Let that sink in. He is too INSANE to be President.
Let that sink in. He is too INSANE to be President
Why do leftys need to write a whole paragraph just to make an unfunny meme
"Officials say."
And please tell me how a conversation between Obama and Trump got leaked to the media?
Let THAT sink in.
This is the entirety of their evidence: youtu.be
fuck off leaf
>trump was given incomplete and not sufficiently supported evidence
>its trumps fault he wasn't given enough
truth be told the risk could have been looked at more closely, but hindsight is always 20/20
>let that sink in
Why do I always see this shit accompanying some liberal bullshit? Is it supposed to be some hypnotic bullshit because it's not an argument
Let this sink in:
It's because their intended audience is so retarded it takes them a long time to get the point they're trying to make.
You have to be compromised by the Jews to be in U.S. government.
How much money do you get to waste your time on pol posting stupid threads to manipulate the intellectually weak?
>Alex Jones says the frogs are gay
>they really are gay
Let that sink in
Let this sink in:
Trump lost by 3 million votes, therefore he is not my president.
>Obama warned Trump about Mike Flynn but didn't arrest him or remove any of his security clearance
Obama confirmed for Russian spy
> therefore he is not my president.
You're a fucking leaf
>Let that sink in
He's not your president anyway leaf. Go fuck your dog, and shut up
LOL silly leaf. Rake yourself. :)
Putin is against the NWO, stop pushing cold war bullshit, that was long ago.
A part of me wonders if this bogus story was pumped out by our media to distract from the Sally Yates testimony where she said JACK SHIT because she claimed everything was "classified."
We are basically the same country, you pay for our national defense through nato so we should have a say in you elections.
>My dick is 7 inches long.
Let that sink in
"You bought my car, so I should have a say on how you redecorate your house" yeah okay LEAF. :P
why is it ALWAYS the leaf
>“Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, director of the DIA between 2012 and 2014, confirmed that his agency had sent a constant stream of classified warnings to the civilian leadership about the dire consequences of toppling Assad. The jihadists, he said, were in control of the opposition. Turkey wasn’t doing enough to stop the smuggling of foreign fighters and weapons across the border. ‘If the American public saw the intelligence we were producing daily, at the most sensitive level, they would go ballistic,’ Flynn told me. ‘We understood Isis’s long-term strategy and its campaign plans, and we also discussed the fact that Turkey was looking the other way when it came to the growth of the Islamic State inside Syria.’ The DIA’s reporting, he said, ‘got enormous pushback’ from the Obama administration. ‘I felt that they did not want to hear the truth.’”
Where is Mr. Flynn today? - cnn.com
Jews own every major media company, movie studio, and bank in the US
Let that sink in
It's not really a meme, it's just a piece of information. I feel bad for impressionable kids like you that grew up half-baked because you spent your formative years on Sup Forums.
More importantly--NOT AN ARGUMENT
fucking sinks need to go back
Who's bitch is this?
nobody supports trump since he bombed syria, go whine on t_d about him if you really care so much
Yates is a traitorous cunt who should be brought up on charges
Obongo hated Flynn because Flynn dared break ranks and speak out about him
Flynn was not "compromised" by "the Russians", but he was illegally spied on by the obongo administration
remember - not listening to what obama tells you to do is literal treason
dude, it's donald.
how could you expect something different?
>why didn't Trump listen to vague warnings with no evidence presented to him by deep state opposition
>Fired Yates
Yeah, no shit. Isn't that what happens when a new incumbent enters office?
when are we going to range ban these people
Occupy democrats is known for being misleading. Get your head out of your ass leaf.
That's what happens to people who refuse to do their jobs.
>i know dahnald that you won, but technically i had more pawns in the end even though you had gotten my king and queen, because i had more pawns alive i won, drumpf btfo.
meanwhile in actual testimony what yates said was "he probably could have been compromised"
yup potential crimes
AND totally ignored thousands of classified documents on a private server of clinton
nope clinton wasnt exposed to blackmail at all
>obama supposedly knew something was up while he was still president
>didn't remove his clearance
>Yates knew while attorney General
>didn't file to have his revoked
>fbi knew
>didn't tell the president
Yeah either someone is full of shit or the entire government is incompetent. Pick both.
that's how they convey information to each other.
Obama appointed Flynn. Obama supposedly knows of some Russian involvement with Flynn. Obama does not remove security clearance from Flynn even after Flynn is no longer director of DIA. Flynn was actually removed from DIA by Obama because he kept talking about upcoming tensions in Syria. Obama didn't agree and fired him. Still keeps security clearance. Syrian tensions escalate. Flynn was right. Obama tells Trump Flynn is influenced by Russia to discredit him.
Daily Dose:
Now get the fuck off Sup Forums and have a wash
wtf im a communist nao. heres all my money erry body.
>Obama appoints Russian spy
>Gets intel from Russian spy
>uses Russian spy for his own personal agenda
>somehow Trumps fault
liberal logic everyone.
Really engages your thought-engine.
(((Let that sink in))) is one of those liberal gaslighting/brainwashing weasel word phrases, like "Let's be clear" and others that attempt to prime the reader into accepting the underlying narrative even exists as they lay out their alleged example of it.
I would unequivocally prefer to breathe dumpster fires than spend a second on an occupy democrats page. It would be less damaging to my fucking brain function.
Trump is an idiot. That much is clear. But ultimately, we may have dodged a bullet in electing him. He has a house and Senate that can't make up their minds about anything, even if the majority is his party. The judiciary hates him because he's pretty much insulted their validity ("so called judge"), and his own intelligence services distrust him (and he distrusts them). He's already starting to look worn out after repeated losses, but still manages to make an idiot out of himself from time to time.
The way I see it, he's not going to get much done during his term, and will likely get voted out in 2020 unless he pulls a miracle, or gets an even shittier opponent.
Regardless, it's better to have 4 years of nothing happening in government than 4 to 8 years of Hillary.