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What Should I say Sup Forums?
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Oy vey, OP. You just got BTFO by a woman. top kek.
>"You wish."
This should be on /bant/, but...I'm down for some lulz.
You too
"lol k"
You missed your shot with I minored in gender studies or whatever, if you even had one. You basically got told even if she is a sjw harpy.
>period joke
>I c y Ur single lmao
Not exactly top form desu lad
This senpai. Maybe "lol k bitch"
>Being such a cuck you need Sup Forums to blast a girl
I'd leave that part out. Seems like she made you upset, when you're really just confused, amused, and don't really care.
Tell her "did you just assume my gender"?
Only way you can come out on top is to Alinsky her
fuck, I hope this is real
Nothing. Let the sad lesbo be.
Even women dont want to date cunts.
"lol that's gay af"
this could also work
"Do you let text books do all your thinking for you, or just about your sexuality?"
I vote for this.
"All this anger, resentment. How about we work it out together, over a glass of wine and a buttplug."
Like others already proposed, OP, say something that diminishes her character and/or argument. Women hate that more than anything, when you don't take them seriously.
Don't engage her in serious debate, you'll never win.
I'm sure everything appears to be misogyny when you're a misandrist.
>Gender Studies
Tell her that is a pseudoscience.
maybe add a winky face
The fact that she's writing walls of text in response to 1-2 sentence insults heavily implies attraction.
Fuck dude, you're bad at this.
"Whatever nerd. Enjoy being unhappy"
Seriously, though, what kind of autist are you that you lead with a period joke? You two deserve each other.
Holy shit Rekt
Anal Jihad.
What is this phenomenon of feminists bitching out men on dating sites and then posting their "trophy" screen grabs for the likes? This is behavior of which no man would ever partake.... laaaydies.
This a short hard hitting jab
"Not yet, but I will be."
>Don't engage her in serious debate, you'll never win.
>Tell her that is a pseudoscience.
Do NOT fucking do this. She's too far gone.
Stop attempting to be scientific. You are a Gender STUDIES major not a Gender SCIENCE major
>minored in Gender Studies
"indoctrinated in gender studies"
>get rekt by feminazi
"wow, nice womansplaining you bigot"
I'm sure it looks great on a resume
It's a shit test.
How come modern "males" don't realize this. Females will bitch and moan about useless shit to see if you conform to them and follow their every whim.
And of course, if you do, she will lose interest quickly, because she will get bored (Imagine having someone who does everything you want, it might be fun for 5 minutes, but after that, meh).
If Sup Forums has taught me anything it is that replying with dead niggers is always on topic and improves every conversation.
Just link her to that mexican who got his face flayed off while he was still alive and move on.
Actually tell her plz wear hijab sister
Do what this user said and then ask her out. Its the alpha way
Anyone who writes multiple paragraphs in replace to a single sentence has already lost
This two guys are right
just answer with "I swear by allah, women will learn their place ones again, when we muslims overtake the west!"
then watch her rigorously skimming through her gender study textbook to find a good comeback.
rollend for this
It's not even a pseudoscience, it's indoctrination class
>k babe ;)
You should try this if she replies
Talking about anything to a woman other than "Ey you wanna fuck," was mistake number one.
Buddy you got shamefully rekt just move on with your life
Give me your number or I'll rape you
"lol k" would have been better
This should be a thing, everyone make match accounts and troll open lefties.
Do I get to at least succ some of that period juice?
ya blew it dude
You lost the second you attacked her person instead of replying to anything she said.
You're a dumb, literal neckbeard.
>xdd ur single see
Redditor post, please disregard.
>trusting a leaf
You fucked up. The 35 minutes between replying is a nice touch
I'm getting "Hi I'm an insufferable cunt with a huge chip up my cunt" - maybe don't bother m8 life's too short
lmao gtfo my country
>combining shitposting with catfishing
call her a menstruating attention seeking cunt
or this, "lol k" is much better
Call her a thot
user you're cringy as fuck
should have gone with "lol k" or "but even women don't want to date cunts"
hahahaha this just kept getting worse. From the gender studies and then "my last relationship was with a woman" hahaha holy fuck what is wrong with liberals especially liberal women
should've bounced back after the first shit test. you got btfo by a psycho feminist, way to go.
send her a link to this thread bud
I'm gonna give you some advice here bro
Progressive, leftie mindsets are predicated almost completely on pre-made arguments. These pre-made arguments are the sentiments and values that are rampant in our media--in simple terms, they already have all their arguments memorized, and they just blurt out whatever argument fits what you're saying.
They've already prepared arguments that seem to work on the outside to everything you said, especially the "I see why you're single" bit. Don't be a cliche, don't play into the role they're expecting you to.
Ask them questions they haven't already had arguments prepared for; ask them questions that aren't already answered by Hollywood and their favorite TV hosts.
One of the ways they control arguments is by using their buzzwords--misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc--instead of saying "hatred of women" or "hatred of gays." By using their terms, they get to decide what those terms mean. This is obvious in the "muh racism=power+privilege" shit; they redefine terms to be more general, but also to only apply to whom they choose.
Instead of asking, "is a period joke actually misogynistic?", control the narrative more. Phrase it more like, "what about period jokes show that men hate women?" If you stop using their buzzwords, you can control what you're actually talking about more.
Ask intelligent questions that force them to question the things they hold as absolute truth. Otherwise you get BTFO by dumb fuck girls who think because they use bigger words, they're smarter than you
Damn boy you are better off that way because if you did manage to bang her she would have had more of a reason to look into bbc
I thought it was pretty funny what ever
I still think you should send her this picture.
>my sides
yeah ask her out at the end
>gender studies
holly shit that crap is real?!
Daddy issues, riding the cock carousel for too long and peer pressure from all the similarly dysfunctional cunts. It's quite sad actually.
They can't accept what they are. Their ugly words and actions are simply the careening that results from this fundamental self-hatred.
holy shit
>gender studies
abandon conversation immediately or drop a redpill ffs.
Tell her according to science and the theory of evolution retards, poor single mothers, and queers should be euthanized to further humanity.
Then post what her response is.
instead of all of that, he could have just said he's a muslim(converted) and shouldn't talk down to him, demand to wear a hijab and cover herself. cite homosexuality is punishable by death in quran
>If I were beneath you every bone in my body would fracture
Calm down lad it's just a spic who was probably involved in drug trafficking.
have fun with your service job and bitching about minimum wage with that degree
frenchman truly have a strange anatomy
he's just fucking with her now
Lmao yeah, and people think it gives them a qualification. People should just bash themselves in the head with a rock and chuck 20k down the drain, it takes less time and has the same effect
"I actually consider myself genderqueer, you have induced a heavy attack of dysphoria in me with this misgendering"
>didnt say "lol k"
You fucking faggot
>I saw it in my textbook, it must be real
>I learned it in my gender studies class, its factual
>textbook muhsoggyknees
"lol someone's on her period"
Tips for passing and recognizing shit tests?
He should go into a full political discussion about eugenics. Easiest red pill to push on people
you're right, that is ten times funnier and probably more effective than what I said
Reddit fag identified.