why japan so racist and bigoted ?
Why japan so racist and bigoted ?
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Absolutely based.
I wish more countries would take this stance. Especially Western and European nations.
Asians in general have jew level racism, they actively treat other asians like complete shit, so why would you think they would treat humans that arent asians better?
they dont care about human rights
Nobody really does
I would rather they treat us badly than do we what we do and treat obviously inferior people with 'respect'.
I dont love the chinks but I hate muzzies more
Good, fuck Islam.
Its not some supremacy complex they simply dont see non asians as "them" only "the other" and "the other" must always be treated like trash. Even American chinks(from the mainland) display this racism towards white people in America.
How many muslim refugees is Saudi Arabia taking in?
Now we wait for the Chinese to invade Africa and MENA to cleanse the subhumans.
They've got enough on their plate having to sit on the Human Rights Council already user
The same as Japan
Sweden doesn't have human rights for Swedes.
>implying refugees would even want to live in Japan's ridiculous work culture
saudi arabia take a lot of syrians but no body talk about that also we take them i see them everyday
shut the fuck up - do you realize how small japan is? they are a neutral country why the fuck are they required to take in any fugees
Japan can get away with this because they're not white.
>why is japan so based
Japan for Japanese
China for Japanese
Korea for Japanese
Based nips
Japan is based as fuck
they clean you before they clean us just look at chinese diaspora in western countries
No they don't lying sack of shit
Last count it was zero
Jordan and turkey and Lebanon are the only ones taking them in in the region
Buy Japanese Games.
The muzzies had a 7% rape rate in Japan when they let in 27 and 2 raped.
There's no point to respect the decision UN makes if it means bringing troubling changes to your own country.
On top of that...
Politicians want legacy, and the Japanese view changes of any nature as undesirables. No Japanese PM who wants to be remembered positively by the people would ever agree to that.
I thought they took in a few refugees.
Only difference being that they did thorough checks on everyone who even thought about applying for asylum.
>why japan so racist and bigoted ?
You spelled 'wise' and 'based' incorrectly, son.
> also we take them i see them everyday
stfu as if you could tell a difference.
Japan already has an overpopulation issue on their tiny ass island.
Abe's too busy single handedly funding animes that try to influence people to marry and reproduce. He literally doesn't have any time or money left to deal with disgusting mud people.
the PM of japan wants the best for his people. He knows that Japan would become shit if he let the things flood in like a broken sewage pipe.
the syrians they take in aren't registered as refugees under hrc, they do exist though. the number however is uncertain
I wonder what its like... living in a nation that doesn't want to destroy your entire race. Conspiring day and night on how to best fool and annihilate you.
It isn't bigotry when you refuse to allow rabid dogs into your home. Now if they were refusing to help actual humans, it would be a better discussion.
Not only does Japan refuse to bring in new muslim dogs, but they have universal surveillance on the ones already in country.
yes they are here with large number they wear black stuffs , is easy to know them with syrian accent
No wonder Sup Forums loves Japan and other slope lands so much
Why did he have to tell them twice?
>Japan requires you to have a bachelor's degree to even enter the country
>On top of that, you need JLPT rank 2 or higher. meaning you need to study japanese 3 hours each day in addition to do doing school and work
is Sup Forums aware JUST HOW HARD it is to move to Japan?
Asylum is a shortcut they've offered to muslims before, but never to americans. They really should open up a shortcut for whites beyond marriage.
The dream :')
Guess this means Abe will have to go. The Jew will not tolerate Nippon pride for long. Just you wait.
I may be studying abroad in Japan for a semester and I don't have either of that shit down.
>implying muslim refugees work at all
They want welfare. And Japan is a developed country so they apply there as well
>Japan took in 26 refugees worldwide last year
>under permanent surveillance and with no chance to stay - its temporary and they are supposed to get a job/education so they can learn to rebuild syria
>like half of those got send back in their first month because they tried to rape people
People who support this refugee mess are utterly retarded
Fuck off you mudslime, they are making the right decision
>a German being this based
There might still be a little hope for Germany after all
>having valuable input
Why should we be cucks like you? You can have them all since you seem to like them.
Yeah sure, call Syrians already here for work "refugees" because we made it possible for them to stay longer.
you misspelled Based.
Based nips
Because we're not fucking stupid. (Ignore flag, here in Hawaii for study) We don't want you degenerates or your fucking backward-ass religion. You're ugly and your faith is even uglier. You're lazy and you breed like cockroaches. The last thing we need is more shitstains straining our economy.
We raped Malaysia in the war, removed kebabs. We raped India in the war, removed poos. The world could learn a few lessons from us. Hitler was right. We have to get the Axis powers back together!
And you're gonna pretend you do?
remember honorary aryan never meant it was okay to mix
To those unaware, here are the requiremens to move to Japan and become Japanese
1.) About $26,000 in the bank. Yup. You need about 2 million yen to "prove" to the japanese government you can financially support yourself for at least 1 year. And if your bank account ever dips below $26,000? Good luck renewing your visa. Get used to shoving your live savings in the bank and NEVER being allowed to touch it
2.) Get JLPT N1 (N2 acceptable but not suggested) - You will take 1 japanese test every year in the month of October.Taking the test costs $60 and you literally have to study japanese for the entire year to get a decent grade on it. Imagine your spanish final exam on steroids. Only if you fail, you get set back an entire calender year.
3.) A job willing to sponsor you. I've seen it here in america, i've seen foreign people come and try to get american jobs and i've heard managers tell them "We don't sponsor visa's, sorry". I can only imagine how hard this is in Japan when ractial tension is a bit higher against non japanese in the workplace (and especially in regards to housing). You're gonna have to impress your manager enough to fight for you to stay in Japan
3.) A bachelor's degree. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL!!!!! So if you live in America where college costs $17,000 a semester for fucking state university? GOOD FUCKING LUCK SAVING MONEY FOR JAPAN.
It gets a little easier from here on. JUST A LITTLE EASIER.
5.) Know how to get grilled and not lose your shit. The embassy meetings you will have are brutal and you will recieve insults you've never eard before. Saying the wrong thing to the embassy could lock you out of Japan for life.
5.) A girlfriend. Believe it or not, almost every visa option in Japan ends in marriage. You will be forced to get married down the line,you can choose to delay the marriage but it'll remain on the table throughout your visa renewals. So you'll probably want a japanese girlfiend
That's bullshit.
Why can't Peru be more like Japan?
you have 2 million of syrians but they are not refugees
>1.) About $26,000 in the bank. Yup. You need about 2 million yen to "prove" to the japanese government you can financially support yourself for at least 1 year. And if your bank account ever dips below $26,000? Good luck renewing your visa. Get used to shoving your live savings in the bank and NEVER being allowed to touch it
>savings economy
Good for him, wish our country was less cucked, PM here says, great news, we will be only letting in TENS OF THOUSANDS of muslims per year instead of the usual hundreds of thousands per year. fucking hell, why any at all ? They hate us & want us dead, the Japs are smart enough to understand this.
Agreed. Japan is allied with all the SEA powers, and we all encourage tourism from each other.
Except Chinese. I think all people across the entirety of Asia can agree Chinese are degenerate scum who deserved to have Nanjing.
proving again that japan is the greatest country on earth.
there is no welfare in japan for non-japanese
Why is Japan not into any excuse countries have to force people into it's territory, you mean?
They don't want the massive cultural disruption that comes from taking large numbers of foreigners into your homeland. That's not racism, they wouldn't take "refugees" if they were white or Hispanic or even likely Koreans, for the same reason.
It's nationalism. Deal with it, Japan's full, fuck off.
Keyword here is NOT refugees
>muh human rights
The Kike knows whats up.
But serious, I have to ask, do you fear the samurai?
would you eat two nukes, a load of weird fetishes a tad of autism to be homogeneous Sup Forums?
would you sacrifice an inch off your cock and a few off your height to be unjewed?
oh he definitely fears him.
your country is not too cuck some of moroccans are deported and jailed
Japan and the japanese people will exist 1000 years from now even if there is a small dip in the population currently.
1000 years from now Europe will be but a name and the ghost of a memory.
Go ahead, call them racist and bigots. Their ancestors will still by smiling upon them.
stay racist japan. it will save you from the merchant.
Otoya Yamaguchi...
damn arabs hate arabs
If only more countries were this sensible.
Yes. Yes I would.
It's not a lie.
For language schools the amount is usually around 2 million yen, for university students it is 3 million yen.
P.S: A student visa is the EASIEST way to enter/infiltrate Japan. The problem you're gonna have is financial aid. IIRC financial aid is not offered to americans at this time. There's a misconception that japanese universities are "cheaper" than the rest of the world. That's only true for undergraduate study. So if you're young enough to where that's an option, go for it. OH WAIT YOU DONT HAVE $26,000 I'M SORRY COME BACK WHEN YOU'RE TOO OLD FOR UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL
The Jew fears the Samurai
Syrians are not Arabs.
Based and rare Bahraini bro.
It would be a fair trade. Additionally if you replace nukes with 90 million fire bombs you would have described Germany the most Jewed nation of all time.
Why do you write like a fag? There is no need for random captalization in your sentences.
Is sensible the right word? At the moment getting to Japan requires you to cast aside your social life for 5 years, because you're expected to work straight for 5 years, save up money, go to college, get good grades, get your bachelor's, while getting your N1 at the same time.
The timesink on this is about...
30 hours/week for part-time job (40 hours/week when not in school)
21 hours/week for japanese study. 3 hours a day for Anki reps and grammar study
40 hours/week for school/study/etc.
42 hours/week for sleepng (assuming you only sleep for 6 hours a day instead of the suggested 8 by doctors)
This would leave you with 35 "free" hours you'll probably use commuting to/from school and to/from work with very little time for socializing
I don't think you understand the emotional/stress impact you incur by removing your indepdent life from the equation for 4 whole years.
and why thir army named as arab?
>syrian arab army
I am think it is for TL;DR type of people...
If you have 1, 2, and 5 years experience in a career (for Sciences (including computing), Business, and Academic Researcher fields), you should be able to get residence and fast track to citizenship a lot easier than the majority of people.
If you can't even save a measly 26K, what the fuck are you even thinking moving to a place like Japan? Let alone speaking the language. You're right about the housing thing in number 3. I'd hate to live in those gaijin houses. That's like living in a cuckshed.
Ching Chong Allahu Ackbar, Leaf
They have the right to refuse any kind of bullshit shoved by another and so does any other country
Now fuck off
Pretty sure Europeans will still exist in 1000 years.
And the Bachelors also, forgot that. You're really shit out of luck without it. But it's not hard to do in the US if you go to a State College. I graduate in a week and I have a measly debt of 2.5K, and only because I stopped working.
Go somewhere other than Vancouver and Toronto.
yes, sensible.
They can identify as whatever they want. Also I suggest you read and inform yourself about Baathism and Jamal Abdul Nasser.
You seriously believe Syrians are Arabs? What about Somalis and Mauritanian people? They also unironically identify as Arabs.
The instant Muslims hit 50% if the population, they will start genociding the natives.