So I'm turning 22 in a month and I'm still a virgin. I talk to women but they are bad at conversations so I no longer bother.
Is it too late for me Sup Forums or am i a later bloomer?
So I'm turning 22 in a month and I'm still a virgin...
Don't give into the vaginal jew
it's because you're a dumb nigger
Guess what.
It doesn't matter, just jerk off if you have to once a week or month and hit the gym instead.
come home user
>I talk to women but they are bad at conversations
protip: if you think every woman around you is bad a conversations then you're probably the problem.
Wait it out for wizard
I'm white.
>but they are bad at conversations
Yes it's definitely them user, you couldn't be the problem in any way
Meh. Wait. The world is about to rip itself apart. If you survive there will be many many women to choose from. Likely you will have many at once. Good luck!
haha good one xD
Latebloomer. I lost my virginity at 22. However I suggest improving your social skills. Work in retail or a restaurant or something.
> Being 30-year old wizard
> Lose virginity at 30
Just let it be and wait time always come
Do you live at home still or on your own?
If you live on your own it's relatively easy to bang a chick that's like 18-22.
You lose your wizard powers if you lose your virginity.
You don't get to be a wizard and have sex. You have to choose one or the other.
If you think they are bad at conversations then you aren't mature enough to see when you're the problem and then sense this. Either that or try to stop chatting people up in the psych ward.
Anyone can do it.
Some people would have to work harder at it than others. Some people would have to work a LOT harder at it. But anyone can DO it. It’s not asking someone to lift a building over their head, it’s just learning to chat and socialize and manage your personal energy levels and mindsets. There’s nothing stopping anyone from becoming amazing at it. “if you go out and approach people and socialize and properly study what you’re doing and practice getting better at it, you will get better at it”. Nothing changes that.
Maybe it takes some hardcase 15 YEARS of hitting it hard to get there, or maybe some slack-ass dicks around and half-asses it for 15 years and gets nowhere, maybe someone has to move from their shitty little podunk town to a bigger city with better logistics, maybe someone decides they don’t have enough time in their schedule to go have a few conversations a week, but it’s still completely do-able if they approach it properly and dedicate themselves to getting it handled. There is nothing physically stopping people from saying words or looking people in the eye or listening to what people say lol Hell, there was a deaf PUA in the community who would take a pen and paper out to the bars to hit on girls.
That’s like saying “oh, that exercise stuff might work for the top 1%, but not EVERYONE can get in shape by working out. It’s impossible for some people to get a 6-pack or to be able to jog up a flight of stairs or lose 10lbs”. No, it’s not impossible. It might be harder for some than others, there might be a lot more emotional/mental baggage to overcome, it might be more difficult if you’re starting from being a 500lbs sloth but there’s nothing that changes the formula “if you exercise, you will get in better shape” or “if you lose enough fat, you will have a 6-pack” or “if you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight”.
a white guy living in trinidad tobego? sheeeeeeit you got a rough time of it there
Find a free slut
Prove it, nigger
Save it for marriage Norway.
Bro, just go get some gash. Sometimes you just need release.
He's gonna find a photo a great white on Internet :3
Just get yourself a hooker or even better an escort girl. They are pricey but it's worth it. You'll realize that sex is overrated as fuck.
Listen to this guy
I'm 24 and still a virgin. I grew up a pale loser, got tired of girls wrecking my shit, so I started hitting the gym and the beach. Masturbation is a HUGE part of it. Stop bluepilling yourself everyday and do it once a week. 2 weeks if you can (My limit before I start going insane).
Shit has changed a lot for me and people tell me I'm hot now. It's identity shattering. I know I'm close to losing my wizard pass. You can do it too. Don't lose hope OP.
Once a year, tens of thousands of women flock to the streets and get stupendously drunk wearing barely any clothing and you're still a virgin.
Pretty sure you're the one with the problem m8.
Just also realised you're white as well, wtf. What school you go to, Maple Leaf? St Anthony's?
People in Trinidad literally worship white guys, you can get pussy so easily.
Unless you're a fat fuck... and reaaaally really fat.
Who the fuck said it wasn’t any trouble? Or was easy to learn? It’s the hardest fucking thing in the WORLD. One of the biggest challenges a guy could take on is “I’m going to fight against 20+ years of social conditioning, spit in the face of everyone who tries to hold me back and tries to keep me from succeeding at it (girls telling me to quit being an asshole and just be a nice guy, guys trying to keep me in my bottom-of-the-pole social order in our group, friends and peers judging me for going out to bars by myself and doing “weird” stuff like cold approaching strangers, etc.), and I’m going to do it over and over, sticking it out through the brutal pain period of non-stop rejection, until I’m so numb to the rejections that I can actually start improving, battling against all my insecurities, fears, and every fight or flight instinct I have that keeps 99% of guys from every cold approaching a girl in their life, and not only am I going to do all that, but I’m going to get GOOD at it, and EXCEL at it.” Of COURSE that’s trouble. Of course it’s hard. It’s hard as fuck. But if you WANT it, it’s right there in front of you. There is nothing preventing ANYONE from reading this sentence I’m typing, then standing up from their computer chair, walking outside and chatting up the first person they see. And if you really, truly WANTED it, no matter where you’re starting from or how hardcase a newbie you are, you could become the top 1% at it. …but it’s a lot easier to sit there and keep reading this next sentence, isn’t it? ;) “When you get to the point where all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe, THEN you’ll be successful. (…) Most of you SAY you want to be successful, but you don’t want it BAD. You just KINDA want it.”:
22 and virgin still, I don't mind it, but that may be because I know it won't last much longer
Sex without love is degenerate.
Also 22 year old virgin here. Guess what faggot? If losing your virginity (aka engaging in a meaningless act of hedonism because you think that what society expects you to do) is your priority over finding a partner and having a relationship, the problem is you.
If you talk to multiple people and most convos are fail, you are the problem user.
Get better at convos with the hoez, keep it light and make sure to tease the fuck out of them, they love that shit. Just remember, if you get stuck talking to a dull person (male or female), YOU can always make the convo interesting by bringing up interesting stuff. Conspiracies, for me, are always fun banter. Make up some outlandish, fun, creative, conspiracies, they are always interesting conversation, long as you keep it light and don't sperg too much lol
>muh male virginity is sacred
Fuck off, you are not a girl.
I'm 24 and still a virgin. I dont let it get to me though because I am more than aware that I am the problem since I cant socialize to save my life. But thats fine. As long as it doesnt bother you too much then just live life. If it does bother you but you dont feel like improving yourself in order to attract women, see a prostitute or something. My adivce though is to not be too socially retarded like me. Hindsight has shown me about 5 golden chances that I just straight up ignored at the time because I'm dumb as a brick. Dont be like me.
You have to run the conversation, especially when you're hitting on women. Be interesting, any way you can. (unless it's gay or lame)
If I wanted to put that much work into a thing, I'd focus on something that actually generates income. I'm too damn lazy to put that much effort into blowing a load. Fuck that.
First advice, stop thinking of yourself as a capital V Virgin. You're just a fag who hasn't gotten his dick wet yet. So instead just think about it being a LOOONG time since you first got laid. Imagine as if you're already Barney Stinson conquest level, fake it til you make it. Every night imagine a reality where you've already fucked some bitches
I was 19 when I lost mine, since then I've got 40+ conquests
Sex is overrated but it's nice to do
You'll be fine. I'm almost 25 and still looking for someone who is not an ugly bluepilled retard. But I'm in CA so maybe I'll have more luck when I move.
Are your standards too high? Or you just don't spend time around women very often?
>since then I've got 40+ conquests
get the fuck out of here
Sup Forums is not your place you new normy
Hahahahaah permavirgin faggot detected,most of your purists onf /pol will never get laid,ever.Wtf is this shit "muh women say dumb shit so i cant fuck them".
Ya daft cunt you dont have intelectual conversations with women,you dont care what your woman thinks you just fuck her and use her for coocking/cleaning.
When you talk to women you do it out of necesity or make small talk to make them feel like they are getting attention so you can fuck them,period.
How about take your personal life issues to another board, Dwight Yorke.
>bad at conversation
Time for the ultimate red pill kid, to get pussy you have to put up with countless dumb fucking conversations that you won't give a shit about.
But it's better than a rape charge
>40 conqusts
Damn you sound like a fagg,i got laid at 14,didnt know what the fuck i was doing and it stung like shit since i was not cut.
Only insecure fucks count the nimber of women they have fucked to bragg....kek.
Just don't fall for her.....Might be confusing for user being his first.
Hey buttmongrel, turns out that it's easier to get the golden girl after you've slain lesser wenches. Experience trumps inexperience every day. Women want seasoned men, not shivering virgins.
ur also a faggot normy so shut the fuck up and leave
Are you some kind of retard, or are you getting a degree/trade that will result in a profitable job?
Are you in school/training right now?
If you're on track then don't fucking worry, you ain't even done yet and out into the world, I met my wife when I was 22, both of us were virgins and at 26 I'm now selling my condo, buying a house, and having a kid.
Don't fucking worry about dumb shit like that.
And I don't understand the "just get laid" shit.
As soon as I lost my virginity the frustration whenever I have to go without sex got MUCH MUCH worse. The first year of my marriage where I waited patiently for her to stretch her vagina to overcome vaginismus was much less painful than the last 6 months of pregnancy.
Anyways if your life is not on track, fucking get it on track you fucking moron or an hero yourself.