Moore's law has died. We can't make transistors that much smaller until quantum tunneling stops it from working.
CPU clock speeds have been the same for over 10 years now and there's no way to get them faster
Is it over? Are we witnessing the beginning of a great technology stagnation, where we will either maintain our current level for decades, or even slip back into a more primitive technological era?
How will this affect politics, economics, and the world?
What do we do now that Moore's law is dead
Novel 3D architectures, new materials from materials science research, topological insulators, carbon-based materials like graphene and nanotubes being used in construction, higher parallelism, possibly greater use, more customized construction sets built into chips, etc. AI algorithms will be able to develop domain-specific heuristics to optimize chip construction to some extent.
Political implications are rather minimal:
Now we make AI machines that go out into the galaxy and beyond and convert the moon, mars etc into awake computational engines which go out into the universe, and keep converting until every atom in the universe is capable of thinking and making decisions, we will turn the entire universe into a brain. And maybe that brain can stop our sun burning up and killing all biological life.
Really? i think it's quiet a neoreactonary topic, also the decling world average IQ and smarter people (high IQ whites) having less children.
nanotubes are our generation's flying car
All those things are memes, the only one that may have a chance is the graphene, but even that is only going to shrink transistors about 4x from what silicon can do. Clock speeds aren't changing, we have hit the physical plateau of the sigmoid function of computation. There really is no other paradigm.
They need to stop being cucks and make CPUs bigger hotter and more powerful
>CPU clock speeds have been the same for over 10 years now and there's no way to get them faster
No theyre not, only with the last 3 years ish.
Also, the speed doesn't determine the computing ability that much.
Moore's law isn't dead, his first law went as predicted and so did his second law which also predicted we'd get to a point where we can't make them smaller anymore.
For structural use maybe, but they have tons of novel uses for physics/electronics applications, I worked with a professor doing research on them in undergrad and we just need to find a way to effectively mass-produce high-quality low-defect ones cheaply.
only stalled due to the physical, not the logic. if you stop being sexist physical binary computing and embrace gender fluid ternary computing the growth can continue.
Good thing computers are already powerful enough, so my pc should run every game for the rest of my life, hardware business will be dead
>this thread will die while the 30th one about boogie3749 will hit 350 posts.
Have a bump anyway user
the pan sexual engineers will fix this in the near future since it is difficult for white, male misogynistic engineers to grasp.
Ternary computing would be interesting but is a meme because the entire industry and architectures, hardware, etc. already evolved around and are optimized for binary. You can't disentangle all of the momentum that's already built up behind binary computing. Even then ternary probably wouldn't offer any performance improvements and in all likelihood would be somewhat slower.
is giving myself a "you" like masturbation? it feels so nice though.
Mate, the last time Intel cucks did any major improvements to their CPU lineup was Sandy Bridge (I believe 6 years ago) and they've been polishing and shining it since. The i7-2600 is still more than capable when overclocked (better than my 5775C stock).
thats sexist.
>domain-specific heuristics
is this like giving a handjob behind walmart?
Yeah many computers can't even use all the processing power available to them as it is.
Much of what we've done with speeding up computers now just helps with making up for bad programming and the use of game development software.
>Are we witnessing the beginning of a great technology stagnation
The last major invention was the laser over fifty years ago. Technology has been stagnated for a very long time. Innovation is no substitute for actual new ideas.
>We're going to run out of oil in 20 years!
>t. Man in 1919
GaAs transistors or similar. Basically moving away from silicon will give the next boost. I could see this lead to a new resurgence in single thread performance.
These other semiconductors are already in use for things like radar.
They started saying that after the crying italo american.
I don't think that technology it's really stagnating, but our consumption of it, surely did.
The only real technology you can get now that's cutting edge it's smartphones.
>Why would I buy an electric car when oil costs almost nothing and there's so much of it we'll never, ever run out?
>Actual person from 1920
Wasn't the GTX 1080 a massive improvement over the previous lineup?
Also, much like phones I wish they'd just make the damn things bigger and more power hungry. They're going to be in a massive fucking case anyway so size does not matter
GaAs and other silicon alternatives are so expensive compared to silicon for widespread use that they won't make it widespread simply for economic considerations even if they have greater performance.
You know, we could just keep paying Taiwan less and less for HDDs.
If programmers weren't complete shit these days it wouldn't matter for years to come.
That might work but i don't know
Thank you, user
That's depressing
I don't know if that's a perfect analogy but I see your point
Holy hell -- if you aren't kidding, I hope you get raped by a thousand hot pokers in every pore of your being
This desu. So many unoptimised games coming out lately. Developers are lazy these days
Asimov is that you?
>Something that could be reliably depended on to get better and better finally matures
Time to invent something new.
The same could be said of cars, the roads were made for horses and cars probably weren't reliable or much better than horses at first.
Why can't we just stop?
Technology is fine now, let's calm down a bit
We have some flops, they're good, let's enjoy them
t. EEfag
>slip back into a more primitive technological era?
Why would that happen? Other than for whites dying out?
It seems like we won't have a choice. I do kind of agree with you as well.
>ever believing in Moores law
Stick to Star Trek
Id be more concerned with EROI and peak oil
you would think the next step would be for a transistor to mimic parallel gate switches similar to a brain neuron and not parallel "brains".
What a bunch of nonsense.
Quantum computing ho
The only people saying that are climatefags who have ulterior motives. No serious person said that oil would run out in 20 years.
Quantum computing nigger. Go back to Sup Forums
Focus now is on making the tech we have more energy efficient.
Once Quantum computing is developed, we'll have way more great tech
Whites being eliminated would be a main contributor, although the Asains could keep it going until ((they)) got the them as well somehow
This is a big one, which adds to my point above. Peak oil and no/few whites = complete collapse of civilized society and regression back to the "ooga booga" days.
So we need to start growing brains in vats? maybe using Artificial Uteri we could overcome the cranium limit set by the female birth canal.
We are moving further away from the need for personal devices to require that sort of higher clock speed, and more toward collective processing anyway. There will be a paradigm shift away from manufacturing and improving physical cores, but everything else will continue to improve.
Nah the best hardware neural analogue will be memristor-transistor arrays, transistors for processing and memristors for storage, bundled right next to each other acting as one neuron, many layers of interconnect, fit an entire brain equivalent on a large chip.
Okay, but what massive advantage does ternary computing have over binary that the car has over the horse? Nothing even fucking close. Ternary has been tried before, the Setun wasn't miles ahead of any binary alternative machine.
Need more data.
>Are we witnessing the beginning of a great technology stagnation
That said, we've already hit another problem that's much bigger. The death of imagination.
People already carry smartphones with more capacity than they will ever use them for. They don't use their computers for anything near capacity in anything but games.
Don't you get the real problem? It's not computer speeds, is that we have all this potential, more than we needed to sequence the gene code and fly to the moon, available to nearly everyone in the west.. and we're doing nothing with it. Only entertainment. People carry the repository of all human knowledge in their pocket and they still have 20 minute arguments about who played the one part in a movie from 20 years ago.
Nobody has a vision for the future. It's just "I wish things were less shit".
Choinah managed to get quantum computing working like last week so no problem (assuming it's not a hoax).
I allways though quantum computing would do that.
will the black brain chip equivalent be discounted? will there be a brainiacDX and brainiacSX? funds are a little tight at the moment.
this is just proof we stole out current technology from spacecraft showdown in New Mexico and reverse engineered it. You can only go so far. Ahaha. Microwaves... do you seriously think Humans inveneted it? Hahahahaha
>Computers stagnate for years
>Chinks finally use their lack of concern for humanity, and merge it with comp development
>Create biomechanical computers, with genetically engineered human brains as the core; interfacing between the user and the "brain" is perfected to work like classic computer models
>Have to "feed" it on a daily basis, remove waste from the system
>If not properly taken care of, will malfunction
>Small chance of the brain becoming aware of it's situation, where it'll become hysterical/murderous/insane; totally fucking up whatever operation it was in charge of.
>Audio distorts if this happens, video distorts, text documents, any data will be horribly twisted/corrupted
>Human fear and misery captured in data files
Don't let it worry you, once India sorts itself out innovation will advance once again
>implying (((they))) wouldn't put some bullshit weather mechanic in the game that eats up all your cpu.
do you even technology bro?
processors don't need to be faster. you guys are focused on the wrong shit
>make processors faster so our garbage operating systems can handle the shit code we implemented
Look up TempleOS
>Bought a few budgies
>Love to watch them play
>Get a laugh out of watching them stare/peck at/sing into mirrors for hours
>Realize that a good portion of humans do the same shit with Snapchat
Ever wonder if we're really just some higher powers playthings ?
Fucking thank God. Maybe next time I build a computer it'll stay cutting edge for longer than 15 minutes.
>watching someone spend half an hour doing faces at snapchat filters
I honestly want to kill them.
And this is a daily occurrence.
Quantum computing won't replace normal computers. They can be used to calculate quantum events and to simulate quantum physics, but you won't be playing Counter Strike on one of them.
We are long past the days of Commander Keen on your Dad's i286 and Carmack optimizing screen refresh methods in ASM.
Games are far too massive now, and infinitely more complex with 10 times the staff of games release just a decade ago.
Just getting it working without crashing is amazing enough, considering all the layers. Of course they could take months more time to try and optimize methods of rendering, but why if it runs at a decent frame rate and all the hardware is identical?
Invention, Pajit. You're supposed to sort out inventing things.
We're fucked
Get a load of this guy.
ahem. you mean you want to kill someone utilizing technology. do you want everyone to live in mud huts too.
>hear a bunch of shit about the future of marketing and apps being "AR"
>think "wow, so we're finally going to have full AR? when do i buy my glasses?"
>find out it's actually apps where you can add dog tongues to your photos
>think "who will want that?"
i want to die
This. Quantum computers will be used in universities and large organizations to try to brute force NP problems that aren't too large.
naw goy you're totally an independent thinker and total have freedom haha
Yes, our youths are learning invention too. There's a bunch of robotic classes in my area already
Quantum computing will never compete with traditional computing for most all applications; they're only suited to a few very specialized roles. So far there is only 2 really useful quantum algorithms (a fast searching algorithm and a factorization algorithm).
And it still is pretty much all theory.
Quantum is useful for certain specific problems, but it's not a general cureall. Also it will always need superlow temperatures, so you're never getting one in a laptop.
There are other options for improvements without leaving silicon. More 3D structures, with integrated cooling channels. Continuous improvement in manufacturing means less defects, so the economically optimal chip size gets bigger. And the more chips humanity makes, the greater capacity for efficient design at the logic level, I'm sure there's still a lot of improvement to be had there. With more automated chip design tools and less need to be constantly tearing down fabs to rebuild at the next transistor size, there will be more custom chips for specific tasks, and FPGAs programmed on the fly by ever smarter software to hardware accelerate whatever it is you're doing at the moment.
We have a lot of options and progress will by no means halt, but we won't see anything like moore's law again, not for a long time. That was something special, a marvel in technological history.
Insufficient data for a significative answer
Did you know they can quantum leap into consciousness? If computers harness quantum energy will flow in two potentials, just like it was theorized in the Scrodinger cat experiment. So basically after giving up transistors we'll be capable of simulating consciousness outside spacetime
Wew lad
>commander queen
tfw Dopefish was the first internet meme
We are the simulated ones allready.
Jesus thanks user, never heard of it until now but what the actual fuck
Ok. Actual retarde here. If smaller transistor can't be made, why not make a bigger chip?
This is true, I can't count how many times I've tried to explain this to normies that can't seem to grasp the implications
Communication across a bigger chip takes longer, dropping your frequency. Smaller transistors are traditionally both denser in area and faster in switching for a double win.
We could, but that doesn't solve the problem.
Bigger chip increases your chances of one defect ruining the whole thing. There is an economic optimum for chip size.
Except nanotubes actually exist and have millions of applications that make the technology worth investing in and pursuing
I know it's like first post, but they are just going to have to make the transistors out of something else besides silicon.
then they will make the dies bigger, eventually.
templeOS terry says that people will be using an entire wafer of chips cooled by water in the future, and that fucker made 3d printers back in the 80s so im sure he knows what he's talking about.
It's the greatest operating system ever written. Spend some time learning about it if you're into computers. Terry Davis is a genius.
To be fair what's even the point.
I've been using an OC i7 on a laptop running 8 cores at 3,2Ghz for the past 6 years now, haven't felt the need to upgrade once.
Yep. Anyone who believes we have been in a "technological revolution" in past couple of decades is a retard.
GPUs are doing all the interesting things now with AI. Soon we will all have access to racks of GPUs in the cloud.
We're on the verge of the biggest industrial revolution
in human history but the popular culture is too stupid,
brown, gay, and feminine to pay attention to it.
Go read about neural nets.
>Glorified chat-bots are the biggest technological revolution in human history
I honestly think the blockchain is the greatest invention of the past 20 years. Break the banks!
Neural nets are greatly exaggerated.
SJWs have taken over science. The only "inventions" coming will be new genders and reasons why men are evil.
>Also, the speed doesn't determine the computing ability that much.
I had a 3.4 ghz dual core opteron almost 10 years ago.
CPU "frequency" has hit a wall in the past decade. The only advancements is in increasing the number of cores.
Until materials change, this will continue to be the trend.
GPGPU have parallel computing on lock down. Too bad most mainstream types of programs don't use that sort of technology.....However, professional fields like medical etc can make use of it.
>gender neutral connectors
they aren't smart enough to do real science. Thats the beauty; no matter how hard they scream and ree and try to funnel money into it, you can't make someone stupid understand something that requires a high IQ. White and Asian men will always dominate STEM, because we have the highest IQ's.