Ask someone who just smoked HEROIN anything

Ask someone who just smoked HEROIN anything..

Pic related

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how are you doing?


is it your first time?

Do you regret breaking the law and being shipped to a dusty island full of spiders?

Why would you waste heroin by smoking it? At least snort it, or better yet, use a needle. You'll thank me when you feel the difference.

Why are whites all getting strung out on opiates across the USA, Canada, and apparently AUS?

That means I don't have to pick up your needles when I work for the dole.

well done.

snorting is ok but i ike the immediate effect of smoking plus the taste of smoking is really nice..

Not gonna use a needle.. too much of a pussy for that

Why would you smoke our powder you dumb cunt. Atleast snort it.
It's so expensive to waste

Tell me is it THAT awesome that you will do it again and again ignoring the fact that it will transition into "I will suck your cock for change"?
I am serious. That's the most probable outcome form what I know.

most here are on meth.. Heroin is pretty rare here so far as i know

I can see why your family came to Aussieland. It must run in the family.

Not everyone becomes an addict m8

How did you become degenerate? Are you abo?

its not so special man.. I just did it because i was bored

Oxycontin, codeine, addictive personalities lead them from marijuana to cocaine use, but heroin is much cheaper and more prevalent in lower-middle class neighborhoods. Heroin smoking is pretty common in rich kid neighborhoods, though. This is where the smoking comes in. They think that it is less addictive when smoked out of tin foil like in OP's pic. But as someone who's worked on an ambulance in rural West Virginia, I can tell you that the biggest problem is with the lower income white areas. It's becoming like crack in the 80s for black communities, but this time it's rural white areas.

OP, if this is your first time, whatever you do, don't hit it again because you didn't feel anything. I get first timers on the ambulance all the time, because they redosed when it didn't kick in right away.

3rd time

So you have enough to OD?

If so give it a shot

was it worth it?
Did it feel good?
How'd it feel exactly?

You picked an awful way to end your life.

>too much of a pussy for that

Yeah you are.
Trust me, it's not that big of a deal, and once you do, you'll get annoyed by everyone sperging out about it, or posting about it for fucking attention likes it a big deal you dumb faggot
I wouldn't be irritated if dumbasses like you made it that much harder to come by

Heroin here. AMA.

It's fucking amazing though. Just way too expensive. Opiates are patrician.

I've been blackpilled for almost a decade

Will you update us in a year? I want to hear about how you're sucking of niggers to feed your habit.

I've been using oxy for years, if you ingest it and you don't have an addictive personality is nowhere as scary and feels very good.

But you have to be peculiar. I used to smoke for a long time and I never got addicted too. One day I started doing sports again and decided to just stop cold turkey and never had any problems.


feels like blissful nothingness with the ability to think what ever fantasy i want

I fell for the bait you fucking cunt. The least you could do is actually ask me a question.

I was summoned for a reason.

>mfw, aussie economy shits the bed and everyone becomes a depressed druggie shitposting on pol.

what does injecting feel like compared to smoked snorted?

>guys I just got fucked up on heroin
>here's my completely rational thoughts typed out

Get the fuck out of here. Must have been a pussy ass dose.

why did you waste perfectly good dope by administering it any way other than intravenously?

Do you have good heroin in the AU? Is smoking it comparable to IVing in regard to the effect?
I'm just curious, only do cannabis and amphetamine.

what are you politically (more specific than left/right wing)

Feels more like an impulse high as compared to something that takes a while to notice. It's the simplest way of getting high.

Next question.

Why are you such a degenerate?

i'll put it this way mate. don't try IV because you'll never be satisfied otherwise.
also, 3rd time using H? stop the fuck now. your life will be ruined before you even know it.
t. served prison time due to heroin addiction

i gotit from 2 hoes who were injecting in a car infront of me whie i sat in the back seat waiting for them to bag it for me.. one bitch started vomiting. also there was a baby seat in the car

They don't compare

Opiates impair thinking processes much less than weed or psychedelics. It's more like alcohol, in small doses you even receive a stimulant effect and are very lucid.


heroin is a functional drug; noone can tell you're on it for the most part

>your life will be ruined before you even know it
Maybe, don't let him scare you just because he got sloppy. Smart addicts don't get caught, and strong people don't let it run their life.
Used it for a year, nothing, then quit because there's more important shit in life.

used to be the a general normie with leftist ideals but not really investing before discovering PUA and experiencing a feminist protest directed at me for completely irrational reasons

how did you get it? does it show on your face that you smoke heroin?


H is great, but man stay away from PUA that's the surest way to never get pussy.

On the other hand being the fun guy with a lot of contacts at the party is a sure way to fuck. Always have a bag of C in your pocket, and invite girls to partake.

yeah shows you get this absent look in your face like you are not looking AT things but Through them

>implying you didn't just run out of money

fix up op. do you work or have nothing better to do?

I have fucked more girls since discovering PUA than i could have ever dreamed...
The vast majority of them are full on weirdos though..
Check RSD they have quality insights

Waxy skin just isn't that sexy.

Vast majority of PUA's That is

I dont know what PUA is but me and this THICC cutie used to do herrOn together in my bedroom and succ n fucc for hours. She ended up giving me the clap but it was worth it famalam. Best fucc ever

i was a highly productive person before this (partly thanks to the PUA culture) so ived saved a lot of money.. I dont work now because i just came back from a year of backpacking but il get a job soon and work for a few months then head back to London or paris. Had a a cute french gf that i met with the PUA "tactics"

That's good then, it means you are smart enough to get the good parts and leave the bad parts!

>The vast majority of them are full on weirdos though..
Thats what you learn when you start having casual sex with random strangers. At least, I did.

Please do all of it at once to kys

well it was a process i had to become a weirdo myself for a while (going out pretty much every day pushing the comfort zone by approaching in fucked up situations like on the bus or in shops, train stations or on the street)

How I get girls:

-go on tinder
-ask girl out for a drink
-meet at bar
-ask her to come at my place if we hit it off

Reaping the benefits of being fashionable, tall, and good looking.

THIS (the Coke part) In my opinion, Coke is EXTREMELY overrated, to the point where I think that it was actually 'advertised' by the cartels back in the 80's and that's why it has so much glamorous press, even though it honestly fuckin sucks.

That being said, women are very social creatures. There's a way they think they're supposed to act on Coke (thanks to the cartel advertising) and so if you bring some, you are basically guaranteed to get laid because they will want to have the 'full package' of what doing Coke is to them

This includes snorting it off their titties, letting them snort it off your cock and then suck it, and then you of course rubbing it places you'd like to be numbed. Just be careful when you numb the butthole that if you get too much into her butt, she will OD

Heroin is a horrible addiction and it has nothing to do with 'willpower.' Nobodies willpower is strong enough to quit, after they have become addicted beyond a certain point. Whenever I see internet tough guys on Sup Forums telling people

>you're just weak willed
>I did heroin for X time, quit cold turkey, you just don't have the willpower!

I scoff in their general direction. They either
A. Had bad heroin
B. lost their connection
C. went to jail
D. are lying

One does not simply quit good heroin if they still have money and a good life

Don't get hooked man!

You could speak to me directly instead of being a passive aggressive pussy about it.
Plenty of people do, you just don't hear about it because it doesn't fit so snugly in your comfy little victim complex.

i used tinder too usually lower quality though.. I looked at it like more of a supliment/ practice to smooth out the rough areas of my game like dates
bad thing about it is that it makes you kinda soulless but its necessary to get you out of the mindset of pedistalling girls

you can do that sober idiot

1st time leads to 2nd time which leads to the 3rd and so on.
you're already addicted
sorry bruh

bookmark this for when you need your life saving

also read the sub forums to see what you're getting yourself into

i wish someone had told me

what was is like?

Pussy alert, why not suck it up and inject it

Each people reacts differently, I don't like weed and mdma. I hate mdma with a passion, it makes me feel sick and I can't fuck.

As for addiction the best advice is as with alcohol: never drink every day.

probs man.. I was addicticed to codeine before this using the CWE method on OTC pills (CWE = cold water extraction)

>Each people reacts differently

Exactly, some of us are just genetically inferior.

To be fair, smoking the shit is probably the least harmful way to do it from an addiction standpoint. stay off oxy's and don't do fentanyl.

It's a slippery slope tho mayne. hopefully you're like me and don't have a physical affinity for it.

Picture reminds me when my degenerate friends started to freebase coke, they aren't doing to well these days


read up man i admmit im a pussy for not IV-ing..

cant make that leap

>Don't get hooked man!
I am sure it is already too late.....Once you are smoking heroine, you need help.

>not injecting it straight into your dick vein
Why are you such a pussy?

>too much of a pussy for that

t. typical heroin spiral

dont want to ruin the rest of your life ?

do exactly as i say

>get towels
>go to bathroom
>call friend
>tell him your banging his gf/wife
>let him beat the shit out of you
>soak up blood for as long as needed

now youl remember it as a painful experience

Dont do that shit again, its for niggers.

I don't find it that bad but I keep convo on the minimum like "hey wanna go out tomorrow night? I know this great bar" but I live in new york so no one has much time for anything.

If you are in a big city and you are there for a small time a good trick is to put that you like guys and girls. Guys swipe right so much more than girls, so they will trick the app into improving your rating and show you only the hottest girls.

Well, get better... :\

im a pretty good distance from russia man

Stop NOW.
t. ex junkie

Nothing to live for, no jobs in rural areas, working class whites are passed over for minorities in the job market

>being a passive aggressive pussy about it

m8 you're on an anonymous imageboard and I have heard about it before but when I dug deeper and asked these people more it turned out that the reasons I listed were in effect. Say what you will, nobody is stopping you, but if you're gonna stick by 'I did heroin for a year straight and then quit cold turkey because I had better things to do' I'm gonna stick by 'you're a liar'

You quit because of something and it's dishonest and dangerous to the OP to pretend like you quit 'just because' after doing it for a year straight 'just because'

or maybe what you actually mean is you did it for a year on the weekend? or maybe you mean you smoked it? The bioavailability for smoking is 10% of injecting

OR, more than likely, it was really easy for you to quit because you had speed and weed. That's the easiest way to quit, well suboxone speed and weed

Don't do that m8

What's the weirdest thing you've shoved up your ass while high?

my only criteria for tinder is to either meet closer to my place or hers.. logistics is the greatest determining factor of fucking them or not after you have sorted out the social weirdness

kek, that's the same "logic" that liberals use to excuse nonwhite drug usage.
>oh you dont understand, Paco and D'ontrayvius shoot up heroin because there's nothing to live for in the urban ghetto!

my ex gf's finger

you will eventually lol

yea I don't like weed either also don't listen to this faggot
Prove it faggot. Prove to us you're not what you sound like; a fat autist who's 'done weed and alcohol before and quit' so you think any drug can be quit if you just stop

you're a faggot

>Or, more than likely, it was really easy for you to quit because you had a speed and weed

Oh, yeah, that's fair. I just moved on to other not necessarily harder but more fun drugs. Who the fuck ever quits drugs completely?

>dangerous to the OP

literally so the fuck what

Injected several times a week over the course of a year, maybe a few pockets there where I decided to do something else.

Also why I quit is none of your business, but I promise it's none of the four reasons you listed.

Either way, the fucks who are squealing your life is over when you start injecting are insanely sheltered to the point of making me physically cringe.

How about that: it's cheaper than alcohol.

Prove that I'm genetically superior to you or that I can quit any drug without help? Dude there are way worse things in life than heroin withdrawal, grow a pair.

this has nothing to do with politics. take it to Sup Forums

Why do you make drug threads on a politics board?

about to take another hit..

should i smoke or snort?

>smoking heroin
you just wasted most of it. Snort it if you're a beginner.

t. ohiofag