Should the British governments lack of response to the "Great Famine" of Ireland be considered genocide?
Should the British governments lack of response to the "Great Famine" of Ireland be considered genocide?
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British people are no better than the dead why blame them for troubles hundreds of miles away. Its not like they would have done anything about the situation except gossip and buy hats.
Just banter my illegally occupied 6 counties friend :^)
they got what they deserved uppity fucks
>illegally occupied 6 counties
What does this even mean? The last time they were "Irish" they were in the hands of stone age Gaels who couldn't even write their names let alone keep track of laws
Don't know, let them have their dreams.
No... The government responsible are all dead. Current government are not to blame. Stop bitching about the old days. You weren't even a cum stain yet
>illegally occupied
Not really
>Ireland invades Scotland and populates the place with Irish Scots
>Those Irish Scots then get sent back to Ireland and put in Ulster
Just returning their rubbish that's all.
We don't give a shit here
We have bigger fish to fry. Or gas.
>Sending 10 billion english taxpayer pounds a year to subsidize crypto-jews
This, if it's like your grandfather's grandfather was only a kid when it happened then it rubs off less and less with each generation and people stop caring. We're not like the jews who are still moaning about Roman occupation thousands of years later.
It wasn't just a lack of reaction. The British were proactive in worsening the famine extremely by exporting all non-Potato crops/food out of the country. Yes, it was genocide.
So did you
It's suspicious when a demographic changes quickly, Irish language to English, lots of Irish immigrating to the US, including some of my ancestors.
Similar to so many Armenians immigrating to the US, like the entire city of Glendale (next to Los Angeles) while thankfully few Turks come here.
>Irish race
>Irish aren't subhuman
>Irish aren't just made up faggot bong bullshit like hobbits and sprites
those farmers willingly sold those crops for money. the british weren't doing it with the intent of starving the irish, the british had been purchasing these crops all along because they were reliable customer and a good trading partner. you are a complete faggot and a retard, oh and you're a dumb loser.
Yes, 6 million potato niggers died.
The British weren't storming farms and taking crops from poor starving Irish families, they were purchasing crops much the same as they had done before the famine.
Get over the damn Potato Famine, there are other problems to attend to.
Why can't the Irish take a little banter?
"Almost 4,000 vessels carried food from Ireland to the ports of Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, and London during 1847, when 400,000 Irish men, women, and children died of starvation and related diseases. She also writes that Irish exports of calves, livestock (except pigs), bacon, and ham actually increased during the Famine. This food was shipped under British military guard from the most famine-stricken parts of Ireland"
also did the same to india causing the biggest famine ever in the bengal in 1770, followed that up by 30 million dead in 1860->1880 and then another famine during WWII in bengal where churchill dismissed offers for food relief from the US and continued exporting to fund british war efforts and punish indians for self-determination.
Why would the Irish have voluntarily sold (not "sold") the rest of their crops after losing their potatoes?
Nobody forced those farmers to export all that food and the increase in export of a handful of commodities is unrelated to the famine and has to do with increased demand.
Also the Conservative government under Sir Robert Peel actually did organize a relief effort during the beginning of the Famine and the next prime minister John Russel, organized public works projects to employ more Irish so they could buy more food.
It can be argued that the relief effort was inadequate but it certainly wasn't nonexistent and it is unfair to the British government to call it a genocide
It was the farmers who were not reliant on potatoes who sold their crops to the Brits. Those farmers either did not know how bad the famine had gotten or did not care.
You mean the relief programs that where primarily funded by the landlords in Ireland? We know how that turned out, don't we
I imagine that the demand for their crops in Ireland would have outweighed the Brits' because of the Famine. Something reeks to high heaven.
no, free market capitalism fucked the Irish, government was too small at the time to effect change
Anyone who owned 1/4 of an acre or more wasn't allowed to receive relief. This created the incentive for irish farmers to sell their products to England in hopes of keeping their land.
"it is the able-bodied idler only who is to be fed—if he attempted to till but one rood of ground, he dies."
what is the source of what you're quoting? you do understand that if you're going to quote something you should source it, right? fucking nu/pol/
you are a faggot, the british didn't intend to starve the irish, the farmers and merchants in ireland fucked the irish because they know the british were the only people who had the money to pay for their product. fuck off you dumb fucking retard.
Are you disabled? Genuinely curious.
More money was given as compensation to the West Indies slave owners when slavery was abolished, than was given as aid to feed starving Irishmen and women. It was also entirely illegal for an Irishman or woman to own land, therefore could not farm their own food nor fish for it.
the slave trade comparison is a complete false equivalency. the irish fucked up by planting 1 strain of a crop fucking EVERYWHERE like a bunch of fucking morons, literally making a nigger-tier agricultural mistake.
>the irish
Again, the Irish were not allowed to own land. All land was British-owned. All farms were British. All food production was British. The reason the Irish died during the blight was because of this.
Americans are always the biggest-mouthed about things they know nothing of. It's astounding.
Potatoes were the only crop that grew well in the rocky barren parts of the west coast where the impoverished peasants whose ancestors has been banished from more fertile parts by Cromwell.
>All land was British-owned. All farms were British. All food production was British.
wrong dumbfuck. the irish did all the dirty work you dumbfuck, they paid rent to farm the land.
>blah blah americans blah
yeah glad you noticed, dumbfuck.
>literally doesn't understand land ownership
I cannot stop fucking laughing at you.
sure, but that's not my point. you need more than 1 strain of a crop so that they all don't die when one strain fails. there are many, many strains of the potato crop.
you don't even understand your own history, stay mad retard.
To everyone reading this thread,
This is Bullshit.
tlk shit about irsh but wont do shit about their own country thats getting taken over by mudslimes
They should have died killing Brits
Historian F. S. L. Lyons characterised the initial response of the British government to the early less severe phase of the famine as "prompt and relatively successful".[62] Confronted by widespread crop failure in November 1845, Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel purchased £100,000 worth of maize and cornmeal secretly from America[63] with Baring Brothers initially acting as his agents. The government hoped that they would not "stifle private enterprise" and that their actions would not act as a disincentive to local relief efforts. Due to poor weather conditions, the first shipment did not arrive in Ireland until the beginning of February 1846.[64] The initial shipments were of unground dried kernels, but the few Irish mills in operation were not equipped for milling maize and a long and complicated milling process had to be adopted before the meal could be distributed.[65] In addition, before the cornmeal could be consumed, it had to be "very much" cooked again, or eating it could result in severe bowel complaints.[64] Due to its yellow colour, and initial unpopularity, it became known as "Peel's brimstone".[66]
>The measures undertaken by Peel's successor, Russell, proved comparatively inadequate as the crisis deepened. The new Whig administration, influenced by the doctrine of laissez-faire,[71] believed that the market would provide the food needed, and they refused to intervene against food exports to England, then halted the previous government's food and relief works, leaving many hundreds of thousands of people without any work, money, or food.[72]
Then of course, you factor in the Corn Laws and then everyone's favourite man: Trevelyan.
>the judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson
This isn't up for debate.
Go back to thinking you're the lost tribe of Israel.
>This isn't up for debate.
this made me laugh. it's just settled science, right bill nye?
No. It's history. Do keep up, yank.
Murican education
>hurr durr there aren't competing versions of history for nearly every important historical event
wow i honestly had a lot of respect for the british. you two are very retarded and made me question that for a moment, but i assume you're just bad apples or poles. respect sustained.
This was during the 18th and 19th century.
>History is written by the victors
>The prevailing history of the Famine is that it was British-engineered
So, did the Irish win?
Why is the potato famine regularly brought up as the British trying to wipe people out.
It wasn't malicious. It was the traditional attitude of laissez faire. The British public tried to raise funds to stop it but business went on as normal as far as food exporting came because the government didn't feel that it was their job to boss business about.
Heck We doubled our score in Bengal in 1943 when we let 2.1 million Indians starve to death.
no but it certainly happened during a time when britain had a fuckton of enemies and fuckton of people willing to sympathize with the irish over the naval and economic superpower.
>but yes
Imagine being this deluded because of muh heritage.
>lowland scots are gaels
>be ireland
>be island
>be surrounded by fish
>starve because cant potatoe
how is a natural vegetable disease (blight) Great Britain's fault. answer its not.
how is irish stupidity Great Britains fault. answer its not
theres nothing more pathetic then the plastic paddy posting under a British flag
the irish are subhuman who deserved it
>1/25th of the population vs 1/4 of the population starved to death
The only reason The Famine didn't kill more is because there weren't more to kill.
i'm not anglo and you don't have a response to my argument. the irish lose no matter who's fault the famine is, but that doesn't mean england gets to decide what's written in the history book because other people knew what was happening and there was potentially interest to spin this in a way that made the british lose geopolitical and social capital on the world stage. the fact that you think this is so crazy is honestly perplexing.
Irish people ate eachother during the famine lmao
Yes, it was a regrettable instance in the Empire's history and a stain that any person against the Empire uses as ammunition to downplay its good aspects. Same as the famine in India during the 19th century. The one in the 20th was caused primarily by war though.
>fish in British waters
>get fish confiscated
>get sent to Australia
ah yes, British mercy.
>History is written by the victors
>History written by Englishmen during the height of British Empire is not actually history because it makes me look stupid
Fascinating. Tell me more.
>killing paddies
fuck off reddit scum
>tfw Irish
>never knew the Turks helped us out during the famine
Based Ottoman roaches.
You cannot have French Fries without potatoes.
i'm not saying it's not valid history, i'm saying that history isn't settled because you read one book, dumbfuck. there are competing versions of history, yet you contend that it's not up for debate, which isn't an academic or intellectual approach to having a discussion, you complete and total faggot. stay retarded forever.
The autistic screeching is just a dead giveaway that these are plastic paddies living in the UK.
>history isn't history when I don't like it
Oh hey Bill, how's your (((science))) show coming along?
Not giving a fuck is not the same as planning the death of people but still kind of criminal.
The fact that english land owners still wanted their taxes (in the form of food...) from people dying of hunger and diseases is difficult to defend. We killed our own nobility for less than that (and to put our bourgeoisie in power instead, but that's beside the point).
UK should create memorials all over the country, make Guilt Trips to Ireland for students and of course every kid of england should be in charge of the memory of a dead irish kid (for the shame).
> If you don't get the joke, you're lucky enough not to be french
Engineered or not, no one should care. The Irish are niggers with pale skin. Not even having a properly organised nation when God's chosen came balling in. Not only that, the fuckers pretty much depended on 1 strain from 1 crop.
Truly nigger-tier.
>muh Irish heritage
>muh Celtic/Gaelic "culture"
>Should the British governments lack of response to the "Great Famine" of Ireland be considered genocide?
Ireland voluntarily refused British help with the potato industry. Ireland proceeded to fail and starve. Tough titties.
Africa prospered under British food contributions. But recently they've decided to refuse British help and now they're failing and starving. Tough titties.
Why does the rest of the world suck at feeding themselves? Jesus, pretty much every single other country is fucking awful at dying from malnutrition.
The last time British people had a problem with malnutrition was because our ships were travelling such long distances that fruit molted far enough for scurvy to take hold because we hadn't invented science yet.
>every single flag responding to this post, that isn't a union jack, is a stupid backwards faggot
t. posting from the most Gaelic part of Ireland and is descended from Gaels
Starve yourself you plastic, ginger cunt.
>through british tubes
Why do Brits get so mad when someone brings up a 170 year old famine? Is it because it reminds them what a failure of a country the UK is?
>Ireland voluntarily refused British help
wew. Those propaganda machines must work wonders in those Prod schools.
I sure hope we don't bump into each other come July, fellow Irishman.
it's bullshit if holodomor is considered by us as a "genocide" but the Great Famine in Ireland isn't.
Fucking Sup Forums doublenigger standards
It wasn't their lack of a response that was a problem it was that they knowingly removed food from the country through their polices. During the famine we were the worlds 8th largest exporter of food, that is huge for a country of our size we exported millions of cows and other livestock (far more than people). To receive any sort of aid / enter a work house you could not own land which resulted in people who's small farms had been passed on for hundred of years having to sell their land at a fraction of its value to (((Anglo))) vultures who bought huge sections of land and made massive profits off the famine. Not only was it a means to exterminate the population it also destroyed native culture and language as people were forced to move from the west of Ireland (mainly Irish speaking) to other areas leading to the decline in the language. It had negative repercussions for many years after as a whole generation had emigrated causing a pretty big problem for obvious reasons and those who emigrated were often the more wealthy who could afford passage which caused Ireland to be even worse off.
>Why does the rest of the world suck at feeding themselves?
The Holodomor was intentionally manufactured the Famine was not
You don't actually believe that do you?
>Once the biggest empire in the world
>can barely reign in Scotland these days
The UK should be the world's superpower. They fucked up big time.
>Something goes wrong
>Blame the British
Potato niggers dindu nuffin
No, it's a bullshit idea to blame the current government for something that occurred more than 150 years ago. I'd say if the matter isn't resolved within a hundred years its time to let it go. At this point its just one government or entity trying to squeeze money, or some other benefit, out of another government or entity.
>As in many instances of Irish history, there is a myth and a reality.
the yank tried that one already, remember?
I think you need to catch up on world events if you think UK is doing well. Pay a visit too. God forbid live, in Birmingham or the North especially.
1.5 mil
wow thats more than the actual number from the holocost
I lived in the North. Lancashire specifically. It was great Kraut.
except it was
prov it fgit
the british were good for ireland
1. reduced surplus population
2. gave them the gift of writing
3. better food (not that that's saying much)
4. freed them from the shackles of Papism
5. allowed them to win glory in wars
what did the irish do?
1. ungrateful
2. blow up children
3. pal around with the Nazis in ww2 (u were NOT neutral)
4. exported thieves to America and Canada
5. still pissed off about meaningless cultural differences when kebabs are overrunning both countries
Don't really care My family where Rich Gaelic living in the pale... so don't care . I'm not a Jew .. I don't care what happened between us like 200 fucking years . The Muslims are coming we got to time for bitching