Can someone tell me why so many french people voted for Macron? Please no meme like "lol they are simply cucks"...

Can someone tell me why so many french people voted for Macron? Please no meme like "lol they are simply cucks", I really need to understand.
What the fuck happened?

Because if Le pen did something terrible they would feel responsible. Macron was the safe vote in a lot of French minds (I assume)

Baby boomer white guilt/brainwashing/holocaust dogshit. The white French youth however, are redpilled asf.

The political age demographics of France from left to right are the opposite of most other white, western nations. It's quite fascinating.

because surprisingly extreme views don't gain a lot of popularity nowadays

Because most normies are not interested in politics and it takes time for them to develop elaborate political thoughts, so they voted for Macron who looks nice and speaks confidently about some random shit that sounds like an average politician talk.

Probably because french people don't live around brown people so they assume it's just rracism n they'll never be involved in the terrorists attacks. Same with Sweden, Britain, n germany. Not enough people are aware of whites on decline birth rates.

Also consider that the population of ethnic white french is an ever shrinking demographic. Anyone outside of that hates le pen.

lol they are simply cucks

>not wanting to go extinct in your own country is an extremist view
kys Spurdo

yeah that's the only extreme view le pen had, right?

How should we know? You are the french man after all

Extreme views are the only views these days, it's just that Europe leftists are the majority.

that's also not true

>be 30% shitskin
>shitskins vote for gibs
>otherwise tied election turns to 65-35 landslide
When will people realize they don't need a majority to completely fuck up democracy?

>critical of mass immigration, open borders and the role of islam in western civilisation

These are literally her most extreme opinions, and the majority of the French population agree with them. How the fuck is she far-right? How the fuck is she even right? Her economic policy is socialist asf, and in social policy she's a secular liberal and progressive.

>The white French youth however, are redpilled asf
I doubt it. Only 44% of them are somewhat redpill. That's the percentage of FN voters.

tell us what was extreme in her program then

this guy has no charisma and has fucking soulless dead eyes when he talks, also toddler voice

Marseille : 36%
Paris : 10%
Lille : 22%
they have tons of migrants trashing everything. Are they blind? even if you don't live in the same neighborhood you can't ignore it

yeah but I have no idea so I thought maybe people from other countries in somewhat similar situation like germans and swedes could know, or other frenchmen

it's 15%

The French people have had it bashed into there skulls borders are bad so they wouldn't vote for someone who wanted to have stronger borders because thats racists.

>Marseille : 36%
>Paris : 10%
>Lille : 22%

that's the percentage of people who voted for Le Pen in those cities filled with foreigners*

You're fucking communists you idiot. Europe is so blind to their extremism they think cuckservativsm is too far right.

Well no more than 70% of 18-24 French youth are white aboriginals. Lets be honest with eachother. The 44% of French youth that voted lepen will be 90% white at least.

Do the basic math, frankbro. That's a clear majority of white french.

It's the same here in the usa. People know how dangerous niggers are but everyone doesn't vocalize it. Some even say "I'm not racist buuuutttt" fuck the kikes for making the average white into betas who can't even criticize about the danger of Islam n mass immigration

Because using the buzzword 'far-right' is the easiest way to associate them with nazis.
And people just keep buying this shit. Most people are stupid, like really, really stupid. This is why democracy sucks.

Do not forget this poll do not count the no voters. And a lot of them are young.

This is what my friend told me, she studied French.

Le Pen wanted to get rid of all foreigners and a lot of foreign contacts, basically. Not just the nigger and sandniggers. You own a company, and you have German and Polish employees? Fuck you! You trade with other European countries? Fuck you!

So why on earth would anyone want to vote for her? Even the people who might hate mudslimes with a passion, but work at a multinational company or something like that, are immediately against her. And she would ruin the economy.

Anyway, this is how my friend explained it.

People are afraid of being labeled a racist, so they allow the rip tide to sweep them out to sea instead of swimming along the shoreline.

So you think this is mainly because of the fear of social judgment and a brainwash problem?
It actually makes sense with all the anti-FN propaganda seen these last 40 years

Old fuckers were scared of losing their pensions and savings if they left the Euro

I don't know, cause half the french people hate themselves i guess

I read that Front National and Le Pen are basically direct descendants of Vichy, so there was more credence given to Nazi scare mongering.


Not at all. There was just a guy at the beginning of the party that has been part of the SS division Charlemagne and the logo is stolen from a italian neofascist party though
The only link to Vichy is a sentence that Jean-Marie said that was said before by Mussolini

>The only link to Vichy is a sentence that Jean-Marie said that was said before by Mussolini
I mean the only link to fascism in the Le Pen family

probably because they want to be socially desirable (pc) as well as being turned off by some of her extreme views like wanting to ban all religious symbols

Because Le Pen was a shit candidate and did a shit campaign
Because french people are zombies disconnected from their own identity
Because we are ruled by jews brainwashing us h24
Because half of the country didn't get enough enrichment (the West)
Because people vote for an image not a programm or an ideology anymore

Who cares at the end of the day, they voted for it, it's all that will be remembered.

frankly, i believe that a more moderate candidate who would still address and plan to act upon the problems w/migrants would win

also, the 2 round system in france allows tactical voting to be used, and many establishment candidates like fillon told their supporters to vote for macron

because they are redpilled on rural and suburban retards