Misogynists BTFO

>Study shows that code from female coders is more often accepted on Github than code of males, but only if their gender is concealed
>If the female gender of the submitter is revealed, the chance that the code is accepted decrease


Why can't men accept that women are better programmers? Why is there so much misogyny in the industry

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damn I'm trying to get into this for a career but women are turning this into a meme job.


>meme job
What do you mean by this?

women coding is 90% comments and pre-made functions

men coding is condensed and efficient but harder for normies to read

>misleading social scientist with a degree in gender studies uses statistics, bias, and limited data to prove a point
BTFO women are the future for sure

I explain it to you shill; male code faster therefor more mistakes, secound the few females get special treatment and help, at almost every uni by beta orbiters and the institution.

this has already been posted and reposted and debunked so many fucking times, Ahmed.

what is endogeneity you dumb monkey pseudo researcher?

> gender equality is saying women are better at something than men.

I've been doing it for 16 years now, at 3 different companies.

I have never seen a female programmer in the flesh.
Not even at some event.

They say they exist but it can't be more than 0.1%

don't you want to be a driller of earth instead user?

We've been through this, the study is flawed since it gauges sex by username and profile pic

So all the weebs are counted as women

Makes sense, but not cause women are better than men.

Very few women get into Computer Science. The few that make it end up being pretty good, usually. Whereas guys are anywhere from half-assing it to being superstars. There's few to none female coders between shit and average. They are all above average, cause otherwise they'd have given up by now.

Don't fall for then propaganda people. Women can't program for shit. They're only and only hired because they have tits.

Isn't this the study where they said if the gender isn't shown on their profile they go with the picture used?

So a bunch of weebs with anime girl pictures were counted as women despite them being males?

The data is based on email addresses linked to google accounts. How many tranny coders are there?

>2 differente pieces of code for 2 completely different things
>right is full of comments that are not needed because even a 4 month programmer can tell what shes doing
>literally just a girl attention whoring and trying to show off to people who know nothing about programming
this is why i hate my gender sometimes

lol vice..
im a professional programmer with 12 years of professional experience.
i've met my share of good women programmers i admit that, but theyre few and far between.

i lost count how many times i rejected a woman merge request..

the ones that are good usually are normal people, as in, not feminist or SJW bullshit. funny how that works, when you like something and are good at something it shows, not need to yell it.

Has anbody actually seen code written by women or knows a female programmer?

I have, it was horrible, but the student in question was only somewhat abover average intelligent, so this no good anecdotal evidence.

I've literally never even heard of a female being a roughneck on an oil drilling rig

Please provide images of your breasts or proceed to the nearest digital exit.

If they have a female avatar they are definitely a girl, just like an any online game only girls play female characters.

be honest though, would you date a woman who was a roughneck on an oil drilling rig? Would you want a woman working with you if you were an oil worker?

They arent cut for that kind of intense manual labor. Too soft and delicate.


>implies only men are behind it.

Fuck off back to shareblue

uh iv got a few pics left over from Sup Forums but im not making a new timestamp in a thread thats basically dead

I'm currently in an AutoDesk Revit class. Using, not even back end.

The woman decide me can't even follow along with the lesson. It's like she's never used CAD before and she's been hired on as a designer. The entire class has to stop and help her through every other step.
>wtf man

>Implying I would want to be a "programmer".

I'd rather dig ditches then fucking program for a living. Love watching Sup Forums drool over "muh programming jobs".

Even saying it puts hair on your chest.

It won't be if you post them.

I know this is sarcastic but I wonder how many people really think this.

good lord no. in fact, the only girls i know who are in anything that isnt dead end retail/waitress/secretary or college for something useless are heavy equipment operators. oh and one crane operator. never really even heard of a woman doing actual good manual labour

heres the one from Sup Forums. il make a new one if this hits 100 replies but i doubt it will


fuck forgot to turn of trip so sorry

This has been debunked several times and its old.

Stop shilling faggot OP.

Compared to poos everyone's code looks good.

This is my career and I love it because there are hardly any women to fuck it up. I specifically go places where there are a minimal amount. There's still a level I bet the majority of them can't break past.

>il make a new one if this hits 100 replies
My god....

I loved the AutoCAD classes during my undergrad. Go in, get to work, BOOM, class is over two hours later. Fuck, I loved those classes.

You have nice tits and a good body.

That article is garbage though

>my gender
Couldn't you just say 'I hate women' instead of your (((subtle))) attention whoring, doing the very same thing you complained about in your post. Now tits or gtfo.

Ill take the Mongolian beef with fried rice pls

Sup Forums won't let me post my joke again

An Imgur link......

Go back to plebbit.

Because females have poor work ethics.

This. Most will always fail in the real world because orbiters did the thinking for them so they don't have the foundational knowledge.

Because you should stop shilling

I am okay with women attention whoring if they at least say/write something redpilled.

>An Imgur link...
rule 3 on Sup Forums says i cant post nudes. where else would i post to but imgur?
Sup Forums.org/rules#pol
trust me iv tried posting them before here, the mods banned me pretty quick

>100 replies

>Implying study isn't biased
>Implying Vice news doesn't spew feminist shit for money
>Implying the pool of men programmers and female programmers is the same.

Southern poverty law center level bullshit

Nigger this is shit we should be shilling. (((SJWs))) were a fucking God send for the right. They literally recruit for and create our propaganda. Their cuckery is fucking poetic irony.

Better start looking for your camera

>Despite misogynistic suggestions that women have no place in STEM
Said nobody ever. Fuck off with your strawmanning, Vice.

Well that new mass effect game a good example of female coding. I heard it was great..

>their peers like the code better.

how is this a standard for whose code is better? what about if it fucking works? what about efficiency? proper encapsulation?

readability is only one small part of good code.



But is this just a joke or have you experience with poo code?

>Literally a girl attention whoring.

Well at least you see the flaws in your gender now tits or gtfo

Just like Indians, only replace tits with "muh H1B

Come back when women make something actually influential like Unix

>"..by their peers..."

Theres a lot of starvation in the IT departments lool


I work in development and the only women I have ever encountered in the field were either meme-tier 'scrum leads' or some other management shit or 'community outreach officers'.

Women in software development do not exist.

what's funny is her "max" function returns 5 when you pass it two of the same numbers "because I'm random XD"

but the maximum of 28 and 28 is 28, not 5

what a god damned retard

The last female coder that wasn't hired solely for her vagina was Carol Shaw.

Left is to get fast inverse square root, left is to calculate the larger of two numbers. One is simple arithmetic, the other high tier algebra.

>those sample sizes in the research article

Karlie obviously knows that the fast inverse square root algorithm has been superseded by the much faster and more accurate x86 instruction rsqrtss, that's why she accuses men of producing ineligible and plain archaic code.

>male logic

I know this article is bullshit but you got links to the debunking? I want to indulge

>drillers of earth

The only thing modern white women are drilling in modern times is coal.

Indians>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pussy ass Americucks.

Das a nice tittie

Mother of god


It couldn't be more wrong, women are HORRIBLE coders, fucking hell, unbelievable

>100 replies
Those tits are subpar.

There is literally a "study" producing this exact result for every profession you can think of. There's even one for orchestras, so they're saying people are biased to think playing a trumpet is a "male thing."

There is no reason to take this study seriously while not taking race IQ data seriously.

you mean the right is to calculate the larger of two numbers. and notice that it returns 5 if you pass it two of the same numbers

brilliant programming. it's also extremely basic C, whereas the left function is clearly some nerd with a mastery of C's operator precedence and shit

Calm down Poojeet, stop thinking about American pussy and ass all the time.

Wtf just code dumb ass lol. Pretend it was your mom coding.

>51 %

I can make up numbers too.

Can confirm.

The only women I ever talk to are paper pushers or someones shitty PM. BA's as well, but never any chick coders.

Yeah I meant right, afternoon coffee still hasn't kicked in yet.

look guys im really sorry i would make a new timestamp but my mom just showed up out of the blue and idk how to take one with her at my house without her asking why. it was a shitty thing of me to promise and if this thread hits 100 i will post my timestamp in another thread later today when she leaves. we are panting my front deck balcony so no idea when that will be sorry im so sorry pls dont hate me

t. makes $20K a year on a H1B visa

Any, at least anecdotal, evidence?


>Attention whoring this badly
Just fuck off please

>wanting to have more women in STEM field
>most women go to gender studies and women studies

You choose this.

Yeah, in my uni, the shit I see the girls there code, fucking imbeciles, all of them

drop the poison user and take the ironpill

It's ok sweetie :)
Some other guys on this board can be real jerks desu.

die fag

>All I do is win win win win.

>how to lock a door?

*unzips dick*

Nice tits user. Added to my fap collection.

no i promise i will link this thread in the new one later and post my timestamped tits

Belly button or gtfo