That is why the population is "ageing". It is a problem that is innately self correcting.
Ding ding ding.
Took to long to get this post. Germany would survive if it was just a village of people. It's the people that count not the fucking economy.
Also importing shit skins who can't even read THEIR own language isn't exactly going to be a good replacement for Klaus the egineer. If anything you are compounding your problem. This whole estimate is just a bait and switch anyhow to get Germans to be more accepting of the genocide by the Jews. You guys can pretend that you want to be forgiven by your past transgressions but Shclomo wants you dead for pointing out his tricks 80 years ago.
Better just die out than and give the land back to mother nature
Germany won't survive.
You don't have time to integrate that many people. Their culture will swallow yours.
Wow. I can't even imagine how anyone could ever think that.
because Koreans and Chinese hate Japan with a passion for the horrible shit they did to them in the WW2 era