These people deserve to die.
Swedish TV: "There's no way back"
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Bump, even if old, more views = more people waking up.
What does the average Swede know and think of the (((Bonnier's)))?
Here's a list of families controlling Sweden, ironically the Jewish Bonnier family is only on 14th place with their Media monopoly. Wallenberg family is partly Jewish and has about 207.392562 billion U.S. dollars (2014).
Damn, I thought the Bonnier's were top dog. How many of them are Jewish?
Haven't done any research on the rest of them.
Thank you based Olof Palme
It's hard to tell these days with almost all of them being mixed jew/euro and changing their names. And all companies are owned by a bigger conglomerate, which is owned by a bigger conglomerate...
I remember finding out that the Danish guy who started Aller Media changed his name to Aller from Salomonsen tho, kek.
>These people deserve to die.
Yes, the jews should die.
That's not nice, we're not all bad
Shut up, Jew. You're going to be executed when enough of the goyim wake up.
What makes you think we won't keep them lazy? They won't wake up, ever.
I agree OP, down with Western police.
My most precious possession is my own people. And for these people, and for the sake of these people, I will never tire, and never weaken, and never despair.
Where do they live?
EZ way back. Nerve gas every major shitskin area
And look how far that got you.
No but seriously, I'm not a globalist and am planning on moving to Israel because I already have citizenship.
But that's true. There is no way back.
>be me
>state elections (?) soon
>by for most election posters are from Die Linke (literal communists)
>haven't seen a single fucking AfD poster ("right" wing) because they get torn off immediately by ANTIFA and upstanding democratic refugee welcome citizens
>shitskins women in business blazers smiling down at me lovingly
>"yeah i'm sure they will represent the interests of the native population juuust fine"
Fuck this gay earth desu.
I hope you take care of your commies and antifa.
>And look how far that got you.
It brought the world into a new age of technology, mass production, learning, communication, and medicine. What have Jews done? Ride on the backs of the successful and make money with underhanded tactics like usury?
>What have Jews done?
All those things you listed :^)
Checkmate. Listen here, gentile. You should focus on breeding, whites aren't looking good right now. Get a baby or two, maybe even 3. Until them, you won't do shit.
!!!! The people responsible for this ad needs to die! What the fuck did I just watch?
Oh no, we are gonna resist allright! Look at these based vikings:
Waht is the real Plan? I could not believe that People's can be so dump.
The right wing backslash was the only possible outcome.
Is this 4D cheese or waht?Or are this people really that insane.
>All those things you listed
So NSDAP supporters like Konrad Zuse are Jews now? Such goal post shifting, much backpedaling.
Ukrainians were Vikings now? Come on..
Whatever anyone's ever said negative about Germany or France, they now take it back.
No we don't.
File in the category "You can't make this shit up":
...a farmer in the Gross-Gerau region of southwest Germany, noticed his once friendly flock of sheep were beginning to shy away from human contact...
You aren't much better off.
It's just Leaf hating propaganda. Nothing to see here. Run along...
I seriously question the legitimacy of the "Sexual harassment" chart.
feminism makes everything appear as sexual harassment.
I think the most accurate approach would be to look at assault rapes - rapes where the victim and the perpetrator does not know each other. If the number is higher per capita in Sweden than in South Africa for example then one could safely assume that feminism is not part of the difference.
Although the SA police is a joke, which may discourage a large number of the sexual assaults from being reported.
>What the fuck did I just watch?
Your death.
Seriously, is there no desire to save yourselves?
Why not just save us all the boredom of watching your slow death and just commit mass suicide?
Why is Norway and Finland waiting until Sweden is a base for terrorist and just invade you right now? It seems like it would be in your neighbors best interest to kill all of you right now before the ISIS flag becomes the official flag of Sweden.
Enjoy the enrichment faggot.
Swedish women control sweden, strong women create weak men, weak men create weak times.
you swedes are pathetic.
wake the fuck up, your feminine leaders taking muslims money and you're all cucks.
redpill that motherfucker.
Keep blaming the Jews.
Enjoy tour enrichment.
Bunch of fags who let women raise to power, this is what happens basically. I give you 15 years to cease to exist as a people.
Schlomo I don't honestly think we can make it. But i realize it needs to happen to someone if other states want to survive. If one nation falls it will probably be either us or Germany. But you can study us later, and hopefully it will help you. All of you.
Good Baje Europa. Good Baje Wörld. Thenks for buying IKEA! Much Peace! Selam!
There's always a second time.
The best way to end the Jew is force them to drink their own poison.
American mongrel
Who are you? There's no such thing as the White Race. It's a Myth, like the nephilim or the Dwarves. You have no people, you only *imagine* you do. When the maw of Reality impresses itself into your feeble conscience you'll dance to it's tune.
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
You've had your turn defining reality, now you're going to fade into history. You're going to lie fallow, and when you bloom again you'll be a part of the human race.
>no such thing as the White Race
There is a white race and we're the purest and last bastion of whiteness my dear slav.
Which of the Balkan ethnic groups do you regard as White brethren? There are *white* people fighting on both sides of the Donetsk conflict from opposing sides of the Balkan Wars. How you going to differentiate? Are soem Euros *not White*? Face it, you're not even having enough babies. There are jsut too many statistical Facts that erode every single tenet of a real future for a White Race.
>slav delusions
You guys never cease to make me laugh.
>Which of the Balkan ethnic groups do you regard as White
Any that has the absence of the negroid haplogroups is in layman terms white.
>not even having enough babies
This is connected to whiteness how?
is unpredictable
how come achmed?
Slavs have been insulated from social developments that occurred in the West. The 39-45 war is still a very warm memory in the hearth of their minds. Communists tried to stop time and it worked to degree but thats finished with, along with the idea that the will of Man can assert itself on reality forever.
Religion in the only thing that can bring Europeans back to an Ethnicly homogenous and coherent identity and where they are not gleefully tossing it on the fire they are turning it into chocolate consumer products. Western secularism has killed God in the minds of it's population and having killed it they think their particular model of *reason* will save them from Islam.
You introduce a pseudo scientific definition so as to stress some sort of imperical argument then seek to apply layman rules. You've got one foot on a banana and the other on sinking sand.
and what? you're going to simply ignore the *FACT* that European birth rates are mathematically inadequate to replace the dying population?
Serious question
What would it take for you to drop the delusion that Europe and European Culture will again hold a hegemony in the 21st Century and beyond?
They are Jews. If you're black and not a Jew, you can't get in.
So you can demand we take in refugees, whatever ... we have a built-in defense system against that.
>pseudo scientific
How come is it pseudo, the theory is made by the same man that made the "out of Africa" theory, dr. Christopher Stringer and the DNA does not lie.
>European birth rates
And I tought over population was a problem, but we might also be seeing the mouse utophia unfolding.
>will again hold a hegemony in the 21st Century
When did I claim it would hold hegemony?
So intolerant of you schlomos.
Seriously question it all you like. The house is burning. It doesn't matter if it was gas or petrol that set it ablaze.
So what? Do you adhere to the theory that your heritage is originally African?
>your heritage is originally African
Your answer lies here.
But in short, no.
Do we owe you anything ?
Yes according to "our theory", half of all fucking scientific theories out there are ours too.
You just mad you have to take in immigrants and we don't, simple. memes aside user.
everything else is ancient boring history, and you'll keep digging about "are Jews Illuminati" crap till the day you perish. digging ancient history is useless. You live in the present.
Well, there's this...
Oslo, Norway - ALL Sexual Assaults Involving Rape In Past 5 Years Committed By Non-Western Males
Du weißt doch wie man nach Walhalla kommt :p
>half of all fucking scientific theories out there are ours too
Needs citations.
>You just mad you have to take in immigrants and we don't, simple. memes aside user.
Bretty much, envy is a good cause, isn't it?
>Jews Illuminati
Don't really care about you, I want all foreigners out.
Its just pic related being executed desu, nothing to worry about, goyim.
>You live in the present.
*White* people don't live in the present, they're lost to the very concept of it now. It's kind of scary to realise that when you're talking to a contemporary minded Secularised person they are utterly disconnected from *this*, our reality.
>Bretty much, envy is a good cause, isn't it?
Vengeance is a better cause. isn't it ?
Calling to your own demise? Jews are one of the biggest pushers of multiculturalism and of the leftist ideology, the west already wants you guys dead.
We are disconnected ? all of us serve in the fucking army. You're the one disconnected with so many weak europeans, who never had to struggle with anything in perfect europe with it's resources and cheerful easy life.
Now the shit hits the fan and you lose your motherfucking mind, blaming everybody for your own incompetence while your women are being raped.
Don't tell me I'm disconnected from reality, We see reality every day. We just punch it in the fucking face instead of opening our legs for it.
Is that a fundamental hard core aspect of Judaism? The God of the Old Testament (the Torah?) is a wrathful and vengeful God, is that what characterises the Jew?
This is the official position of the entire swedish people and it's reflected in all of their culture and elections. There is literally nothing you can do about this.
Cool so i talk about ancient boring shit and the newest shit in here is from 1948 , keep hanging in the past ... trying to find out where it all went wrong while your country is being raped, it's all good user we have time. no rush.
you read my post wrong. Whadya know, you are fallible.
The gook at 0:40 looks like the next Seung Hui-Cho.
Digs confirm that the gook will do it.
Us goyim have been too nice to you devilish fuckers.
"For the first time the old Jewish law will be applied... Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth!"
Why do they want to destroy the swedish people Sup Forums?
>not available in your country
truly (((democratic)))
not before another 10 mass shootings at the hands of a quiet white kid who's been bullied out of his mind for 4 years of American *high-school*.
>being raped
What are you going on about schlomo? There were no rapes nor attacks here, we sent them all up north or have them caged up and not allowed to leave their asylum areas.
Jews control the media by the vast majority, we both know you are pusing it, even here. It's not all on your shoulders, but it is by the majority.
Swedish people destroy themselves.
lol Europeans always looking under rocks who fucks with them ... look in the mirror.
I've seen the kids that get "bullied" and shoot up schools. They fucking stink, have shit social skills, and get themselves bullied. It's only in rare cases do they get bullied without bringing it upon themselves
*, and even rarer is that scenario where the white kid doesn't fight back with hands and ends up winning.
(*For example, by being a cunt)
Tell me how many of these are available, lol.
Adolf Hitler's Warning
Goebbels on the International Jew:
Why did Hitler hate Jews?
Adolf Hitler - "You Said I Was A Dreamer"
Oswald Mosley - Europe Lives and Marches On
Britain Reborn
Truth Will Triumph
Goebbels: Is it Pagan?
Hermann Göring: The 300 Spartans
Mr. Bond - Fascist
The Red Pillers - Mr. Rightside
Blink 1488 - The Jew
Mr. Bond - Sieg Heil
Mr. Bond - Ashkenazi
why didnt you listen europeans?
Only Britain Reborn and Mr. Bond Ashkenazi
Not if you let them in. Like West Europe.
Dont be racist. Welcome your brother from Congo.
Jews control everything because the competition is weak, sorry. Jews are busy earning money and pursing status , most Europeans busy building 3D printers and hike in the woods, you're just not passionate about it as we are I guess.
that's the normal explanation, or you can dig ancient boring shit and talk about that. no problem. we have time.
I can't wait to see Sweden collapse and for some real heroes to rise up and do what needs to be done. I'm not a big advocate for genocide but a lot of people need to hang.
Get a VPN bro. There's tons of great shit out there. For now...
subhumanity: your post
>get themselves bullied
All you cunts are off your fucking meds. You''re im-fucking-possible to talk to. Seriously, how in the hell is anyone with half a cup of sense supposed to interpret that? Wait, let me guess, you were a bully, right? So this is how you rationalise persistent physical and psychological torment over a period of years, by blaming them for making you behave like a cunt.
stab yourself in the fucking balls
I have one, I also downloaded a lot of it, but still.
Tells you how free we really are, eh?
Any Finns in this thread live in Ajos or Hepola?
Where is the closest liquor store?
Let Sweden burn. The Finns and Norway can sweep and clean after and split the territory.
Greetings to the readers who desire to know why Europe is under duress of invasion by the foreign peoples that seek to sack, ravish, pillage and plunder the cities, towns and villages.
To discover the truth of why and how, look up the name of the late elitist political organizer and Europhobic philosopher Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. He authored the obscure manifesto book Practical Idealism (original title is “Praktischer Idealismus“), which details his desired plan to destroy Europe by engineered and induced dissolution of the European White race. This serves as the pathway to fulfill the Oded Yinon (Greater Israel) Plan. This man is the founding father of a precursor to the European Union, the International Pan-European Movement.
also see:
and *especially:*
There's basically nothing I wouldn't give to see that nasty old kike starring in a beheading video.
No mercy.
The weak will die and the strong shall inherit the world.
Explain to me why we take 22.4% of all your Nobel prizes than.
fucking sour losers ... you create the game, we win, the game is rigged.
They want to destroy all white people in order to avert another lolocaust. White people are the only ones who have the ability to expose their true parasitic nature, you see.
I'm telling you. Usually the kid that gets bullied is either a fucking edgelord cunt who brings everything down on himself, and then shoots up his school because meme,
or the kid that gets bullied even though he literally dindu nuffin fights back at one point and slams the bully in the fucking head. No gunshots, no bullets, nothing needed except your hands, anger, and will.
i fucking love being norwegian
Glad my great grandfather torched your local temple in 1938 desu
Besides, it's as those edgelords that shoot up schools say; "Natural Selection".
They do too
>I'm not a big advocate for genocide but
This made me laugh