My friend argues that he would take 2 women to every 1 man in an army.
Also said technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
Is he right?
My friend argues that he would take 2 women to every 1 man in an army.
Also said technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
Is he right?
Can a woman ever be as good as a man in combat?
There is a reason no females are Swiss guards
You'd just need to wait for all their periods to synchronize and the army would take care of itself.
Why's that?
>Is he right?
no, women suck at video games so they are even useless for flying drones. I shot up sandniggers in afgan for 6 years, no chicks, it was a good break
>thread about women in the Army
>post Air Force women
you are fucking stupid desu senpai
>send all your breeding stock off to die
literally how a society goes extinct, tell your friend he's a retard
Technology won't compensate when a Russian rams their pussy real good. Better install high tech attack tampons or some shit.
Women thinking that the Goth's and Vandals were poor infantilized hobbled retards that needed coddling helped destroy the Roman empire!
>Also said technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
even if we gave them steroids to increase their muscle mass and upper body strength (doubtful) women have lower bone density
healthy male soldiers in their 30s and even 20s are suffering weight-related injuries like herniated discs and stress fractures due to all the stuff they have to wear and carry, women don't stand a chance and get injured much more often
which means they cost more in healthcare
way too many people think that the military is just pulling triggers when most of the time you are a pack mule
even combat service support types have to carry all sorts of gear
I don't know, but I love Military woman. They are like traps, but don't have dicks.
Technology COULD make up for the physical differences....but we're not there yet.
This ain't no starship troopers son
In acutal combat? Fuck no my sister's definition of roughing it is a bad parking spot at the mall.
That being said while they dont belong in a foxhole, they could do other things provided they have the sanitary amenities when hands are short. Pilots, doctors, logistics, they could do alot.
What is his reasoning? Also Which technology is going to make up the massive strength difference?
Even women who have actually served in forward positions don't think women should be in the army
Would women at least have An even kill count?
You just know there is a very uncomfortable training class where they let all the guys go play kickball on the yard and they teach the females about what to do when they get captured, brought to a cave in Afghanistan and rapped for 10+ years.
Why are there no women in the NFL, NBA or MLB? Because men and women are different. As a society, we need to stop pretending we are the same. Despite men being stronger and smarter, we are expendable. Men need to get used to that. We die, the world goes on. Females die and everything fucking stops, because the family stops, until the father can find a new mother to continue it. The time it takes for a female to find a new partner is fuck tons shorter than for a male to find a new partner.
All about numbers essentially.
200 women > 100 men.
Without a mech
Dragging grown man with full kit, ruck and weapons takes real strength.
Brb, lower physical standard for females going through Ranger School just to satisfy "progressive" beggers.
Your fellow leaf is a fucking idiot and should not be left alone with kitchen implements, even a spoon
In starship troopers the women only did service in the navy, unless you mean the movie where women did infantry roles.
Even if technology can compensate for womens physical disadvantages, they are still not emotionally capable.
Also it looks pretty fucking gay having a bunch of girl soldiers, the other team is going to laugh at you.
Your friend is pants on head retarded.
The biggest problem is the change in behavior of the group imo.
Anytime you put a woman in a group of only males they all change their attitude and try to act though, impress the girl or some other shit like that.
>Your fellow leaf
Women in combat will make a literal chink in his nation's armour
We should use all preteen girls. Think about it. All preteen girls = no men to drag = no need to have a man's strength. Also they're too young to have a husband and kids that'll miss them if they die, and can fit into smaller places, plus the enemy will hesitate to shoot at preteen girls.
A mech suit still won't protect them from bone damage from, for example, needing to jump with it on, the increased weight will put a lot of force on your bone structure, especially the femur and tibia, I think even a man would struggle with it, unless they had a way to dampen the impact before landing. The guys in the army already have a tough time jumping with all the shit they have to carry on them.
those girls are ugly as hell. damn it.
Probably powered exoskeleton. Still a couple of decades away from that though.
>Implying they wouldn't like that
>Also said technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
unless you have robot power armor like in my japanese animes then no, 99.9999% of women will never be able to pull an injured 300lb comrade out of the line of fire while they both have 150lb backpacks on
I think we should use autistic spergs like you as literal canon fodder, think about it, no one will miss you since you're parents have already disowned you and you never had any friends, you have no wife and kids because you're a Virgin neet, and fat asses like you have a higher surface area and density to soak up more enemy fire than the average grunt. I think the increase in food spending the military would have to do would be well worth it, and the platoon can all give you the pop tarts from their MRE's.
Even if that were true (it's not) what good is that to anyone? You've effectively doubled the cost of your army for barely even the same performance.
Except the real world doesn't work in a deterministic way and historically severely outnumbered forces wiped out much larger armies. If I had to bet in a 100 men VS 200 women battle I would bet everything on the men
I'd bet on 100 men to 1000 women, it makes me think of román generals/emperors/consuls and medieval kings who won overwhelming victories while heavily outnumbered.
>and the platoon can all give you the pop tarts from their MRE's.
You have my attention... Where do I sign up?
The most useful a woman has ever been in the military was in joy divisions.
The greatest limitation in ANY emergency work (military, fire, police, EMS) is being able to drag someone of much greater stature than one's self. I'm not military, but a fireman; the greatest limiting factor why there are not many female firefighters is that they CANNOT. DO. DRAGS.
You're telling me any 120lb girl with 50+ lbs of encumbrance can drag a DOWNED fireman weighing 180-200 lbs PLUS 50+ lbs of encumbrance, while on her knees, in the dark, while EVEN MORE physically weakened by the extreme heat? Fuck no. Outliers exist, but they are just that, outliers.
This isn't even accounting for my own anecdotal observance that women don't perform as well under stress.
>Despite men being stronger and smarter, we are expendable. Men need to get used to that. We die, the world goes on
Richard Dawkins caught hell a few years ago for stating that the IQ distributions of men are wider than that of women. In a given population, there are bound to be more extremely dumb men (the expendables) and more extremely intelligent men (the leaders) than there are extremely dumb or intelligent women. Women on the other hand tend to cluster around the mean; being closer to average than either of the extremes.
It is funny that he caught flak for that too, especially considering it makes perfect sense evolutionarily. There is going to be a greater phenotypic variance and expression in males for the fact that instead of two X chromosomes with one suppressing the other, men will have X and Y chromosomes.
There is a place for dumb people. I worked with a hiring manager who would choose a dumb candidate over a smart one, because the smart one would get bored packing boxes or answering phones for 8 hours a day. He did not need to hire the next Assistant Manager, he needed a person who could put shit in a box, reliably for long enough to cover the ROI on the hire and then some.
The problem is they aren't cost efficient. A woman costs the same to arm as a man, while providing a fraction of the fighting power.
200 females might beat 100 males, but you spent twice as much to do so. The limiting reagent in war is always money, not manpower.
1. Your a Leaf so I believe none of what you say
2. kys Leaf
Just thinking like about the 1:10 captive ratio will get the men extra motivated to win.
In every army there is a need for someone to peel the potatos or dig the latrines.
How high is the relation for front line fighter to supporting personnel, 1:10? Likely even higher, especially for specialized units.
Then there might be the need especially for women in certain roles, soldiers as a rule do not make good policeman (which is basically why the US lost in Iraq after they had won there), women might be able to "diffuse" tensions better.
The main problem is not women or not, though, the main problem is unqualified trailer trash being given any amount of power.
Remember Lynndie England!
While proper education is sadly no absolute guarantee for proper behavior on the battlefield, it should definitely be an improvement.
Also, it is simply the natural order that the better educated lead the lesser educated. And there is nothing whatever wrong with a good culling, Darwins survival of the fittest still applies in all things.
That's implying most women survive. Although I think that about after a quarter casualties max, probably before, the women would surrender.
Oh a leaf posting some fag shit, so business as usual?
Right, the movie, made by the (((merchants))))
Women in the army are the ultimate soup sandwich
no, they are even worst than reserve at everything. They belong in military hospital, not anywhere near combat, piss poor aiming, physical endurance, speed, instable. There has been test about it and the result clearly show that women are dangerous, the risks go up, you don't want that when your life is on the line. All male squads beat mixed squads on everything, there are only few tests that they will end equal.
I would be totally comfortable peeing on those broads.
Female pilots, or engineers. Sure, why not?
But front line infantry? Fuck no. Get the fuck back to base and fix the tank.
>Also said technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
Theoretically yes but you would have to at least double the army's funding.
Reminder that the very first woman the UAE put in a fighter jet shot down the Jordanian pilot that ISIS burned to death.
Modern women are shit anyway. The only solution is to kill them all in a war somewhere.
The book is based, I recomend it, I think the Military Republic proposed in the book sounds like a very interesting form of government, egalitarian, meritocratic, and highly nationalist, with the concept of the voluntary citizen soldier sounding very appealing.
enjoy losing the next war
Not at all, that's only if you consider each women and men perform the same on every levelAnd even than you have to take into account the strategy, the equipment, do they have vehicules, air support, tanks, artillery. But women won't perform the same. 10 Tier 1 operators > 500 women
some of the jobs they would be just as capable as men.
Some of them say firefighters the average woman wouldn't be as equipped as the average man to do. If she can't drag someone significantly bigger than her to safety in a timely manner that's putting lives at risk.
Your friend is a virtue signaling retard.
As someone who serves, I will take one male over 2 females any day.I can count on the guy to atleast show up to work more than 70% of the time within the year.
Women consistently get hurt, injured, and schedule hospital visits for any fucking issue .
Within the past 2 years I have never gone to sick call or the Dr's. The only time is when the military forces me because they want me to do yearly check ups.
The women I work with are easily at the hospital or in therapy weekly. Guess who picks up the fucking load... The healthy men.
>first woman the UAE put in a fighter jet shot down the Jordanian pilot
Oh shit.
>Get the fuck back to base and fix the tank.
Yeah like that would work, Rosie the riveter is a myth. When was the last time you saw a garage ran by a woman? They can't even fix a toilit tank
No great conquerors or wartime powers have ever used Women as combatants in a large role. If there was some great boon to women in the military it would have been discovered long ago.
>Female pilots, or engineers. Sure, why not?
Nope to both
Women don't have any spatial visualization ability
Women are really poor engineer, seriously trust me I'm an Engineer. There's a reason why only 1/4 of students in engineering school are women and most go into Industrial engineering because that's the easy one. There is a reason engineers nicknamed it engineering for beginners.
>a reason why only 1/4 of students in engineering school are women
a lot less than that when I graduated
Shit dude
When I was in airborne school, women would routinely break down and cry if treated too harshly by the instructors. As a result, they were coddled, and the men were not. Also, their athletic performance was an insult. Airborne school was a joke... nothing more than a vacation in-between actual training. For these women, it was the equivalent of Delta Force selection. Thankfully, it was the first and last time I ever worked alongside female soldiers.
Good ol' time, I would not be surprised they get a free pass because they are women like minorities do.
is your friend in the army or served (especially in combat)?
I like how they all rush to defend the delicate flower before she even hits the ground.
>not be surprised they get a free pass because they are women like minorities do.
I'm sure that's why they made 'software engineer' an actual degree, every engineer just picks that shit up out of necessity , fucking ridiculous that it's on par with electrical/chem/mechanical now. No math required
>Also said technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
and who researches and designs these mythical "technologies"
men, of course
Combat women is fetishism.
>Also said technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
This is also true for men too.
>10 Tier 1 operators > 500 women
yeah I think you've played too much CoD, even as dumb as the women in military thing is, 10 dudes with guns (dont care how experienced or how well trained) are probably gonna die vs 500 women with guns
more realistic scenario plx
Reality > Equality
every time.
This woman will lead you into combat
holy shit that is not even funny, first female pilot shoots down a friendly jet and he gets burned alive by jihadists
now THAT is a lesson in what happens when you let women do a man's job
He's full of shit
This is literally me and I wish I had that opportunity at least I will have thechance to reinvent myself after being forged in fire or die the die and nothing value will be lost. But not even human trash like me is good enough to be cannon fodder these days.
>technology can fill in for weaknesses that women have
This is the only thing that is interesting about his questioning. I would think eventually Technology would decrease the skill gap. Also new tech will open up new jobs that will be just as important as field work. Only time can tell really, I would be quick to use the Israel point but we don't have a good comparison nor the data.
>not even human trash like me is good enough to be cannon fodder these days.
are you a nigger?
Operation Get Behind The Darkies:
> problem is they aren't cost efficient
Bro, you dont go cost efficent when we are talking about danger and people with a life.
I would say, it depends what are the nationality of the woman and who they fight. I think 200 western woman could easily kick 200 goatfucker sandnigers ass with the suport what regular usa troops get ( mortars, arty, cas). Or iam dumb?
>200 western woman could easily kick 200 goatfucker sandnigers ass with the suport what regular usa troops get
If they have rail guns and lasers maybe with air support
Women that learn how to fight are still at a disadvantage and youre onky as strong as your weakest link.
Women in the military is fine but women in combat is a big fat mistake
A few novelty sniper divisions
That's it
The army quietly dealt with this by instituting new entry standards for combat arms. The new standards do not vary according to age or sex. The majority of women will find them impossible to meet. So while the front line combat roles are technically open to women, a tiny percentage will actually be able to actually qualify for training.
Yes, but it yould require her getting extra weight to tunr into muscle to compensate.
I don't think woman would do well as scout snipers. They are required to lay in the same position for days, shitting their pants. Sure, the Russians had a few, but not scout snipers. I'm sure that's what you meant by novelty.
Nothing sexier than a female drill sergeant
Only used in last resort t b h