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get an id like the rest of us
Oh no! So many illegals who couldn't vote!
proxyfag pls
If someone can't figure out how to get registered, maybe they aren't smart enough to vote.
So, voter ID laws work.
Got it.
Don't fucking care sweaty, fuck off
>implying the people who couldn't vote because they didn't have IDs would have all voted for Hillary
>implying the people who couldn't vote would've bothered to vote all
"Suppression" is a euphemism for anything short of "driving every single Democratic voter to the polls and holding their hands while they vote 3x without ID."
>suppressed votes
sure it did. sorry your illegals couldnt vote
>too dumb to get ID
>think they should be allowed to vote
This is why I support Voter ID laws. They work (for me).
post the jewish authors name
Voter ID law should be a standard everywhere
It baffles me like burgers are so modern but they don't have a simple law like this
You know that says "voter ID law" right not "voter ID suggestion"
Aka, Trump won because the fucking law was enforced. Thanks for finally admitted that Hill couldn't have won without rampant voter fraud
>Americans allowed this to get the vote
blacks literally do not give a shit about voter ID laws
Wow, you have to prove you're citizenship in order to vote, that's such a crime
your own shill site says its false.
So drumpf won because of institutional racism? Color me surprised.
>be too fucking stupid or lazy to get an ID
>have any say in politics
rly makes u think
>A nation of laws
>Having to prove you can legally vote
I'm not seeing an issue here.
Remember the total voter turnout for the election. Remember when Trump's done, that total will be around 15-20 million less.
Oh wow the racist voter id law prevented Wisconsin's population of oppressed guest humans from exercising their protected human right to vote in American elections. Drumpf needs to be impeached for this!
>Not my president
>Jewish flag
Pick one, retard.
More acurate title:
"Due to common sense only american citizens were able to vote in the election"
No, sweetie, Hillary lost, and she lost big, snookums.
color you a nigger?
I'll never understand America, I'm all for arguing Trump shouldn't have won, blah blah blah but calling enforcing the laws of your country, the laws of any civilized country 'repression' is undeniably retarded.
Growing up everyone kind of made out America was the 'dumbest' country on the planet, in reality it's the country with the highest number of pseudo intellectuals who make the rest look bad.
(((Ari Berman)))
every time.
Why didn't Russia annex all of your """country"""?
Filthy hohol
that guy is not ok
The real irony is the left has no problems airing a veiled confession that they believe blacks are too stupid to figure out how to obtain an ID.
Forcing me to show my ID when I buy a gun is 2nd amendment suppression!! What the fuck!
Read a fucking newspaper lately?
She lost
This timeline is more fun.
Op is 100% correct.
If you don't believe us then just watch this clip.
Not one single person who watches this clip can be intellectually honest and still say that voter id laws are completely racist.
>Asking for your ID before you vote
>Implying that No-ID vote laws arent the most blatant allowance for Vote Fraud ever
(((Ari Berman)))
uhhh what the fuck happned there
It still blows my mind that we have better voter ID laws than the US. And noone bitches about 'voter supression' nonsense.
Get your shit together, Americlaps.
>need ID to drive: liberals agree
>need ID to purchase tobacco and alcohol: liberals agree
>need ID to have a say in the government: muh disenfranchised poor people who somehow can't manage to get a free government issued ID
>(((Ari Berman)))
200,000 blacks were too stupid to obtain ID cards?
See dems? Even Island Mexico understands that spics will vote illegally when given free reign to do so.
She lost in multiple states because of double votes but they didn't revoke it.
Go fuck your self shill.
I don't like Trump either but at least he isn't Hillary.
Oh neat... high enough voltage will blow the nigger right off of them!
Nigger stealing copper wire
>200,000 illegals weren't allowed to vote because they didn't have ID's
God damn proud to be a Wisconsinite on this day.
The harder it is to vote, the more devoted the voters will be and therefore the more informed. To bad Walker is going to retire after this year, and we will probably get some liberal who will undo all of the progress we have made recently.
why does he burn like that?
tried to steal some of the metal, electricity so hot it stuck him to it.
Not that would make any difference anyways.
Black people have ID's
why the fuck was it filmed so calmly?
apparently coal burns really well
He wasn't burnt enough when so he needed some extra time.
((((Ari Berman))))
Every fucking time
>Prior to the 2016 election, Eddie Lee Holloway Jr., a 58-year-old African-American man, moved from Illinois to Wisconsin, which implemented a strict voter-ID law for the first time in 2016. He brought his expired Illinois photo ID, birth certificate, and Social Security card to get a photo ID for voting in Wisconsin, but the DMV in Milwaukee rejected his application because the name on his birth certificate read “Eddie Junior Holloway,” the result of a clerical error when it was issued. Holloway ended up making seven trips to different public agencies in two states and spent over $200 in an attempt to correct his birth certificate, but he was never able to obtain a voter-ID in Wisconsin. Before the election, his lawyer for the ACLU told me he was so disgusted he left Wisconsin for Illinois.
Good thing the incompetence is localized to the DMV, and we can trust them to run healthcare, pensions, monetary supply, 12 years of education and so on.
Imagine being such a fuckup that you don't even have identification. Wow.
please give me a serious answer. is that some machine??
Because the person filming was a nigger and niggers don't really get emotional for people outside their immediate group.
At Majdanek, it was originally claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Today, thanks to revisionists, they claim less than 60,000 died at the camp (primarily of disease). The Red Cross examined the camp and estimated only 8,000 had died there.
That is a drop of almost 2 million. Yet most people don't know this, and continue believing the number 6 million.
At Auschwitz, it was originally claimed 4 million people were killed in gas chambers. Today, the official number is 1.5 million. That is a drop of a further 2.5 million (though still grossly inflated).
People blindly believe 6 million died because they don't want to bother to examine such a grisly topic. They take it on faith that what they have seen in movies and what little they were taught in school is accurate.
If you watch these and STILL believe the Holocaust myth, you may be a Jew.
Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
The JQ:
The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lied about being in the unit that liberated Dachau.
He was even a known liar by the time Spielberg was making The Last Days, as an earlier documentary focusing on supposed black soldiers who had liberated concentration camps had been debunked by historians and actual army soldiers.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating any camps. But that didn't stop Spielberg from using Paul Parks as one of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days. Because the ONE American soldier couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:
If you cant prove who you are you shouldnt be allowed to vote. whats stopping someone else from saying there you and voting? if you cant get ID then you shouldnt vote.
What the fuck is taking the GOP so fucking long to make Voter ID mandatory across the country?
It's a transformer I think. Poor guy, hopefully he made it through or passed quickly without pain
transformers aren't real retard
it's just a movie
> A new study by Priorities USA, shared exclusively with The Nation,
Niggers do not value life like whites do.
It's a transformer, Sven.
> Poor guy, hopefully he made it through or passed quickly without pain
>American democrats think dumb retards who can barely function in society are their voting block.
Really makes you think
Remember to sage threads like this, kids.
maybe he died but the electricity got him 5 more minutes, his left side is no mo
You need ID and passport to vote in Ukraine you faggot.
In fact every country has voter ID laws except the U.S.
Stop the stolen election angle.
Had we had finger dye to mark those who already voted and legally voted, Hillary would've lost by a hell of a lot more.
Liberals actually believe that the 2nd amendment applies to everyone in the us, not just citizens
>200000 illegal aliens could not vote for hillary
Lol unproven
which is my point, thanks.
High voltage electric burns. Electricity ran through the inside of his body and burned him up. Don't fucking mess with high voltage
>that flag
What do you care you stupid faggot
It's high voltage bro. He can't let go and is being electrocuted to death. A bystander would need to knock him off with a piece of wood or something but it's almost certainly too late.
>oh my gawd i need an ID to prove i'm me? that so racist!
>american sub-democracy
Do libtards also claim you're suppressing welfare, illegals and niggers if you ask them for ID first before filling a claim?
Apparently voter ID conflicts with the constitution? People claim it's a god-given right...
>niggers are too dumb to bring their drivers license with them to the polling station
>this is voter suppression
how much does an id cost?
how long is it good for?
in canada it's good for 5 years which works out to $35 an election
15 years?
Illegals were unable to vote, yes. This is how it should be.
>dead people, illegals etc should be allowed to vote so democrats can win
>that flag
no shit he is not your president...?
For a driver's license it's $35 in Wisconsin for a renewal (5 years) and ~$120 for the first issue.
You can also get a state id card for free for anyone who requests an ID for the purposes of voting.
Based Greek posting gore. I hope reddit friends are enjoying it.
The only thing getting in your mothers peach is my dick
if it goes up to $75-100 the "conservatives" could stop a lot of ppl voting
Akchually it's harder for niggers and spics to get ID because they're just dumb coloreds
If we went by the Constitution very few people would be allowed to vote.
Yea but you don't need a drivers license to vote. Just a basic ID which requires a birth certificate, social security card or some other form to prove your identity to acquire. This is basic shit mothers and or fathers keep track of and if this is a widespread problem in the black community it is indicative of a much larger problem.
>200,000 people didn't vote because of voter id laws
>this means 200,000 more people voted for hillary and nobody else
>pforf BTFO!
Maybe his butt hurts.