Nigger hate thread
Nigger hate thread
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Anyone else find it ironic that they are now wanting to segregate themselves from us white people? I figured we could wrangle them all up and throw them back in the fields. Just to give them a quick reminder of what their lives used to be like. Blaming all the present citizens for owning slaves. I fucking wish i owned a nigger slave.
Is there a way to legally own slaves here?
Our founding fathers are turning in their graves
I feel like they'd be a pain in the ass. You'd have to look at them all the time and they might murder you.
Shit i wish.
Why even risk it? Just wait 10 more seconds.
open a bank, give loans through usury.
He probably robbed someone, and was trying to make a quick getaway
If they are slaves i don't think regular law would apply in those situations, bring back the whips and flogging posts.
Importing slaves from Africa was our countries biggest mistake.
What if you started a buisness in a majority black neighbourhood and promised big gibs with little pay off. Then had them work as servents around your home and plantation?
It really wasn't, abolishing slavery the way you did was a big mistake.
Lincoln was wrong
Me and a few buddies of mine used to ride around beat niggers for fun cant do that anymore without a lawsuit
what the fuck is that
wtf is that?
Lincoln was for slavery and didnt care about niggers, he just knew he could use it to end the civil war and piss off the south.
Buy a sports team.
if they are in prison, by the 13th amendment, you can use them as slaves.
Why the fuck would anyone want to own one of these?
This. We brought them spooks here to work for us, not to live amongst us.
Lincoln was a mistake.
what am i watching here
I did the same when I was 13, I actually hit one with a bike lock hidden away in a sock. He didnt mess with my brother after that
really makes you think
Some chinks wanted to play Frankenstein by surgically attaching some other chink's arms to his legs
>Live leak
The south will rise again. At the rate America is going, there will probably be a race war/civil war.
And I thought what they did to doggos was bad.
For I second I thought that was Ouchi but it's not
what the fuck
Sweden was a big one too.
I lost
>That nigger with the johnny test hair
And then the German says... "they're just like us"
I hopped off the back of a moving truck like this once and something similar happened. Is there a way to land other than a duck and roll that won't throw you off balance
Lincoln wanted to free them so he could send them back.
what the h*ck is wrong with that dog?
they call him Lincoln
Hit the ground running
Someone post that nigger getting maced
wait a second.... thats...
Watched that shit live (old guy here). That began my hatred for niggers. That day, that moment.
Was that Micheal Jackson running by?
google how to jump out of a train
Removing cotton seeds from the raw cotton is very simple to understand, yet time consuming.
Only works at low speeds
That is literally the only serious way
What did he mean by this?
Since this video is in Philly I find this to be relevant
Kill them all.
I've seen this hundreds of times and I still don't know what the fuck is going on
That's actually an american thing, not a nigger thing.
Jesus fucking Christ is that your face?
That was in poo land.
It's fake, either from a movie or to scare people.
arent boars supossed to be herbivores?
shut up frijoles
I thought everything in that general like genus was omnivorous
Niggers are not human
file name, toothpaste.
Niggers are not human. I tried to give them chances like any frog here.. but man.. they are just niggers.. their behaviours are not just the same as any other race. FUCK I fucking can't
pr8y sm00th f4m
Your country post-WWII has been one long sequence of mistake after mistake.
Trying to find a smart nigger is like finding a needle in a haystack. Vast majority of them are dumb cunts. IQ is real.
Thicc fuck I'd like to drink her piss aids
God damn you give me a source
I kek'd in my pants
Does anyone have the webm of the nigger throwing the little nigglet into the washing/drier machine?
That one gets me every time
Why would you want that? Then you would have to take care of it and be around it. Sell them to muslims and build smell free robot servants your can stand to let in the house without the place stinking or your shit dissapearing
Should have picked our own cotton. We would be so set right now, laughing at the rest of the world
omnivores I guess xD
my fuckin sides
Yep.There is that ape who is friend with my best friends here. sometimes, he starts to chump without any reason.. I try to hide my power level but I won't lie to you one day I will kill him. He's now in a relationship with a fat pig here. Fuck women.. This shit is just hurting too much
Holy fuck she's got moves.
So those things that looked like claws were, in fact, the hands of another chink? Interesting...
>He's now in a relationship with a fat pig here.
No surprise there. Always some fat bitch that no other man would touch and they resort to dating niggers.
Good luck, Frenchbro. Fuck niggers.
>no really I do
It's almost like they're human.
But they are meat.