SJW harasses college students enjoying Cinco de Mayo

I actually went to UNH and have been exactly where this crazy broad was recording.

This happened right outside of the main student organizations building. My guess is that ponchobro just ate at the dining hall in the building, walked back and the lady followed him. Sadly that building is rife with SJW student groups so the poor bastard had little chance of not attracting their rage.

>Why does mike have to wear a poncho on cinco de mayo?
>Why does mike have to wear green on St. Patties day?
>Why does mike have to wear native american attire on Halloween?
>Why does mike have to wear a shit filled diaper on New Years?

Its only white people who ever care about this shit I guarentee you no Mexican gives a fuck

Poor Mike. Almost want to go up to UNH and buy him a drink at the nearby bar. I should do that actually, I'm still close.

But yeah. Went to this school. He was right outside of the building with all of the social justice groups.

people need to start punching these marxist cunts when they do this shit, it's the same drivel and pointless commie shit their professor brainwashes into each liberal zombie, they need a punch to bring them back to the real world

we used to have a country where useless cunts like these got bloody noses and thought twice about harrassing people

Most Mexicans won't give a shit about this nor understand why she does.

You have to literally force yourself to feel this way. And it's evident, because she sounds fucking hysterical.

Mike seems like a really swell guy.

she's virtue signalling, that's why she uploaded the video online

as a mexican i am GLAD that people take part of our culture for themselves, they say "imitation is the best form of flattery"
but beyond flattery, it means there is at least something good that is worth spreading to other people in your culture, wich is why most of the world follows parts of the western culture

>burger education

I've seen plenty of spics pissed about whites celebrating Cinco Dey Mio. I better not see any spics celebrating the 4th of July this summer either.


I love introducing foreigners to my culture's hoidays. Hell, last year an American student here celebrated Thanksgiving with us and cooked for us. It was cool.

Went there for four years. There's no doubt she followed Mike through the building beforehand before deciding to record. The multicultural orgs at UNH tend to be obnoxious, so there's no doubt in my mind she's part of at least two.

Just once I'd like to see their own tactics turned against them.

>Oh, so you think that I have to dress a certain way and act a certain way because I'm white?
>You're racist!

fuck off, we irish now

They think white isn't a race, that never works

their first mistake was staying there to talk, next time that happens just say "fuck off cunt" and keep walking.

It's more about the yelling RACIST and pointing at her in public. Make a scene and make sure that a shitload of people see you pointing and calling her racist.

That last one though

Would be great if you could do that without being arrested for assault and losing a ton of money plus your reputation

the longer you stay near a person like this the more likely it is they will call the police on you and say you raped them


Lol no. The self entitled shrill sjw in the video is definitely not white, and this is not some novel isolated event. Shit like this happens all the time with minorities. It's a part of the lefts victimhood feedback loop. It disempowers people and degenerates them into being shallow like the bitch in exhibit A. They completely forget what live and let live means, and have chosen to be brainwashed into only knowing "live how I want or not at all". This is why lobotomies should be free

"and now you use the R[etarded] word?"

>Dude who walk's away is right, all they care about is trying to sound up and moral about everything. If This happens make it clear right into the camera

>You dont give a shit about Mexicans, you only care about being a morally superior narcicist who sits and browbeats everyone who dares disagree with them. You have no idea of how culture works, how the cultural exchange works, because if you did you'd know that this happens all the time between all cultures that interact.

I, too, love introducing foreigners to our national holidays. Couple of years back I took my burger buddy Alex along on Queensday, pic related.
>inb4 nigger

You're wrong. The best think he could do is what he did: stay calm and act reasonable. The video is proof of how ridiculous her beliefs are and his behavior emphasized it

it'd be great if that was the case, but did the founding fathers worry about breaking the law when they were making a nation

bullys need to be pushed back

Imagine thinking you can go around dictating to other what they can & can't wear, arrogant cunt.


There is a wide line dividing bullys and pioneers. You have to be wilfuly ignorant not to see it

They act like coming up to people, randomly, and asserting their opinions about the person's SUPERFICIAL IMAGE is all it takes to conclude reality for everyone alive. The self entitlement is so thick it makes me want to puke

i dont know who i hate more in the video:

the SJW cunt that's angry about people celebrating Cinco de Mayo, or the pussy faggots that feel they have to justify it for the SJW cunt.

they're all pussy faggot cunts.

She's booty blasted

Dear SJW-cunt:



>Multiculturalism is good goy, you get to experience and take part in other peoples culture

You can really tell that the chick doesnt know what she is talking about, and that she is just repeating whatever her professor said.

We should start getting mad at people when they use science and modern medicine, its insensitive of them to appropiate our culture and achievements.

Sorry poor old mexican poncho makers, "educated" niggress says we can't buy your ponchos anymore.

Why would a white guy celebrate this?

Buzzfeed told me its true! Stop being white! Just stop *cries*!

The point of both the positive and the negative propaganda is exclusively to browbeat whitey. They do sincerely want to kill us and themselves. Don't expect that it will not be illogical.

Yes this is most likely it. The liberal arts department at UNH tends to be insufferable and pushy with the white privilege rhetoric. I'd know, I was part of it but somehow came out with more right wing views at the end.

As for Mike, in the rare chance you read this. I'm buying you a drink if I visit campus and see you.

Those SJW's are fucking wacky. I'm mexican and I know for a fact that my family would laugh their asses off if they saw that guy wearing that on cinco de mayo... and would probably invite him to drink. If anything, that girls being racist for telling him he's not allowed to celebrate another races culture.

>I'd know, I was part of it

Oh god, it must have been horrible to gradually realize just how insane some of these people are.

>The American use of ponchos didn't bigin as far back as the old west times
>People can't wear it for is utility as a piece of clothing
>Where the fuck do rain ponchos fit into this spectrum of acceptable or not
>America isn't a melting pot anymore we must put every little thing into a cultural box and lock that shit up
>Wearing a poncho means your in costume by default
>It also means you are drinking
Fucking whackos I swear

>that manlet mugging the camera

Manlets need to be fucking gassed.

This is how we get trump. Those idiots still haven't learned.

What the hell are they putting in the water over there ???

So sick. Im sick and tired of this shit.

The saying is "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Learn are language or geet out.


colleges really need a dress code for white students

these fucking sjws ..

Yes, I had hopes of becoming a college professor as I was under the impression that college kids would be far more mature and classes would be easy to get through. Then I witnessed them become insane. I just do online work now, which I like.

In my final English class, this fat chick went off about how whites are all responsible for slavery, and this older dude in class mentioned how his family didn't own slaves, which caused her to double down on the white privilege shit.

We both laughed about how she was a nutcase during class break.

Cinco De Mayo isn't a Mexican holiday according to my Mexican friend. It's purely for gringos.

Mexican here: No one in Mexico, outside of Puebla, celebrates May 5th -- it's a minor regional holiday. Honkies up north decided to appropriate it as a 'Mexican St. Paddy's Day'. We honestly don't care, and I assume many Mexicans like the additional to get shitfaced.

People like her literally believe nothing is racist against a person who they identify as white. She probably also thinks black people can't be racist no matter what they do or say. She's mentally and socially retarded just like the majority of the left

>actually trying to get through to them with logic instead of just laughing and making fun of them


I thought it was a myth


Having a conversation with these people is the worst thing you could do

Yeah, you quickly realize that people in college arent much more mature.
I cant imagen how triggered I would be if I went to a college in the US. You guys are at another level.

I did a few semesters at UNH, realized the utter shittiness of one of the most cucked-out, ultra-pussy, irrelevant states in the US and transferred out.

Entire state is nothing but truly the biggest bunch of pussies, ever. UNH is worthless for anything outside of lame New England.

>Whoa, like ugh. I just came out as transmexican yesterday. Kevin was my privilege name. It's now Carlos.

Where were you 5 seconds ago? :)

lmao these people are not marxists, bruv. They're straight up mexican nationalists.

Why isnt he wearing French expedition army dress? That would be the only appropriate dress.

is it true if you eat potatoes you become irish.

It's sad to see what academia has become. Hopefully things turn around in time, but I'm not holding my breath.

Truthfully I thought we were tame compared to other areas, it wasn't until around 2014 that I noticed the Marxist mind virus take hold. Actually do any of you recall mattress girl? Witnessed a group carrying a mattress around campus, all ugly feminists with armpit hair. That's about the time I looked into the other side of things and distanced myself from their madness.

That doesn't work. Trying to call a shitlib racist is like trying to beat Calvin at Calvinball. You can't beat him because he makes up all the rules and if you start beating him at his own game, he'll just change the rules on the fly so he starts winning again.

New Hampshire is still the best and most uncucked states in the U.S. Yeah I know...that's saying something about New England

UNH sucks, it's filled with SJW's sorry you had to deal with that man

This girl is so cute

should have worn a mariachi outfit, mexicans still wear mariachi outifts.

Establishment based education is corruptable by things like this unfortunately. Self education and mastery with some form of credibility is probably going to be more valuable than ever soon enough. Nobody is talking about it because most people don't know how to see the marketplace of ideas properly

Queens/Kingsday best day.

>ook dit jaar weer de Vergistoeristen op Amsterdam CS

Ik wil ze altijd een koffietje aanbieden, arme schapen.

Ponchos aren't even a Mexican invention.

Funnily enough, I learned more from one year of lurking Sup Forums. Self education is undoubtedly the way.

I don't give a fuck. Non-spics getting mad on my behalf does trigger me though.

>most uncucked states
lol whaaat? Bills itself, "live free or die." Is run by Maggie Hassan - need I say more. Tons of liberal support all over. Became a medical marijuana state in 2014 but didn't let dispensaries open until after a looooong, drawn-out process that took nearly 2 & a half years.
This and so many more such cases.

> UNH sucks, it's filled with SJW's sorry you had to deal with that man
that's kind of you & thank you man.

Also, reporting in from Manchester at moment.

> do any of you recall mattress girl?

wat no haha please describe a bit if possible

the people in the video are black women and it's usually black women who do this stuff

Dumb cunt


Mike wears what he wants.

the only mexicans who care are the young ones who have been indoctrinated by their (((white))) masters.

Why do they always have that same voice? Sounds like the same woman from the Hugh Mungus video.

>>Why does mike have to wear native american attire on Halloween?

filled with old cum from guy who hit it then quit.Why did think they are so angry.

>lol whaaat? Bills itself, "live free or die." Is run by Maggie Hassan - need I say more. Tons of liberal support all over. Became a medical marijuana state in 2014 but didn't let dispensaries open until after a looooong, drawn-out process that took nearly 2 & a half years.

My bad I meant most uncucked state in New Hampshire. Medical weed aside it's still decriminalized. The governor is Chris Sununu man, the state is Republican controlled, the legislature is a red state. It was the closest race in the nation for the presidency, nearly 50/50 Trump Clinton support

And yeah live free or die, some of the most relaxed gun laws in the country here, very little taxes, it's a great state

Americans should appropriate my culture as well, Bunads are way nicer than ponchos.

Can some mspaintmaster make a meme where drinking vodka is cultural appropriation

If you use articles in your speech, you can't drink the liquid potato.

oh yea good points, that's true.

Only dumb race mixing Latinas and cucktinos care about that day

Lord Jamar said this about Black Lives Matter. Saying that its ran by "Black women and Black lesbians who are just looking for attention."

The fuck doe jij in Rusland vriend..

How the fuck USA produce so many brain dead young people?

Schools there work like some marxist shit propaganda factories

Taco here.

I don't care about americans celebrating cinco de mayo.

girls with big torsos look weird


Fucking coward whores know that men can't do shit when they get in our faces, and they take advantage of this fact. Really hope that society completely collapses soon, so these women get what's coming to them.

>white guy tries to celebrate mexican culture in a minor but harmless way (although i think even mexico itself doesn't give a shit about cinco de mayo)
>SJshitter shows up to shit all over his parade

>we want more diversity
>[white guy diversity intensifies]
>no we didn't mean THAT kind of diversity

>a group of seemingly well adjusted young men walk around a college campus, apparently celebrating cinco de mayo
>a carrier of the mind virus shows up to try and infect them

this fraud is so damn stupid that i couldn't decide the best way to mock her, so she gets all 3.

that bitch can't pronounce cinco de mayo I'm sure she's not Mexican. Why does she care?

Same reason any poc celebrates St. Paddy's Day

Achter wel zeven proxies zitten.

Stupid SJWs don't even realize that Cinco de Mayo isn't really even celebrated in Mexico. It's not their Independence Day. Fucking Corona has been marketing this fake holiday in the states to cash in (like the companies tried to with Kawanza but it failed miserably so you don't hear about Kwanza any more). But Cinco de Mayo stuck cause Americans are always looking for a reason to drink, and eat tacos.