Redpill me on fluoride levels in coffee and tea Sup Forums
Is this stuff even remotely safe to drink?
Redpill me on fluoride levels in coffee and tea Sup Forums
Is this stuff even remotely safe to drink?
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OP, I'm tje guy thst adds fluoride to the drinking water. In the USA, the typical level is 0.70 to 0.80 ppm.
There are no problems noted from this low level of fluoridation.
7.96 mg/L is equivalent to 7.97 ppm
what are your thoughts on that level?
I've recently heard about this and I'm not sure anymore.
There is no good reason to add fluoride. Its effects are topical -- there are only harmful effects that come from ingesting it. The EPA lists an upper limit to how much fluoride can be safely ingested, and yet it's simply dumped into the water. I'm willing to believe that the initial policy was a mistake and not a conspiracy, but it's a mistake that should be undone.
fuck that noise
I drink a metric shitton of tea and have noticed that my joints and bones are aching all the time now
Is there anything I can do to eliminate excess fluoride in the body?
what? fluoride added to the water supply has saved US healthcare billions of dollars on dental care. But if you have good dental hygiene to begin with then its only negative.
Also wear tinfoil hat to be immune to the government mind control rays.
you can take an iodine supplement. that will keep your body from absorbing some of the fluoride.
it works because iodine is in the same column of the periodic table as fluorine
Is that a naturally occuring level?
You defiantly do not want to drink anything that high. The MCL in the USA is 4.0, the SMCL is 2.0.
Where in the fuck would you get water with fluoride over 7.0 +?
Pic attached is a fluoride pump.
The human body can filter and excrete about 7-8 mg of fluoride a day. As long as you're drinking coffee and tea in moderation you should be fine.
If you're one of those addicts who drinks like 12 cups a day, then you should be concerned for a lot of reasons, fluoride still being relatively low on the list compared to shit like over-caffeination and chemical dependency.
Only faggots drink tea anyway.
Americans drink coffee, beer, and meth.
look at OP pic
I mostly drink oolong and green teas so my total caffeine consumption is still below 1-2 cups of black coffee even though I drink at least a gallon of brewed tea a day
You drink meth? Fucking brutal.
It is not "simply dumped" into the water.
Fluoride is dosed at carefully monitored rated.
Then your only real risk is probably minor dental fluorosis from the excessive green teas.
Maybe mix it up a little, try adding more milk and juice to your beverage diet and you'll be fine.
C'mon, dude, you are attacking the whole organism in order to treat a local problem (teeth). Only idiots would do that.
Well if you want to grow up and become a man, I suggest you learn to drink coffee, and give that tea shit up forever.
Tea is for little sissyboys like the Brits. If your an America, than drink coffee like an American.
(Antifa detected larping in this thread).
I haven't had a cavity in 8 years since switching to firm toothbrushes I can only buy online since the dentists and supermarkets only carry ((( soft ))) bristles
coffee is like riding a rollercoaster while tea is like riding a cloud
I do make my own cold brew sometimes tho
>They couldn't get it in our water so they went for our tea
Bastards, they'll rue the day.
Want to understand fluoride? Edward Bernays and ALCOA
When you visit an abusement park like Cedar Point, do you ride on the rollercoasters, or just play in the bouncy house?
Come on OP, get on the coaster with the rest of us!
My god is that you jesus
I break 200mg caffeine pills in half and save money. 100pillsx200mg is 10$. ~1 or less a day is ~3 months supply. Who cares about the shitty taste of coffee when you can save that much money, plus it ends up as overall less caffeine consumption compared to coffee or, in some cases, tea.
I drink tea for the taste
the very slight caffeine buzz is secondary
I read that book, it's probably bullshit, but I enjoyed it.
Careful with the caffeine pills. It puts a strain on the heart. Coffee has the benefit of opening those veins up and giving you a healthy blood flow so you don't get the same strain as you would by just taking caffeine by itself which tightens the veins when taken alone.
No problem with that, tea is tasty and some have other benefits
I've always wanted silver skin.
>He doesn't drink meth
I thought theobromine(metabolite of caffeine from liver) is a vasodilator though.
I'm no expert, but I thought that it generally constricts veins in head and neck(hence the utility for headaches) and dilates in most of the other parts of the body
Oh is that so? I'm no expert either. I just recall that it was the coffee that was beneficial to heart health as long as you kept it under 3 cups, and caffeine by itself not having the same benefit. I took caffeine pills for a couple years for your same reason. Affordable, and actually they seemed to have more of an effect energy-wise than coffee.
Get a toothpaste with salt in it if you really want to grind your teeth down. Really, though, you don't have variants of bristles in stores?
The ADA declared that they damaged gums and so they took them out of dentist offices and most stores
It's the same concept about using minimalist footwear, you have to build yourself into it
yeah if you just switch from a soft brush and go to a hard brush you'll hurt your gums because they aren't used to it. But over time they toughen up and get way stronger.
>caffeine buzz
>from tea
What the fuck?
I'll take some time to look into it, thanks for the suggestion.