Well Sup Forums? Which one do you choose?
Well Sup Forums? Which one do you choose?
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I'm waiting on that science goy to show a peer reviewed paper showing why, scientifically there are 58 genders.
Until then you can shut up
This could be applied to any politician.
the fact that "post results" don't follow "hypothesis not supported" just shows you the level of education of those who make these shits
The left doesn't support the scientific method. They obfuscate truth, they're disingenuous in the face of facts, and outright deny evidence. All in favour of their ideology.
Tracking retractions as a window into the scientific process
Trump method wins in the political world. How many scientists are successful politicians? inb4 "muh Merkel"
Quick question, does Global Warming follow this?
kill yourself establishment shill
fucking kek
Oops. Was laughing too hard
So what does Occupy Democrats even mean?
like, when it was Occupy Wallstreet, Wallstreet was the enemy. Now their occupying their own party? I don't think it translates very well desu
wtf i'm a liberal cuck now
Merkel is a scientist??
It seems that for both sides, no. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
>implying any liberal has ever come even relatively close to using the method on the left
Aruba, Jamaica, oooo I wanna take ya
Chemical engineer
>hypothesis not supported
>don't report results
They do this all the time.
Liberals believe in (((Critical Theory)))
We believe in the Scientific Method
This is actually really telling.
>don't post results that aren't what you want
not even the only bit of deception on that whiteboard, but certainly the most damning.
The liberal scientific method:
-Go on liberal site
-copy links to shaky and poorly-rigored scientific studies without reading them
-claim that you do science
-claims get rebutted by conservative sources
-you can't counter the rebuttal because you don't know anything about the field
-cry that conservatives are anti-science
Strange I don't see suck the cock of nature, beg for more money and fudge results in that column on the left.
I choose the secret democrat method
>theorize how the world should "ideally" work and function
>act solely on my ideals and emotions instead of any kind of quantifiable evidence of proven solutions
Trump method. Always the Trump method.
This. Flawed as fuck
yeah man religion of peace n shit, muh 983 gorillion genders like I can't even current year n stuff.
Are you fucking kidding me? Hitler didn't build any border walls. Hitler wanted to unify the master race. It wasn't till after the war that the wall was built by soviet Russia in order to keep people from fleeing the country. Donald Trump is building his wall to keep shut skins and wet backs from coming into our country illegally, to stop drug and human trafficking across the border, and to help unify America for a cause. Don't try to come to Sup Forums and attempt to blue pill any of us. Once you're red pulled, you can't go back.
Not only is this historically inaccurate garbage, it is the exact trope of the hitler and icecream meme. This is pathetic.
If you actually applied the scientific method to governing without any bias, all blacks would be gone within a few months, disabled would be euthanized and repeat criminals would receive one bullet to the head