How do we fix the (((United States of America)))?
How do we fix the (((United States of America)))?
Internal Civil War once we get enough small scale industrialists on our side.
We starve the cites/suburbs and keep going until they capitulate.
As opposed to external civil war? Idiot.
Refreshing the tree of liberty
Bitch deserves death by firing squad, firing squad equipped with flamethrowers that is. Traitors get it worst.
gas. lots of gas
balkaziation. is the only way.
she used to sleep around the locker room with several male wrestlers but now is married to a white guy
> firing squad
I love this idea.
>liberty to be a fag
>liberty to race mix
Glad I dropped the whole muh liberty bullshit along time ago.
Take the fascist-pill.
You can't. White women generally love black cock.
I think what he is implying is that we need a revolution. The quote is "the tree of freedom needs to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots"
96% of white women never sleep with, date, or marry a nigger. Nice try boosting your ego, spear chucker.
External civil war is like the syrian civil war. Foreign powers fake a war with mercenaries and terrorists and call that civil war.
lol ok
We need to all get together and conquer it. Burgers are the reason everything sucks.
Not conquer, just nuke the entirety of the Americas. There is nothing left to salvage here.
Keep telling yourself that. I know white women who secretly have sex with black men just for the experience.
Let it burn and the jews with it.
>tfw libertarian
>want freedom to do as I please
>everyone else is a retard who can't help but do utterly retarded shot when given freedom
>slowly beginning to doubt liberty meme
The libertarians transitioning to fascists trend isn't a meme.
Both ideologies are born from the same fundamental desire to not have to deal with other's worthlessness.
The only difference is the solution, to be free from others forcing their incompetence on you or to stamp out incompetence.
>that pic
White women also let their pet dogs fuck them just for the experience.
Your point is?
kelly kelly?
>I know white women
Okay Tyrone, the rape victims and 4% of white women who are so fat, ugly, and disgusting that literally no white men want them sure are an accomplishment.
Wew you got me! Enjoy your vomit inducing, nigger-tier, STD infested whores so you can keep up the whole "we beez fukin yo wimin wite boiz" LARP.
You seem upset. It's okay William. Women enjoy having something bigger than 2inches.
Embrace Islam and support Sharia law. Arranged marriages and honor killings for burning the coal. No more degenerate whore outfits, they cannot leave the house or drive without men's approval. Liberal women defend the Islamification of the west, so they should set an example. Added bonus, no more gays or trannies.