If whites are supposedly so superior, why do they have a more degenerate culture than Jews and Asians, with higher out-of-wedlock birthrates, less educational achievement and competence on average, more drug use, among other negative behaviors?
If whites are supposedly so superior, why do they have a more degenerate culture than Jews and Asians...
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gr8 b8 m8 i need to congratul8 and adul8 u give me a sec to contempl8, i hope it doesn't get too l8
We don't, Jews like yourself who live in the West are creating the degeneracy.
But it wouldn't matter if whites didn't digest the consumerist degenerate culture in the first place. Things only exist and continue to be produced in the presence of a market which demands their further production.
Jews definitely have a more degenerate culture lol
(((They))) are the reason degenerate culture is infesting white culture
why are whites so easily manipulated? shouldnt the master race be able to see through the propaganda
Do you hear of Jewish chavs in the UK? There's no Jewish white trash here. They are much more likely to go to and graduate from school, they go into useful, high-paying fields which contribute to society, they have lower rates of illegitimate births than non-Jewish whites do, what's more degenerate? Just the stuff they produce?
If whites are so superior, why are their penises so tiny?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
You mean to tell me we have all those things AND we're by far less violent?!
Wow, whites are more awesome than I thought!
Largest dick belongs to a white man whats with this meme?
Whites are actually more violent in terms of violent crime rates than Asians by a fair margin. I don't know the statistics regarding Jews, but non-Jewish whites are almost certainly more likely to commit violent crimes than them based on life outcomes, average IQ, etc. of each group.
Who do you think is controlling the system of reality and manipulation people into behaving the way they do?
he's mexican
unless mexicans are white now for convenience?
>There's no Jewish white trash here.
Whatever you say, schlomo.
Yes they are if they are white.
That's not Jewish white trash, that's totally different, smut producers aren't the same as white trash, and they're only producing something that people need and want, or they wouldn't be doing it in the first place. Also that infographic is wrong, Hugh Hefner isn't a Jew, he's from a Christian white family in Nebraska.
That face yells Italian is she italian, am i right?
You know what the really sad thing is?
Most of these white hate threads are probably from leftist white ledditors. The self hatred is disgusting. You'd rather put down your own identity just to get something over muh racists when probably not even a quarter of Sup Forums is actually racist. It started as satire and to keep normies out. Now since trump you've got all these gullible, impressionable plebs that actually turned racist from being here. Post these threads all you want. You can't imagine how many BBC threads, gay images and raids I've seen in the time I've been here. Sup Forums will last longer than you
Btw. Post more big titted jewesses please. My very favourite
Anatomy of a spam thread:
>open ended one liner question / writing prompt
>attention grabbing image, usually of a female posed provacatively to arouse young men and again, grab their attention
>the question / writing prompt is general enough to spark a 300 post discussion
Damn they are freaking eveywhere
Watch out. You don't want to go down the road of race based biological and behavioural characteristics. It's a slippery slope
Negative is an opinion faggot
Just find a nice big titty one and liberate her with your penis. The whole "mother is Jew you are Jew" thing is just a meme left over from the Babylonian captivity
Read the protocols of zion. That will tell you everything you need to know.
What about it? I know that blacks are more likely than pretty much any other group to commit crime, have lower average IQs, etc., followed by Hispanics, whites, Asians, Jews, all that jazz, I don't fear that, I'm just saying, it's hard to say that whites are the superior race when that data is out there.
So I'm sure you think that thinking that black people are negative via having lesser academic achievement, more violence, etc. is all just opinions then and there's no worth to thinking that?
She is an Italian (American) from Jew York City.
Nice try schlomo, stop seducing men to big-titted Jewesses to produce more Jewkin for the Jews
Das rayciss
We invented everything that matters in the history of the world.
We win.
This is true. The white goyim, on a per capita basis, eat up, and fall for, the degeneracy far more so than any other group in the world. It's the very reason they're dying out faster, around the world, more than any other group right now. Good riddance, I say.
Hispanics count as white.