>feminists don't care about men's righ--
>feminists don't care about men's righ--
Yeah thanks this makes up for 24/7 propaganda all year, every year of hearing how everything's a male power fantasy and how that's garbage.
>what is emotional blackmail
wtf I love feminism meow
>taking social cues from Tumblr
My respect for Brazil posters has diminished
Disney always tells little girls that they are actually princesses all their lives.
If feminists think they can use this argument for men after getting rid of so called patriarchal chivalry, they're sorely mistaken.
Feminists think men are so emotionally weak that we need them to tell us we're princes in order to get through the day. Fuck off fatty. I'm doing just fine without your faggoty compliments.
This is the second time I've come across this post now. And still, nobody seems to get that this ISN'T a feminist. Go check the actual blog.
if they care so much why won't they let us fuck them
LMAO who the fuck is the faggot that responded like that, he should literally kill himself.
Talk is Cheap: the Tumblr post
>Without women the greatest feat of mechanical design and engineering of all time fantasy or otherwise would still be running flawlessly as intended
So women ruin cool shit? What a surprise
>inverted gender
>not a feminist
Fuck this was meant for
This sounds like the perfect way to make everyone an entitled cunt. Someone has to sweep the floors, is he a fucking archduke in disguise?
Basement dweller detected
>inverted gender
thanks for patronising me benevolent internet wise woman
>Implying you respected Brazil posters
napoleon and hitler were basement dwellers