Next year they are planning a referendum to succeed from Bosnia. I believe that this if successful will lead to fighting for a Land-bridge between the two halves, also there could be a fight for Sarajevo as the capital. I also feel that ISIS will get involved and start enslaving Europeans. This might be the next chapter of Jihad in Europe. You will also see western leaders grandstanding and asking for peace or even backing the side that big oil tells them too.
The upcoming war for Republika Srpska
Bosnians are muslims anyway, and Srpska were just a Serb puppet state from the Balkan war set up to destabilise the Bosnians that were a little more Croat.
Let them do what they want. The Balkans has no releavance to actual Western Civilisation.
spotted the roach
>donald trump will unconditionally support and arm islamists, helping them cleanse republika srpska from christian population
screencap this
>Western Civilization
The land of sluts, trannies, negro worship, homosexuals, junkies, effeminate men, all ruled over by psycopathic jews? You can keep it, thanks.
What's up with these fucking mongrels genociding each other and making new states all the time? What the fuck
>The land of sluts, trannies, negro worship, homosexuals, junkies, effeminate men, all ruled over by psycopathic jews? You can keep it, thanks.
No this isn't actual Western Civilisation, this is the mockery it has become.
Western Civilisation needs to become more insular and needs to look after itself and flush out all this shit. Which it is very slowly becoming.
The Balkans have no relevance to this, if the Bosnian Croats and the Bosnian Serbs want to fight amongs themselves that's their problem. Getting distacted by this will only slow the process, and the Balkans will only invite a more aggressive form of the Jew control upon themselves in their weakness.
>serbs still playing the victim
serb lives matter
You have no idea about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
My parents are from Herzegovina,I know.
First off,ISIS has no place in Bosnia.Bosnians are mostly very Westernized.If they were ever to try anything,both Serbs and Croats couldn't wait for it.We need territory in Bosnia,and Serbs do too.
Next,potential war between Serbs and Croats-highly unlikely.As much we don't like each other,we don't wanna kill eachother for nothing.Most younger people know it would be for nothing.
Big nothing.
(((media))) is pushing really hard to make shit happen between us,but its too easy to see through their tricks,nobody is falling for it
>fight for Sarajevo
We don't want it, we have Banja Luka as the capital.
Yeah I heard the media with Serbia and Croatia are really egging the populace to keep hating each other. As well as your politicians being corrupt thugs who are marketing off of it for some money.
However Bosnia looks like it's going to fail in a few decades, and then you have Albos running rampant
remove kebab from Kosovo, Bosnia and Albania and give them to Serbia
give Macedonia to Bulgaria
>Banja Luka
disgusting city desu
it's like im in norilsk
The Croats and Serbs with the most hate toward the other are cowards who ran away from war to Germany/Sweden/etc.
They feel guilt, and compensate by grandstanding and playing tough guys.
Scum that should all be purged.
Well Im unsurprised by this fact considering nearly every Balkan shitpost debate is started by diaspora in other countries
it's just serbs. serbs are practically turks.
>My wet dream is fact and WILL HAPPEN therefore Balkans, in my wet dream, have no relevance, even though they are the only conservative nations with family values left
we would remove if we could,but all the strongest EU countries are cucked out of their minds,the moment we try something they will wipe us out,Trump halp,Putin halp
pick one
>muh traktorijada breeeeeeeeeee
Official Croatian strategic documents regarding a potential scenario of unilateral secession of RS from BiH states that in such an event, Croatia will deploy armored units to Brcko to cut off the two parts of RS and enter military forces into BiH. This would all be done with the blessing of the US and the EU, since Bosnia is effectively their protectorate.
In such a scenario, I find it hard to believe that Serbia would just watch and do nothing, and would in all likelihood intervene themselves.
At which point, we activate Article 5 of the NATO treaty, Americans park an aircraft carrier in the Adriatic and Serbia gets flattened by good American ordinance.
All in all, go for it Bosnian Serbs, I'd like to march through Belgrade under a Croatian flag in my lifetime.
Aaaaaaaaand this just turned into another Serb vs Croat thread. Who would've guessed?
Oh please oh mighty Serb show all the real countries how it's done.
You couldn't even win a war against a bunch of Bosnians, Croats and Slovenes, that you started yourself.
I can't wait for the day that all people look to the shining beacon of Sarajevo for guidance on how Western Civilisation should conduct itself
ignore the retards chimping out and we are good
I'll fucking kill your whole family in their sleep.
>muh guessing
>muh genocide
Tako je Ante!
Drkaj dedi domobranu!
I would gladly set aside all differences between us and Serbs just to rid the Muslim cancer that sits in the heart of Europe.
kys albo
kys nigger
Of course we wont do anything. We sit in our little corner of Europe and live/fight. Thats how its been throughout the ages. And we were winning in all wars except Slovenia. We would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling EUropeans, and that UN.
But you cant possibly say that the west has a chance of coming back without a world war or something breaking out. You're too far gone
I like your president.
I think its time we build closer relations :^)
>we were winning
post real pics nigger
Jebem ti mater
They actually were in Bosnia but you were winning in Croatia on the other hand. Problem is you had to ethnically cleanse the regions in order to win, and that's why they lost
Yugoslavia was literally Syria before the civil war became a meme today
Serbia didn't fight in Bosnia retard, NA education.
Only place serbs were winning was kosovo and against muslims in bosnia
>Bosnian Serbs
ok geez
Fuck here her tits are even bigger
the pic you posted isn't here that's what i meant by post real pics
Take our president then, the only thing so far she's done is:
1. being a figure of stability in Croatia
2. being a figure of stability in Croatia
3. being a figure of stability in Croatia
4. import massive amounts of war equipment and, reopening bases and mandatory military service for no reason
5. being a figure of stability in Croatia
6. being a figure of stability in Croatia
don't forget
7. eating serbian chocolates and then being ashamed of it
you dont have mandatory military service stop lying
also make you system like murica give the prez more power parliament is shit
You can have Sandwichman, so far he's done this:
1. Give away sandwiches for votes.
2. Give away sandwiches for votes.
3. Give away sandwiches for votes.
4. Buying MiGs from ruskies and constructing ballistic missiles
5. Give away sandwiches for votes.
6. Give away sandwiches for votes.
7. supported Vazduplohov
BTW pic related are literally posters in belgrade
smug mem
>wars against bulgarians and byzantines in middle ages
>hajduks and uskoks(one of your top 2 football clubs was named after a serbian guerilla force, kek)
>fighting for liberation against turks
>balkan wars
>kosovo war
all of good examples of serbian warfare.on the other hand, croats:
>a little fighting against turks
>slaughtering serbian civilians during both world wars and getting btfo when actually confronting serbs
>being tortured for 4 years and basically cut in half by drunken serbian chetniks and few volounteers and defeating them when you have nato air support and outnumber them 5:1
kys ante
where are these posters in belgrade, first time seeing it?
Is America interfering going to cause Russia to step in?
>claiming uskoci are serbian guerillas
hajduci yes, uskoci no they were croat 100%
and you say we steal others history...
>hajduks and uskoks
dont tell me you think only serbs formed gangs of hajduks and uskoks
Karadjorjev park sam video na ovim elektronskim sranjima (pic)
Oko hrama ugl
Ima i na tasu, dorcolu, zvezdari
fak zab sliku
We are getting it in a year or two, it's already decided
they must steal our history because there is shit,
we stopped the truck while you were fucked in the ass by turks for 400 years
Stanko & Veljko, not Dino & Boris
idk if bait or just a retard who doesn't know history
kek so I guess there is a shitstorm coming.
most hajduks and uskoks were serbs, there is a whole ciclus of serbian epic poetry regarding them.there were certain croatian uskoks too probably, but claiming they're croatian is simply stealing serbian history to create a myth of "real kebab remover" croatia.
zivim u centru nijedan nisam video, mora da su ih negde stavili gde ne kek i dalje
ffs dude, i try my best not to hate you people too much, but why do you spout this sort of bullshit.
"everything i don't like is b8"
No Russia is too powerless against NATO. Infact when Croatia got completly disarmed in 90s, there was a ban for every country in the world to sell weapons to any Yugoslavian country. But Russia illegaly sold Croatia weapons
So much for Rus-Serb alliance
Holy shit we are getting it too
Its almost as if (((somebody))) is planning on it.
>We need territory in Bosnia
>My parents are from Herzegovina,I know.
we dont need land in bosnia, or people from there
so please feel free to return to the (((heart of croatia)))
There is a surge of islamism in bosnia, rich arabs are buying land, migrating and financing mosques, sometimes even building their own closed communities.
RIP your fucking region
>unironically shows a map from 1931
You know the things have changed under Tito rule, the literacy was balanced out
oh fugg really?
damn i aint fighting in a war if its for stupid shit i can tell you that right now i might fight if its to remove kebab but thats it
>croatian borders are very easy to defend as they are pic related
>its smart to have a Islamist or pro Russian state spanning hundreds of thousand kilometers of your borders
kek you just keep not having kids and leaving to go clean toilets in Ireland and Germany
nice source u have got there, mate.
but nah, we are too busy with corruption to do anything else.
>but why do you spout this sort of bullshit
it is true we stopped the islamic truck of peace by ottomans they did not conquer zagreb like they did belgrade and kept it for 400 years and btw i would not started talking shit about you if you guys didnot started talking shit about us first
forgot pic
hercegovna are basically catholic serbs
thats why they overcompensate their "croatness" all the time - subconsiously they know they're different from actual Croats, so they grandstand as being more Croat than Croats and become RVATINE
The Yugoslavia D&C meme will never end
I hope they will break down to 30 independent states and realize how insane it was and will reunite again.
Did you know that Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro all speak the same language, which is pretty much the same language spoken in Slovenia, Macedonia and Bulgaria?
What's sad is that you all will probably kill each other due to centuries long butthurt while the Albos will just stealth multiply like theyre doing in Macedonia
You dont get a choice.
If a war breaks out, you are, by law, required to fight, or else the military police gonna take you to jail for the duration of the war, and trust me, military jail is far far worse than normal jail
Fug hopefully ill leave for germany during the war and then come back when its over.
Yeah we know, we are all Yugoslavs nevertheless
We will renew the Magnum Illyricum. Serbs Master race.
God Emperor Miroljub will remove kebab and make Serbia great again. All praise Miroljub
there will be no war nor referendum, it's all about local crap politics which is only asset of ruling elite in bosnia
t. serb from rs
>wars against bulgarians and byzantines in middle ages
Croatia aswell, but after Bulgaria smashed you and annexed you, your king and many of your people were taken in as refugees in Croatia. Then Bulgaria attacked us but we completly BTFOd them so you got the chance to later on retake your territory.
>hajduks and uskoks(one of your top 2 football clubs was named after a serbian guerilla force, kek)
Hajduks is a term for every (slav) guerilla warfare unit against the Ottoman Empire in Balkan. Serbia, Croatia, Wallachia,...
Uskok is Croat units in Habsburg. Uskoks were pirates aswell, how could Serbia have uskoks when you have no goddamn sea?
>fighting for liberation against turks
Few unsucessful rebellions, only in 19th century you could get your independence when Ottomans were already crushed by all other European forces. Meanwhile Croatia never conquered by them and won the war.
>balkan wars
Croatia fought numerous wars for Austria, in many of them they were the best fighting force and brough in the skirmishing tactics from guerilla warfare. They completly BTFOd Bavarians and French.
Italian front, Galician front
Every fucking front. Meanwhile Serbs in woods. And no Serbs didn't alone fight, there was no Croat vs Serb thingy it was Fascist vs Communist.
>kosovo war
Croatian Homeland war (won even though no war equipment on start of the war, NATO intervened in 1995 when we basicaly won the war), Croat-Bosnian war (ended with an alliance between Croats and Bosniaks because of NATO threatened us if we
attack Banja Luka we are getting bombed)
It's literaly a fact that Croatia was never at peace more than 50 years. And we exist since like 7-8th century.
Get BTFOd kid
>leaving to go clean toilets in Ireland and Germany
nice flag, think you confused our roles in this world user
call now
its not like i would hang around and see how it goes down i would leave
literally communist propaganda
and not only dose it apply to Herzegovina but basically anybody who came from a christian patriarchal background and you guys still live in socialist psi op land
just keep going the way you are going
croatia had its independence while based 2dman was around
sine then you are the Balkan version of Sweden just keep getting cucked
let ISIS come, i hope they do
neznam tko će im se više krvi napiti, nato ili rusija/srbija
I'll leave too after I finish my MD and become a doctor far way, meanwhile you will be stuck in a meme country and will have to fight a meme war :^)
>Yeah we know
Only Serbians
Others think they're special and different and shit
where too?
i acn post a houndred articles who are you trying to kid, oh sorry I guess you are one of those lucky ones who stays and cleans after hanz is done shitting in your sea
good for you domagoj post another reaction imagine le ebin
sve je to sranje tesko, svi dobro znate da su nasi ratovi besmisleni i da samo izdizu hohstaplere koji ce uzgojiti birokratski sloj da nas sve pacificira kad treba, i da gurne u rat kad treba
nemojte biti debili
>inb4 muh my freedumz and we wuz some balkanite crap idolization
nemojte biti retardirani
yes.even though croatia was just a part of hungary with some authonomy and serbia was an actual country and had a empire until turks arrived, turks were halted by the croatian's not as if hungary, poland, romania and later austria were fighting against turks, you were the main factor can you possibly believe that is beyond me. you were so good at fighting turks, that they impored serbs that were under ottoman rule to defend their borders...
serbia, croatia, romania, bulgaria and greece are only countries that should exist in the balkans.
>Croatia aswell, but after Bulgaria smashed you and annexed you, your king and many of your people were taken in as refugees in Croatia. Then Bulgaria attacked us but we completly BTFOd them so you got the chance to later on retake your territory.
i don't recall us warring you in middle ages, on contrary, we were in pretty good relations. as far as refugeeing, that was repaid later when some of your kings was fighting the hungarians and he fled to serbian territory.also, bulgaria was way stronger than us and we ended up with the territory and since the nemanjic dinasty bulgaria was weaker than serbia and even later basically a serbian vassal.
>Hajduks is a term for every (slav) guerilla warfare unit against the Ottoman Empire in Balkan. Serbia, Croatia, Wallachia,...
Uskok is Croat units in Habsburg. Uskoks were pirates aswell, how could Serbia have uskoks when you have no goddamn sea?
hajduks were mainly serbian, which is why serbs have so many epic poems about hajduks and uskoks.also, back then montenegro and probably some small parts of the croatian seacoast were serbian populated.
>Few unsucessful rebellions, only in 19th century you could get your independence when Ottomans were already crushed by all other European forces. Meanwhile Croatia never conquered by them and won the war.
They were BTFO in both uprisings.Russia fucked us over after the first, but we beat (cont.)
That's what everyone said but it started WW1.
As long as theres a big enough country that forces diplomacy between Croatia and Serbia then we can hope for a joint Kebab removal.
We don't really care about the rest off Yugos but for some reason they all care about us they try to get our attention by insulting,they all are like a tortured child with Stockhlom syndrome and they are always coming back to us for some reason.
>you will be stuck in a meme country and will have to fight a meme war :^)
Im already leaving next summer since il be done with college by then got family in strata. I aint fighting shit i have nothing to gain. Cant wait to see the turkish or russian flags over zagreb tho :^)
>I also feel that ISIS will get involved and start enslaving Europeans
Bosniacs may be 'muslims' but they have nothing to do with arabs
Did you know that there are villages in Bosnia that are all inhabited by Arab mujaheedins??
With the power of Gusle and Gods help we the chosen people will rule our ancient homeland once again! 555-333
how am I supposed to pronounce it?
I never said that we fought the war alone and did it all by ourselves. But we did relativly brilliant with what we had. Ottomans fielded the strongest army in the world in that time and it had a huge manpower to draw from.
>i don't recall us warring you in middle ages, on contrary, we were in pretty good relations
Because we didn't nor did I say that we were. We had good relations for obvious reasons.
>hajduks were mainly serbian
>Hajduks is a term for every (slav) guerilla warfare unit against the Ottoman Empire in Balkan. Serbia, Croatia, Wallachia,...
Doesn't matter who it was mainly. But the most hajduk fighting I know of was in the hill part of Croatia where they lived in the mountains cut off from everyone and harassed Turk supply lines and army marches.
Not glorifying Croatia beacause atm it's just a shithole and it's pretty irrelevant, from which I want to go away from. But I don't like lies or false facts about it.
>people are leaving former yugoslav countries en masse
no shit man, give me some sauce about that toilet cleaning jobs
>after hanz is done shitting in your sea
little obsessed with excrement, no wonder from a bosnian like you Emir
Sup Forums is an image board last I checked
If there is one thing the tuks have taught you for the 500 years of occupation its how to lie and switch theses. Wasn't it your pm who went on national tv and demanded that croatia cant have assault weapons in its army. Or the time you sent that train to kosovo with kosovo is serbia painted al over it only to have it sent back. Or the time croatia had its first millitary parade in over a decade and your president said its a bad thing and scary for serbs. Or the time you demanded france gave you that kebab albo war leader but they just let him go lmao. You are a fucking joke serbia. And all this and much more happened in one year.
You never will. If Croats sided with Serbs you wouldn't live now.
>That's what everyone said but it started WW1.
Urge for colonial expansion was what started WW1 not fucking random irrelevant assassination. Germany couldn't care fucking less about it, it was just a trigger, a casus belli. Germany armed themselves massively in 1905-1914.
Realistically it's your list -Croatia +Albania
In a perfect scenario Albanians are deported to some backwards Gulf States, this I agree with
Let me take a guess
Rep-oo-Bleek-uh Serb-skuh