Where have all the good white men gone? Do they even exist anymore?
Where have all the good white men gone? Do they even exist anymore?
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Picking up your ebt card isn't exactly what I call "picking up the pieces".
>Where have all the good white men gone?
They are either alone, fucking around without settling down or with the good women
They're all busy shitposting
yes yes but by all means
lets keep that southern border openn where all the heroin is flowing in from.
This tbqhwyfampai-san.
there is nothing more annoying than entitled women
>literally shaking
Many of them have realized how worthless most modern, Western women are.
Women spend their 20's getting fucked by 50-100 cocks and denying good men the opportunity to get with them.
Only after these whores hit the wall is when they start asking, "DURR where have all duh good men gone? I need someone to help raise Chad's kid!"
They don't exist. You either have the alpha fags round here (smart but generally ungrateful fantasists) or beta cucks who want their girl to go out and work & pay their fat asses to sit around all day.
Friendly reminder that Sup Forumsacks will excuse this (white opiate epidemic) with the same logic libtards use to excuse nonwhite drug epidemics.
>the atlantic
it's a symptom of our society dying?
yes yes because it's fucking Paco and Jose that forced the nice secretary's son to smoke oxy 60's
Was some illegal spic with an anchor baby really the best pic they could find for this story?
>Fuck over white men in every single way you can, whether it's affirmative action or just treating them like shit
>Where have all the good white men gone?
>Why do we have to pick up the pieces?
Sort of. huhwites on Sup Forums will excuse white drug abuse by saying "wul it's the only option they have because society is just so gosh darn hopeless"
Kinda like how libtards will say "wul Paco and Jamal mainline heroin into their dickvein because the urban ghetto life is just so gosh darn hopeless"
Bitches who don't cook, clean or suck dick are always asking where the good men went
The good men are getting their dick sucked in a clean house after a nice home cooked meal
Remember when the CIA gave crack to niggers?
Remember when the Gov. made niggers into the jobless, drug addicted filth they still are?
We the nigger nao.
Not because you wouldn't fight, but because you wouldn't learn and teach others.
Soon, we will be the strange fruit.
Ohiofag here, the good men are everywhere she's just angry there aren't many "attractive" men here that aren't smashing every dumbshit thot in the state.
>Hire diversity
>wonder why you have fewer white workers
No, that's never how it's expressed here, tourist. Most of Sup Forums says it's Darwinism, and fuck degenerate drug users. Once you give up being productive in society, who cares?
>men are dying from drug addiction, but pay attention to ME and my feelings.
So sick of this narrative.
nah not really. if I had my way, I'd have a tattoo put on the chest of every person who had one overdose and had to be revived woth that drug, and if they overdosed agaon, theyxd be denied it.
this coming from someone who lives in a mostly white area with heroin overdoses happening several times a week.
It's not acceptable, but it is understandable considering drugs are plentiful and use of them is encouraged since childhood by the media
National Socialism will save the white race, most of these people need meaning
but you're wrong you stupid fuck
I was listening to NPR yesterday, which is at times Salon-tier liberal in my region, and there was a discussion about the opioid problem. Basically came down to a couple Jews saying that it's unfortunate that people are only starting to care about the spread of drug addiction now that a lot of white communities are falling victim to it ("we don't care until white people are hurt," "structural racism," etc).
I think they're right, but only because a lot of "strong" "college ""educated"" white women have to start doing manual labor now, as if this isn't what they wanted.
Reminder that Jews did this to your women.
You remove the heroin they'll find something else to abuse.
No one forcing them to buy it senpai.
>waaaah white men are too successful this is a me problem
>waaaah white men are no longer successful this is a me problem
Right, it just sounds like a kike rat trying to get white women to move to the (((cities))) either that or a classic Jew divide and conquer piece.
>implying it isn't the lack of good payinh manufacturing jobs and the death of the American dream that caused this
This has nothing to do with the "quality" of women.
so tired of hearing white women's stories
cant wait for this generation of narcissists to die out
Please shoot me
You must be starving in a shithole with a full nutsack.
You faggots don't even know what the article is about. It's not about men refusing to marry women or anything like that, it's about the decline of the Rust Belt and how that affected white men there.
Your government shipped 60,000 factories to China and hid the millions of white job losses with diversity government hires. 10t in debt added under Obama.
The great fuckery is going on right now in America and I see it creeping up to Canada. They are trying to devastate non-urban communities, you'll either blow your brains out or give in and buy a human birdcage.
That's bullshit though. People still talk about the crack epidemic and poor negroes in the 90s.
>rural white america gutted by globalist policies
>jewess turns it into a white men are bad women are victims piece
good post
Most of Sup Forums is against drug usage no matter what
>White men are suffering
>But really it's the women who suffer
Fucking cunts I swear
>Heroin robbed Tracey Kemper-Hermann of her husband, and sometimes she misses him most when she’s trying to start her lawnmower.
She must have really loved him alot.
They all died out because the white women were taking dickings from black men
Every year, the same article. Every article, the same speculation. Every speculation, outrageously far off the mark.
It's not even sad anymore, it just... is.
>All sub-6foot
Almost all the women I know that have been in a relationship with one of these no good men, were pieces of shit themselves.
Is good a complete cuck who pays everything and gets a blowjob once a year on christmas? no thanks, whore.
She's literally just documenting what's happening. It's a fact of life in the Rust Belt. Everything she's saying is true. It's not lying to say that a lot of men have turned to drug use, creating a ton of single mothers. I don't give a shit about a heroin addict desu, I feel more sympathy for the moms that actually want to raise kids and got fucked over.
t. Rust Belt inhabitant
why don't all these men in the rustbelt move to India or some other 3rd world nation? Your savings would automatically be 70x in rupees and you could easily get a job doing something because Indians like whites people more than other Indians
"my story from Ohio"
Born in Mass, went to Harvard, worked in London for a while. Lets talk about some povo drug addicted neighbourhood in ohio to show white men suck.
I dont even excuse people who smoke weed. Anyone who smokes weed is always a total loser.
wew lad
where did she say white men exactly? I read the whole article and never saw her specifically saying white men suck
>"women are left to pick up the pieces."
No, woman. You wont do shit, all the pieces you collect is from welfare from the remaining working white men.
Stop posting that retarded copypasta Himey.
Yeah who cares about the men who lose their jobs and cannot find jobs, then become homeless and turn to addiction because women kick them out and refuse to help support them in their time of need. Meanwhile are women ever homeless? They can fuck for money or get prego and go on welfare in a heartbeat. Meanwhile men are discriminated from social programs like welfare/food stamps.
disagree with my claims? why dont you explain for everyone my error then?
>tfw I want to smoke weed because it has been the only thing that effectively calms my anxiety but I don't touch it at all because I completely agree that it makes you a lazy braindead piece of shit
drugs are bad and I wish they weren't
>First part of the story is bitching that she has to do the chores her dead husband used to do
>Next three paragraphs are whining that men are leaving the area en masse, military, finding work, anything to get out of the area
>Now all the poor womyn who were left there dont have any men taking care of them so they have to get real jobs themselves
>Explicitly states that women have more job opportunities, better access to education, actual support for addictions instead of glorified jail cells
Its a shitty situation for sure, but why not just leave? The fact that every man youve met is unemployed or an addict should tell you plenty about where the town is going.
We all no the demographics of Harvard and her name is Jewey
Most people get hooked on Oxy's first before the move to H. If you want to stop the epidemic you have to go after the doctors who are pushing the pills on people.
I am a good cracka, user. Don't date fatties, libs, or engaged. Divorced so know not to marry again. But hard to stay with one. I'm getting old, but women are fucking stupid and are meant to be used.
>feel bad for a woman who would procreate with a heroin addict
Are you retarded?
This is all part of that meme that all the men are fucked up on drugs and alcohol and they can't work so we have to import immigrants from Mexico to do the work.
>Where have all the good white men gone?
They're busy protecting their 2D waifus from getting Blacked on Sup Forums.
>half the earning potential of males by doubling the workforce
Of course there are no "good" males. It's much simpler to work just enough to pay your rent and bare minimums and sit inside and play video games or shitpost all day. If the urge for female companionship arises you can simply fap to the vast array of porn at your disposable and any thought or care of a female in your life just subsides.
I think white men could weather this if they had a country or countries worth caring about.
In most cases they got addicted after you retard
do you have any money left?
why is Sup Forums full of faked shit today
here is the real website
>haha pol is just like liberals because they want to stop white people from dying out even faster
Neocons are pure trash
>human birdcage
What's that?
>Murder and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
I'm happy they nailed him on that last charge.
>Still trying to force a shitty hashtag
>Trying to force a hashtag
White people lack purpose, lack identity, and lack dignity. We need to reclaim our pride and our purpose, which were ripped away from us. In Weimar Germany the German people faced similar problems with depression, substance abuse, even suicide. The white man, deprived of his honor, and his purpose, descends into a mental hell.
I'm from the area surrounding Harvard. It's probably 30% kids who earned it and 70% rich kids who's daddy knew someone. Harvard has lost a lot of its integrity in many ways and has become a bit of a brainwashing mechanism. MIT is where the real geniuses go. Harvard is still better than 85-95% of schools, but it used to be up in that 99% before they got full of themselves and their name.
As if the warning signs of the type of person who would become a heroin addict aren't apparent before? You have to be a special type of person to get addicted to heroin
>In Weimar Germany the German people faced similar problems with depression, substance abuse, even suicide. The white man, deprived of his honor, and his purpose, descends into a mental hell.
what happened next?
The image you're replying to is very old. The change to "White (Hispanic)" is new.
Is this going to be another thread where Sup Forums spergs out about "men these days" while providing no real solution other than a "just man up bro!" monotone dialogue?
The article blames post-industrial society for the problem. Good luck fixing that.
You jewish homosexuals crack me up.
You just love reminding us that you consider everyone but yourselves niggers.
During the Weimar you saw that the extremes (communist party and national socialists) managed to gain more and more voices. Also, those extremes got into each other's hair more often (hello battle of Berkeley).
Eventually the communist blew up some shit, Hitler seized power.
People seem to think voting far right is a symptom that shit is going to hell, it isn't. It's when you get equal numbers of far right and far left voting and when the poorer your people, the more extreme they vote. That's a sign that shit is going to happen.
Job loss and drug addiction have nothing to do with that retard. I had quite a few friends who got really bad into Heroin and meth before they got arrested and forced into rehab. None of them were MGTOW fags. Im more MGTOW than any of my addict friends ever were.
>what happened next?
>Don't date fatties, libs, or engaged.
Hey me too but they're the only ones who want me since fucking high school and I'm sick of it.
But I'm not pursuing women until I'm way more fit because I understand no woman wants a skinny fat nice guy
A person that was prescribed oxycodone? These things do have a pattern and its pretty rare they start at heroin. Its been traced to the overprescribing of opiate pain killers. He was a carpenter so i would absolutly believe he was prescribed something for an on the job injury that lead to the addiction.
t. Town got #rekt by the current heroin epidemic.
One of the ways that can be fixed is by teaching men how to get slightly more self-reliant and to take on responsibility. Farming is an important aspect in that, bizarrely enough, growing a part of your own food.
>what happened next?
Try exercise and adequate sun exposure as well as genuinely dealing with the issues that cause you stress. Why would you feel calm when you are constantly enduring stressful situations?
Worked for me.
lol, They are all beta cuck faggot normies now
The problem is not just "men" though, the world has drastically changed and nobody has really adapted to that yet.
>Where have all the good white men gone? Do they even exist anymore?
This is what happens when you look over white men with legit talent to fill hiring quotas for minorities.
What intelligent or even semi-intelligent man would break his back at some job when he knows he's going to be looked over for promotion because the CEO wants to push some multi-culture agenda?
Why would a man invest in a relationship and family where he is the bread winner when courts will fine him into oblivion with alimony and child support when his wife wants to get on Jamal's cock.
Why would a guy make moves on a chick he likes if she's just going to claim asking her out is rape?
tl;dr if there is no real incentive, men won't try.
Kek this post is best post
lol heroin comes in through corrupt border patrol officials.