Why did American lose the Vietnam War?

Why did American lose the Vietnam War?

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LSD and low birth rates.

Because it was a Russia/America proxy war and the Russians put more money into it that we did

we left and didn't bomb the north when they broke the treaty

Cause of Politics

Subhuman hippies

Because Laos and Cambodia were faggots who wouldn't let us into their country to finish the Vietcong off.

They were overwhelmed by the glory of communism


It was just a training op.

Because it was a liberation war from the frenchies and stupid murkans thought they are fighting against communism

americans cant win shit on their own

We lost politically, not military. At the signing of that truce William Westmoreland made a comment to the Vietnamese general, "you know we kicked your ass up and down your country", the Vietnamese gen. Replied "it is irrelevant".

We've under-performed since the desegregation of the military.

Didnt genocide the Vietcong and replace them with Montagnards and other tribal buddies.

Regardless of morality or dubious casus belli, as I believe we shouldn't have been involved in the first place, my thoughts on the matter are that the U.S. made the mistake of assigning too many ground assets. Too many of our people died or came back changed due to the things they saw and the public took notice.

Vietnam should have been almost exclusively an artillery and air war with practically no ground combatants, or solely special forces. If one looks at the Australian example, the kangafuckers did an extraordinarily good job at killing the vietnamese, and the vietnamese were genuinely terrified by the aussies. Why? The Australians generally didn't present themselves as targets with fortified positions to be attacked, and instead hung out in the jungle deep behind enemy lines and massacre them while they gooks were sleeping. Essentially, they used extremely effective COIN tactics.

Back to my prior point about the US committing too many ground assets, the public saw the human face of events and reacted negatively to it, similar to how the US reacted to the Iraq war. Public pressure became too strong and the US was worried that their actions in vietnam might embolden domestic communist sympathy.

The North was effectively at the breaking point by the time the order to pull out was given.

As far as why I argue why the war should have consisted primarily of indirect combat action with limited ground forces, it is evidenced by our foreign policy of the last 20 years that no one gives a shit domestically if we just bomb the fuck out of people.

But they won

Look at vietnam today, they are even US ally counter China

And vietnam isn't a good economy country either

Because Americans suck dick at war.

The only thing Americans are good at is dropping bombs on women and children.

>that flag
>that post

Who says the United States lost? CIA gets its opium, defence contractors test their hardware and wrench shekels from the American public. Objectives complete, mission accomplished.


The winner of any war is holder of a divine right. The will of God. If you don't have this will, you cannot win. America has a weak will fighting for kikes. Why would we conquer and die for something that isn't beautiful? That's why we lose. If killing ever nigger in vietnam were a noble and pure goal, we would do it in an instant. But it's not. It's jewshit we can't win.

Because communists who had infiltrated the American gov't at all levels sabotaged the war effort for their friends in the North.

Watch Stefan Molyneux's video about communism in America, it's long at 3 hours but you will learn a shocking amount about communism and how it fucked over America.

>Fight the whole world twice
>Everyone fears us and hates us cause they know we are too powerful
>Get raped by the American nigger army cooperating with the Slavic Commie army
>Americans put (((them))) in charge
>Everyone thinks we are cucked bitches
Trust me, your grandfather feared us for a reason.

I'll quote SunTzu on this when you are weak feign strength, when you are strong feign weakness. Once you've figured out that concept you'll realize why you and your buddies think we are cucked.

We have produced more gods of war on a more consistent basis then any other people in the world.

Because contrary to you we can do war, and when we want to kill women and children we don't drop bombs we put them in a church and burn the church to the ground.

>*loses half his territory to Poland*

Your leaders destroyed the genes that created strong germans by throwing them into wars they had no chance of winning. It was not intentional but it is the end effect.

>We have produced more gods of war on a more consistent basis then any other people in the world.

Why germanis are like this?

Why do they think they are the best?

I see many germanis guys here are very insecure and that is why they say all that

Are you chubby or fat?

Are most white guys here fat?

The commies back home made sure of it.

>Your leaders destroyed the genes that created strong germans by throwing them into wars they had no chance of winning
Wrong, it was a destillation process, and we are still alive, begging to die in a glorious war like our ancestors.

Varrus started it all
>Why germanis are like this?
Because God made us like this
>Why do they think they are the best?
Because we don't lie
>I see many germanis guys here are very insecure and that is why they say all that
many German guys don't understand that the German people only exist to fight for freedom and dignity.
>Are you chubby or fat?
Nope workout 6days a weak, am overweight according to BMI but that's just muscle mass
>Are most white guys here fat?
Guessing most guys in the Dominican republic are starving cause ya'll broke niggaz

In Germany about 30% of the population is fat, they are degenerates who don't work on their physique

technically they didnt. South Vietnam lost and since theyre our allies, its assumed America lost too

>lel lets invade the north and cause a nuclear war with china
>what could go wrong?


Hahaha ha

I mean here in 4can

I refuse to believe that most white guys are fat

That was Korea, retard.

this is literally why we never invaded north vietnam you fucking idiot, it was korea + nukes on both sides

No clear victory condition AFIK.

Gods not real you fucking moron, that's kike level thinking.

we lost the culture war with the communists. they owned the media and were able to sway popular opinion enough to get us to pull out, ending up with a US forfeit.

we were destroying the NVA up until that point.

i mean really though, it's not like Vietnam was any more brutal than other wars like it, the pacific theater in WW2 was every bit as horrific if not more.


You lost because you are the invaders, end of story.

>inb4 we completed our objectives
Doesn't matter, in the end you fled Saigon with your tails between your legs.

Because (((hippies))) and (((politicians))) not wanting to implement Total War doctrine on Vietnam, which includes the use of nuclear weapons and all manner of weapons of mass destruction. Because (((communism))) would've been snuffed out then and there, all the way to Moscow where (((they))) set up shop.

It's like fighting someone with a blindfold on and one hand tied behind your back. Want victory? No self-imposed (or rather, (((leftist)))-imposed) handicaps.

americans are just shit at fighting. they've lost pretty much every war they entered. they spend trillions on bombing guys with AKs and pickup trucks. it's honestly pathetic.

>coming from a shit country that got raped by Murkans, twice
Yeah, Hans. If we suck, you Germans must be nigger-tier when it comes to winning anything. Now shut your piehole before you get your cities bombed to oblivion again. Only this time, there's no stopping until your country is nothing more than a big lake filled with the blood of you shifty Germans.

Pressure from the public and if I'm correct we couldn't cross the border otherwise we might go into a direct war with China and Russia (not what was wanted)

Because the government wanted to. Simple as that.
Check out the rules of engagement imposed on the US soldiers. They were never intended to win.

so you can't win unless you nuke rice farmers? LMFAO. what a toothless superpower. I hope china is a little more effective when they rise up and take over.

Just a police action bro, not total war

Because we didn't belong there. Let the slants murder each other over propery disputes, we had no dog in that fight after France quit. The only reason we stayed was because the MIC lobbied the government to keep us in there.

That's funny, because Germany's probably the biggest fucking loser here

It wasn't worth having two South Koreas.

The goal never was to win the war,
American (((bankers))) just wanted to prolong it because they got a fuckload of money from it.

it wasn't made to be won, it was made to be lengthy so the bankers and military-industrial complex could steal tax shekels from the goyim. the same as every other war the USA has entered since WW2. Stalin and FDR had already worked the details for how they were gonna divvy the loot up before the reich ever even fell.

This. The fact that it took 14+ years to even get the authorization to bomb the bordering countries (who were already politically unstable) being used as supply routes for the Vietcong should tell you all that you need to know. We never had a chance. People go "oh yea.. Guerilla tactics whooped their asses lol" but we did it to ourselves.

Lol this guy is literally a fucking meme
"Geemany es best. I am not fat, big boned"
>we are still alive! still willing to die in glorious war
Good fuckking Christ are you a joke? You do realize that you sausages are the biggest cucks of all under Merkel, right?

As many historians have said before
"The war was lost on the steps of Washington years before any treaty was signed"
The US curb stomps any war that gets our full attention.

Totally incorrect. The war was fought to seize control of the most lucrative drug producer at the time. Nixon realized the war was lost in the early 70s, when after Linebacker 2 he tried to launch a full-scale assault on the NVA and instead nearly suffered a full-blown military revolt. All the soldiers had become addicted to drugs and many were smuggling them back home to sell to the hippies and street niggers. The rank-n-file knew if they ever "won" they'd lose their drugs. This is all kept pretty hush hush but it's the reason the military is volunteer only with drug testing ever since.

All the fragging and shit you hear about in Vietnam isn't what you think. Draftees weren't killing their officers as a form of protest against the war like the lefties say, what was actually going on is that the military was so hooked on drugs and crime that internal narco-gangs were forming amongst the troops, divided on racial lines. About a third of the casualties from Vietnam were "friendly fire". You don't get stats like that in combat unless the military is fighting itself on purpose. Black troops and white troops were fragging each other to seize control of the drug smuggling out of the country. It nearly started a full-blown race war among the troops, which would have spread to the domestic front if the war had continued.

By the mid-70s the only effective branch of the military left partially untainted by all of the massive drug use and STDs were the chair force. That's why Nixon drew up a war plan to try to win solely through massive bombing. We weren't the first to lose a war this way, Alexander the Great was stopped in India because all his soldiers started to get hooked on opium. It isn't a coincidence that as soon as the war ends the biker gangs and negro gangs saw an enormous surge in numbers and money. The vets just came back and kept doing what they learned how to do over there.

damn burger we posted the same thing only 5 sec apart. But yeah the whole war was essentially a kike scheme