How do Conservashits justify voting against their own economic interests?
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That's not even 10% of the population.
A friend of mine is stuck paying for this shit even though he can't use it and also can't afford insurance of his own and no longer has insurance through work.
The number of Republicans on government healthcare plans is miniscule. The welfare recipients are democrat voters, and would never vote for Republicans...so fuck em! Those who are tired of paying for everyone's everything could care fucking less about their leeching, health coverage when it runs their wallet thin .
Red states have the highest amount of medically uninsured tho , Cletus
survival of the fittest
you do believe in science, don't you?
red states also have the highest number of niggers, vermont
We made education a right .
Time for the post modern America to make healthcare a right too , like other civilized 1st world countries
Red states also have high number of uneducated unemployed whites that vote against their interest , Cletus
That means they make too much money to qualify for the handouts, genius. You only get the freebies if you are a useless, broke-ass autist.
>walk down the street
>guy sticks a gun in your face
>guy tells you to give all your money to his brother standing next to him
>police pick them up and haul them in
>tell brother to hand over the money to give back to you
>brother refuses, protesting that he doesn't have to give it back because didn't steal it in the first place.
yea, and look what that did to our schools and literacy rates. teachers are quitting left and right out of fear for their life from niggers
"other civilized 1st world countries" don't have to deal with a mixed population where spics and niggers use the ER if they catch a cold
it is not civilized to carry the debt for your starry-eyed entitlement programs that downgrades our credit rating. It is not compassionate to the workers that produce and carry the load.
how do liberals justify the slave labor of immigrant workers?
Watch this and remember it next time some stupid liberal tells you America needs Mexican immigrants to pick its fruit:
(if it doesn't go to the time, fast foward to 19m19s)
>Voting in Drumpf
Nice meme
5.9 million people lost healthcare coverage in the first year of obamacare. More lose it every year. 24 million added is a lie it was between 16-17 million.
Preexisting conditions will be covered and the only people losing coverage will be the americans who chose not to have coverage.
>24 million fat asses will die
the tragedy
but I already lost my health care when obamacare started, and I've been paying a yearly penalty ever since because I can't afford to get a new plan
this is what happens when the government gets involved in healthcare
The government cannot provide healthcare. it will always end in disaster.
>Why won't you dumb toothless racist rednecks vote for us to replace you with paco and pajeet?
The problem with giving people rights to commodities is that it means that people are entitled to other's labour, which is unhelpful to those who produce said commodities. Also, making a valuable commodity free means that people who produce those commodities struggle to make a profit to maintain their business, which deters others from making more of the same commodity. Coupled with people's tendency to overuse/exploit free services means the quality of said services inevitably declines.
This is spam.
If people are so outraged by those people "not having healthcare" then the people should help his fellow neighbours
You're blaming the wrong guy, help your neighbor, donate to a charity, create a charity for those who can't afford healthcare, no one will stop you
kill yourself establishment shill
Drumpf is the corporate elite establishment retard
>make education a right
>now near the #50 slot in terms of quality of education
>people still want to make healthcare a right
really gets the gears grinding
die poorfag. fucking die subhuman scum
it is a right you retard. Everyone can legally have access to healthcare, without the government getting in their way
implying you look better
post your ugly rat face
Why do liberals deny science?
More people lost or got shittier healthcare and then had to pay more for it because of Obamacare. There is also the fact the companies had to stop hiring or lay off workers If you added those people up, I bet it's WAY more than 24 million Americans or a all the illegals you wanna give free shit to.
Those ((( stats ))) are useless and don't serve any purpose but to hurt others
Get a job nigger
useless? public policy makers these days accept implicitly that disparities in achievement are ipso facto evidence of 'subtle oppressions'. The stats show that this isn't quite the case, and this could lead to the amending of policies based on the 'racial misconceptions'.
"Just 6 nights in ICU"
Is your goddamn life not worth 55 iPhones?
Evolution is currently and always ongoing.
Niggers are the missing link.
Why do you continually make these threads w/ occupy democrats bs?
>the CBO says that the new bill will only lead to 14M losing coverage
>CBO said obamacare was good
Fake news
is 6 nights in ICU without a major surgery worth a year of work on an amazing salary after taxes?