Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, but with a few changes.
Whites on average have a higher IQ average, we also possess decent cognitive ability across the board.
Asians and Jews (from the actual bloodline) have more outliers. They have the potential to be much more intelligent. They also have the potential to be much more unstable and have this interfere with intelligence.
See depression and other mental issues amongst asian populations.
This is why asian empires are as powerful and vast. Much like Germanic empires.
Blacks in general have lower IQ and cognitive abilities.
China cherry picks as fuck their population when it comes to IQ testing. Which is why they seem so high. If you truly picked at random, it would be less. Maybe not by much, but it's not as high as they claim.
While picking at random from a group of white people, our IQ doesn't vary much.
Only reason burger IQ is so low is because they add different ethnicities to the test. Something never seen in most asian cultures.
No. Racial realists know that Jews are smart. That is why they are able to control so much.
Thanks Goys
yes pol btfo
Yes, it only took 2 posts for a nonsensical excuse explanation. See
Day of the Rope will be followed by Day of the Mayo to get rid of whites below 110IQ. If your IQ is below 120 you are barely cognizant of the world desu. People below 130 should just permanently shut up.
My nigga, hillbilly genocide when?
This is a bad plan, because every group needs people dumb enough to be willing cannon fodder in order to advance the group's goals.
Not even a little
Jews have low visual spatial IQ compared to whites and Asians which is why they can't build anything
High IQ correlates with Mental illness
Why do you think Jews are so insane? (Aside from the inbreeding)
Enjoy your autistic freak fest when all the normal whites are dead
Its already happening thru opioid misuse.
We'll have armed drones, robot fighting dogs and exoskeletons instead.
Source? This paper claims the opposite (though ofc the correlation might reverse for very high percentiles not captured in the study)
You're just jealous you won't be included in the spurdo shit-posting which ensues.
It's an alternative fact, that is for sure.
The average IQ of an Electrical Engineer is 126. Therefore, I assume you would be shutting up permanently? Start now, nigger.
Seen this cognitive dichotomy on other things as well. Stay classy, pol
Nobody says IQ is a kike scheme
I think the majority of anti semetic people are more upset that they are being governed by an occupied government and are not allowed to fight it.
Close guess, I'm doing a PhD in machine learning. Also -- make me brainlet
>get rid of all people below 110 IQ
>the following day...
>"God damn why are 100 IQ retards so fucking dumb? We should kill them all"
>ad infinitum
Why do you retards not understand what a percentage distribution is?
Race realist here.
>pic related
who wanna fight?
Pretty much.
We have many Arab Jews who ruin the ratio.
Ashkenazi are in fact the highest in IQ in the world.
just as I thought
I doubt it. Which two principals of logic have been often questioned in modernity and which one hasn't ?
Cheap meme. No one doubts that they have a high IQ in certian fields.
So what you're saying is...the more a Jew becomes Aryan, as in the more Indo-European genes the Jew has, the smarter and overall better off the Jew is?
Now you know why ancient Aryans sought to civilize and teach the entire world our ways. Not to conquer or enslave them as the Jew now plots, but to free them entirely.
Wrong jew nigger, it's anglican whites
That must be why you continually vamp off Europe. Because you're so smart.
>what is nepotism?
>Communism and banking are at odds.
Not at all the bankers used communism always to their advantage, especially the period were a communistic system is formed or collapses is very lucrative for them.
Can I do a joke answer?
1) Axiom of choice
2) Zorn's lemma
3) Well-ordering principle
I've never heard the second opinion on white-Jewish IQ differences.
Any source?
is this what you're saying tho or nah?
Literally no one does this.
>Day of the Mayo
oh noes I didn't run off the Jew poster did I?
>I don't agree so it's nonsensical
having high iq doesn't mean you need to be autistic user. It also doesn't make you more useful.
Not, what I wanted to hear.
The lack of nuance in your image tells me that your iq doesn't count for shit.
Jews have lower visual spatial IQ
And no society won't run if it's all Aspies and Autists
WN's never use this argument , fuck off shlomo
So European Jews are weighed down by Arabs? So Germanic genes in particular are superior to shitskin genes? ALso, giventhe original jew was Arab, your sayingthat you had to infiltrate Europe and to increase IQ among the population?
Look at Israel's IQ average.
The rich Jews in the US and Europe are equivalent to a loyal bloodline, not the average.
Nobody denies Jews have IQ.
But it matters what you do with your IQ. Henry Ford built a car empire. Jews build interracial porn empires.
more like this:
which is to say while OP whines about alt right hypocrisy (which may be fair to some extent) the real issue in society is the reverse concern.
'diversity' means capping 'whites' - but jews are allowed to be wildly overrepresented, beyond merit and the overrep most people concede they'd have 'naturally.'
in other words, its racist to say whites are smarter and should be over-represented by merit... but NOT RACIST for jews to be massively over-represented.
ps Korean. Jews beat us in verbal IQ but not for math/science. Ditto Chinese and Japs.
The Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs due to their European blood. The middle eastern ones are about 90.
>evolution is responsible for physical traits, duh everyone knows that you stupid fucking Jesusfags
>omfg you are so racist to claim evolution is responsible for different mental traits, everyone knows humans are all the exact same
The original Jew was not Arab they were Levantine and closer to Europeans
>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners.
thats not correct, user. unless you dont mean the actual original jews.
Jews having high iq has never been debated here from what I've seem and I've been here for years. It's widely accepted. Do you think they would get away with all the shit they do if they were stupid?
Got us.
>1 post by this ID
Hmm... really makes you think, doesn't it?
Let me guess
You think the original Jews were black Hebrew Israelites?
I don't know why I bother posting here anymore
This perhaps explains partly why analytical number theory is dominated by Ashkenazim, however geometry and topology far less so.
However it tremendously increases your potential to be useful.
Their wives deliberatly traget high IQ white people and they did some inner tribal opitimisation, like marrying the daughter of the most sucessful merchant in town with the son of the Rabbi. It's however far from truth that they are all high IQ and this in all fields.
>Jews have higher IQ's then everybody else
The inventor of the IQ was William (((Stern))).
No. Even on pure numbers it doesn't make sense. Jews make up 2% of US population and honkies are 60%. When broken down for IQ far more whites with high iq than Jews with hgh iq in raw numbers, not per capita. Jews way over represented in numerous institutions regardless of their higher on avg iq.
Your first mistake was guessing. Your secon was reddit spacing. But we all make errors.
Gather 'round lads, it's time to take your redpill:
Aryans created civilization. They invented agriculture, discovered medicine and math, geometry and psychology. They even created the first monotheistic religion. As a non-Aryan, all you had to do in order to live in an Aryan civilization (Sumer, Egypt, Iran, etc) was to:
>obey Aryan societal law (dont kill, dont steal, work in building aqueducts, homes and etc -- basically labor to the benefit of the whole society)
That's it.
Enter: The Jew.
The people who would become the Jews were not originally united by language, blood or religion. They were a group of people from all over the place, most likely including some Aryans, who did not want to live according to Aryan law. They chose to live outside of society as:
>Murderers for hire
>Thieves and bandits
>Vagrants and slaves
They were originally called the Habiru, a word which means "bandit/murderer." After hundreds of years of inbreeding, the Habiru people created a new ethnicity through a false act of evolution: the Hebrews. Even the word "Habiru" evolved into the word "Hebrew." The early Jews were described as wandering or escaped dogs.These people would later invade the land of Canaan, which was another Semitic/Arab land. Eventually, they took over Canaan and renamed it "Israel" after they stole the monotheistic religion of Zoroastrianism and declared themselves, not the Aryans, as "God's Chosen People."
This basically continues until today.
This is Judaism and these are the Jews:
>co-opters of religion and culture
>the original "evil spirits" in man's most ancient religions
Never knew a true aryan wanted something made from a Jewish body so badly inside him.
Italians smartest whites , smarter than everyone except asians
3/4 Italian
we were the 1st to figure it out
True this field was certainly dominanted by them.
fuck off britfag. Hard working sub-90 IQ whites are more useful than lay about white faggots.
Exactly, it's like these niggas think standard deviation is some cuckold fetish.
Paper explains that rich Jews had more offspring in the Middle Ages and that through job restrictions, Jews could only become wealthy through banking or trading, which required high IQ to be successful, thus increasing IQ of Jews in the long wrong.
From the paper:
>This differential fitness (high reproductive success associated with high income)
decreased effective population size, increasing the effects of drift, as Risch and others
(Risch et al., 1995, 2003) have pointed out. However, plausible amounts of fitness
variance have only a small effect on effective population size. For example, if the richest
20% of the population averages 4 children, while the remaining 80% averages 2,
effective population size is 79% as large as it would have been if everyone had two
children. The effects of genetic drift are not much increased. On the other hand the same
fitness variance has a big effect on selection. Increased fitness among the wealthy would
have resulted in strong selection for cognitive and psychological traits that increased
income in that social niche.
>psychological traits that increased
income in that social niche
>psychological traits that increased
income in that social niche
>psychological traits
Which traits could that possibly be that help one become rich as a banker or merchant?
Modesty? Honesty? I don't know.
i love you take pride in your people
Jews have a high verbal IQ, but that is about it. The Talmud teaches them to be sophisticated criminals. Whites design and build good things, especially societies.
Sumerians spoke a language isolate not an Indo-European language
Jews have high verbal iq and high mathematical logical IQ but lower than average visual spatial IQ
Nope, race realists are realistic. Ashkenazi jews and north east asians score higher on iq tests.
Also, lumping whites together doesn't take into account genetic variations among nationalities. Irish are potato niggers but pure blooded Ukranians are GOAT.
post yfw when you're a Jew and got BTFO so hard that your only reply or counter-argument is
>Sumerians didn't speak an Indo-European language
Language varied in Sumer.
Who would deny that the Jews are intelligent? Their intelligence is what makes them such great swindlers and subverters. A stupid person couldn't do what they do.
First sentence
>Sumerian (𒅴𒂠EME.G̃IR15 "native tongue") is the language of ancient Sumer and a language isolate that was spoken in southern Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq).
Wrong. Read Charles Autran, Lawrence Waddell and Gordon Whitetaker.
No. Niggers have low IQs, build nothing and destroy everything around them.
Whites have high IQs and create and build the world around them.
Jews have even higher IQs yet create nothing, parasitically leech off of the work of whites, and use social engineering to destroy the peoples around them.
None of these are equal.
This is true.
Generally speaking, educated people used to be pro-white. Not anymore.
You're wrong.
>pic related
care to comment on the actual point of the post or should we debate Sumer some more?
Yes it's more about culture. If Jews used their intellect for good, and didn't have a culture/religion of leeching off the goyim, no one would bother with them.