Sup Forums approved movies
The Dark Tower
Pretty Woman
Battlefield Earth
The Red Pill
The dark tower isn't out yet ad they cast a nigger as the character that is supposed to be an old white guy with blue eyes....
Damn. Somebody made a cute drawing of Santa Sangre? I am so stealing this picture.
i love the series so much i dont care that they blackified roland
also technically its a sequel to the books if youa re in the know, sorta like how the marvel movies are in a different multiverse than the comics
Mainstream stuff
>Good Will Hunting
>American Beauty
>300 and it's sequel
>10 Cloverfield Lane
>The Man in the High Castle
>Der Untergang
>Donnie Darko
>Napoleon Dynamite
>The Breakfast Club
>Shutter Island
>Source Code
These movies I listed may or may not be redpilled, but I can confirm at least they're not bluepilled either, and is entertaining to watch and makes you think.
Of course, there is also the ultimate redpill documentary
>The Greatest Story Never Told
If you haven't watched the entire 6 hours of it, you may not call yourself redpilled.
Yeah, I was surprised anyone would care enough from the newer generations to make fan art.
>also technically its a sequel to the books
No, no it isn't.
There is no sequel, Roland's quest always repeats itself with minor differences to the actions that happen.
However everything up to Jericho Hill is cannon and does not change. Meaning Roland is still white no matter which reincarnation he is on.
look i prefer him white too but its not going to destroy my enjoyment of the film
also i wasnt saying that its a sequel as an explanation for him being black I was just mentioning it
OP, you forgot about a Serbian Movie
How about something more refined?
It's not a sequel at all though.
Stephen King already wrote the cannon series. You can't just release millions of copies of a book, have it be a best selling series, and than when you're close to your deathbed and senile as fuck suddenly state some absurd direction for a series that had been finished since generation z was even out of diapers.
In the cannon story, Roland is a young darkly tanned white male with blue eyes.
Everything in his youth happened once and after the Battle of Jericho Hill he goes on a quest for the man in black (leaving the horn amongst his fallen companion Cuthbert).
After our initial reading of the book, he is teleported back in time to right before he crosses the great desert, but only minor changes happen each time.
In the past he may of lose a gun, he may have even lost entire body parts.
However on this particular reincarnation and cycle of Great Desert to Dark Tower. He has the horn.
That's the only difference, as his childhood did not change.
He may go through several thousand more cycles before his quest is truly done. Making very minor changes again each time that eventually will stop him from forsaking his companions and giving him the redemption he so desires.
A fucking Leaf, I swear to god you are the most cucked people on this planet.
Serbian Movie was good, I only watched it once though.
What were some of the particular red pilled moments that you can throw my way?
Sante Sangre is surreal, which gives it its own glamor to me, but Zulu is a good choice.
>Napoleon Dynamite
Shit taste
Watched it few years ago, I thought it was hilarious.
I thought it was making fun of hipsters and
>I'm trying to be weird on purpose
Wouldn't be that bad if that's the case.
Fuck your entire post besides Downfall.
>Autism: The Post
I think hipster culture wasn't a thing in 2000's when the movie was made, but movie did seem to reenact the life of "that weird kid in your school who didn't talk to anyone but other weird kids" type of kid in a full-feature movie format.
Well I can say as a weird kid, no one wants to be a weird kid.
Not really, to be weird means to be defective.
Suddenly it became in style to be weird.
>red pilled moments
The birth part?
Also here one russian movie for some enthusiasts (and sick fucks)
>The green elephant
Memri TV
Anything from picture related