There is a fucking Dutch military subamrine in the fucking port of sanjuan, Puerto Rico.
Why are your dutch toys in my country and What do you fucking want? Do you want to fill us with Muslims, fucking turkish mohamet sex toys?
There is a fucking Dutch military subamrine in the fucking port of sanjuan, Puerto Rico.
Why are your dutch toys in my country and What do you fucking want? Do you want to fill us with Muslims, fucking turkish mohamet sex toys?
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weed lmao dude
theyre there to defend the antilles against venezuela
>Do you want to fill us with Muslims, fucking turkish mohamet sex toys?
No, but now that I think about it, that sounds like a good idea.
calm down juan
Build a net
pay your debts you deadbeat spic
It's how I feel with the American bases in my country.
have you seen an increase in immigration there?
>t. beaner
We're there to gas all of you
>we have over 20 trillion debt
>have the audacity to tell other people to pay debt
Also I dare you to go over there and scream "kanker" at them.
>in my country
heard you guys needed some toothpaste
>your country
good one
America has a base in the Netherlands. Tiny one but still a base.
They are a U.S. territory since the Spanish American war of 1898. If Puerto Rico wants to become a state or a separate country, that is their choice.
Get ready to be toothpasted!
>amass large amounts of debt
>don't pay
>military shows up
It's a mystery Juan
Were coming for you...
Do we still have an army? We literally sold all our tanks a couple years ago. It's probably a Nork sub false flagging the shit out of you soon.
Pretty sure the only thing we have left is a couple F16s and the navy.
Yeah that's it. The only respectable navy vessel we have is used as a (((refugee))) taxi near Italy, didn't know we still had subs.
>tfw no Jan Cuck to buy me a carrier and F35s
Onze landmacht is in deplorabele staat. Gelukkig hebben we nog de vloot, of wat er nog van over is.
Estonia bought a bunch of your anti-tanks.
Thank you.
PuertoRico is not a country. It is a territory. Please decide if you are a state, or a failed Caribbean nation. I am tired of the tax drain.
Oh boy, the dutch are it again with the colonies.
The only ones keeping the US in the UK are english government. I am an isolationist, and feel the US should recede from the "old world" and focus exclusively on the americas, so long as the "old world" will leave the americas.
To that extent, I also want all trade to end. the global network is too fragile, too costly. We all have our own resources. The global trade just lets the ultra wealthy, get ultra wealthier.
they are looking for their bycicles
dont worry. theyre harmless
>my country
>Property of the USA
Looks like SUNARMY
Shit, you beat me to it.
They bring you loooove
Submarine is misspelled three times in that post
Shit is going down
nigga we dont even have tanks
probably got lost because some t*rk got a job as captain due to (((positive discrimination))) and couldnt read the map
They're coming to take the Dutch Antilles back.
Puerto Rico's debt is part of that debt