>never brought up in schools
>nobody talks about it ever
>most western people don't even know of its existence
Why is this?
>never brought up in schools
>nobody talks about it ever
>most western people don't even know of its existence
Why is this?
Because it wasn't kikes that got killed
Well almost nobody talks about genocide of Poles, Slavs, Wołyn etc.. either, it's always about da Joos.
(((Some people))) are more important than others.
Genocides happened all the time, the only difference is that muh 6 gorillion was done against kikes which have a lot of power nowdays
This, never forget German Jews were only 1% killed in the holocaust.
Cause 'Stalin did nothing wrong' and both teachers and the revisionist historians that inform them deserve to be gassed.
In elementary school, they barely mentioned the USSR at all, or anything about Communism. Meanwhile it was nonstop Jews this Holocaust that.
That kind of got me thinking after I started learning a little more on my own.
Because this
I had it in school. a minor part.
Famine is not the same as industrial scale genocide against an entire group of people with support from the ruling party, that's why.
if only they did not bomb germany to shit then maybe theese people would not have died from hunger.
are you retarded or just 7 years old? it's brought up today because we had a fucking WORLD WAR over it.
Just gonna say this once.
It's not an engineered genocide of Ukrainians. Over a million ethnic Russians died also.
They were also doing the killing.
I was just schooled while watching eurovision about something related, I didn't know that Armenia is still a country, I also thought their genocide was committed by the ottomans hundreds of years ago before written history
Oh yeah, and probably this. Maybe even more than a million.
>implying Ukrainian is a single ethnicity
Because zionists dont want to share the spot light
Damn tuberculosis is one hell of a disease.
that doesn't matter (((communists))) didn't give a fuck about human life one way or the other.
I read the Gulag Archipelago. Guess ill have to get into all of alexander's work.
The Jews were the ones committing genocide
>over it
>This is what amerigoys actually believe
Trully they could have never dreamed of a better host
because hohlocaust never happened
You realize it was a man-made famine, right?
Famine is worse and logistically way more possible. The holocaust is logistically impossible if you take facts from their official narrative and actually lay them out. If they had said the Germans starved 6 million Jews then that'd be more fiesable. Speaking of which why didn't the Germans just starve all the Jews to death? Why feed a group who you're trying to kill? There was no reason for the gas chambers or any of that. Just don't feed them. If the Germans were so efficient why waste resources on a convoluted system that could've been done much more efficiently by just locking them in camps with no food and shooting any that try to escape. Making them work until they die
You're not wasting any resources on these people by doing that.
The famine didn't happen by accident. Ukraine was one of the most fertile regions in Europe. It was purposefully denied food to cull a problem population
It killed 12 million.
Forced labor and malnutrition contributed to many deaths.
It went along with the kike narrative of implementing communism
The Hodordor
Same reason nobody talks about the other people that got killed in the hall of cost.
It lessens sympathy for the jew.
Because only kike lives matter. (((They))) don't care about goyim.
If genocide happens on purpose, it doesn't matter if it was due to famine or too much delousing agents.
This is some stupidity even for an American
it was industrial scale (farm industry manipulation, collectivization. there was plenty of food, it was just taken away) genocide against an entire group of people (Ukrainian christians, intellectuals, nobility and the wealthy and those that yearned for independence and freedom) with support from the ruling party (orders of the jewish led communist party to crush the Ukrainian people into submission)
Btw your picture is of Dachau. A concentration camp, not a death camp. There is a difference. No one claims there was an actual industrialized system to kill people at dachau. Funny that 30000 of the inmates were sick and diseased when the Americans got there, but the notion that the 30,000 total that died at dachau died of typhus and the result of cut supply lines is inconceivable
You'll have lots of bodies in a camp sick with typhus. They don't prove anything. In fact if you look at the corpses it proves they did die of disease not systematic killing since their bodies show signs of disease death not systemic killing
What the fuck are you confusing death camps with concentration camps?
While you're imprisoned, you're put to work in one of them. You're cued up for intended execution in the other. People died in both, in slews. Numbers are debatable, but there's no side stepping around this
>mfw history teacher and made sure my kids learned about this
I can't actually talk about politics but I make sure that all my kids learn about how shitty communism is. Its easy. All you have to do is show them what actually happened. Communism is just a history of failure and death.
They will fill in the blanks when they get older.
The real question Im waiting for is when did Hitler kill the Jews? This is probably the intro question to getting redpilled
We didn't fight World War II over the holocaust. Fuck off jidf
The Armenian genocide happened during a WORLD WAR also and no one gives a shit about it
Same with the japs genociding the Chinese. Hell the japs killed more
Because Xoxols aren't people.
Pic related
ironic given a lot of the people on those lands were jews, but this is par for the course in monopolization of the tragedy industry
I have 4 simple questions to the revisionist scholars here on Sup Forums:
1) Even if Hitler and friends were right about International Jewry all along, how does it justify the mass deportation of Polish Jews, most of whom were poor, uneducated and in no way related to any rich Wall Street capitalists? How do you justify laying blame on an entire people, for alleged actions of a tiny few? Answering this question with a question (Japanese internment camps) is evasion and not a valid answer.
Using a sensationalist newspaper headline (Judea Declares War on Germany) which even National Socialists themselves did not take all too seriously, to justify the incarceration of an entire people as a logical reaction, is also not a valid answer.
2) Speaking of, give us proper elaboration of exactly what evils the aforementioned Wall Street capitalists of Jewish origin actually did? Or are you going to attribute something as mundane as inflation or financial depression to "the Jew"? If you want to bring up Black Tuesday, the Wall Street crash of 1929, kindly deliver proof it was all organized by International Jewry.
Still people getting worked to death and shot for running before then, if you down play the 6 million number then you have to keep in mind every other figure might be fudged for ((reasons)) maybe the whole or ww2 was 100 marines being fought single handedly by Hitler riding a t rex
3) And why on earth do you keep bringing a proposed (perhaps even partially enacted) economic boycott in 1933 as legitimate casus belli to incarcerate an entire people most of whom didn't even take part in it? Again, pointing out to Japanese internment camps is a classic example of whataboutism, rather than answering the question.
4) Regarding the deportation and forced incarceration of an entire people solely due to their ethnicity, given that you like to equate what befell the Jews in Europe to what befell Japanese Americans in the United States, and given that you like to lay the blame concerning the high mortality in the concentration camps to allied saturation bombing, how will you nevertheless explain away the crucial difference of Japanese Americans essentially relaxing in their camps while Jews were put to back-breaking labor and housed like animals in the German camps?
oops...make that 5:
5) If your hypothesis about Allied bombing destroying the infrastructure of Germany to the extent that it worsened the situation of concentration camp detainees when it came to supplies is correct, why don't you provide a SINGLE credible, independently verifiable case where a concentration camp's food supply was directly affected by allied bombing to the extent that for example the rail lines leading to it were destroyed, and therefore supplies could no longer reach the camp properly? I can wait. If you say Nordhausen, you lose, because that was firstly not a concentration camp (the Boelckekaserne was a Lufrwaffe barracks/prison), and secondly that is not the subject of this question (allied bombing allegedly destroying supply lines to concentration camps resulting in lack of supplies, starvation etc.)
>peasant farmers
>ukrainian nobility, wealthy, intellectuals
Why do you prop up such lies on a pedestal?
Yeah, the Jews never do anything wrong. They have no history of subervion. They were never expelled from anywhere prior to Germany. Muh innocent Jew. Fuck off kike. Hitler was right.
The holohoax never happened but it should have. Hitler did some very bad things, like not gassing the jews when he could have.
>It's not an engineered genocide of Jews, over a million ethnic Germans died also.
>forcing the shoe to fit
>we had a fucking WORLD WAR over it.
>over it
>over kikes
Russians hated Jews just as much as Germans, and everyone else at the time, for that matter. If you think that the war was fought over the lolohoax, you're delusional. Most people weren't even aware of it, and it happened DURING the war you fucking American mongoloid. One can argue that the Nazis wouldn't have resorted to killing the Jews if it wasn't for the war. Go back to school, Tyrone.
Lets not forget the 76 million people that died under Mao Zedongs communist regime. I bet you blame the Jews for that to.
>cites Nazi propagandists
>>ukrainian nobility, wealthy, intellectuals
Defend this, you Antifa faggots
blame the jews for everything and the real fuckers doing it are the ones you think are great
I couldn't give less shits about the jewish or the hohol or the armenian genocides, not even my father was alive by then.
It bores me to no end the constant propaganda they are still doing with that crap practically one century later.
Fuck you, I'm Spanish, my people wasn't involved in any of that, I don't give a shit about you.
Its true you dipshit putin even said it in a speech
propaganda =/= false
Get the fuck out of here commie
We know all your tricks
heh, good one bro
>communist regime
Communism was started by jews to control Europe you dum dum. Are you a jew?
Because Emigre Ukrainians are the most toxic people in the world and immediately make people not like them.
Why dont we talk about the Irish potatoe genocide. The brits did that on purpose in order to take Irish clay? But nooo my western anglo master race cant do genocide.
mitrokhin archives explain it well. The TLDR is that Stalin knew that genoicide was necessary to eliminate the only force possible of breaking up the USSR, the Kulaks. Because Russia was decimated following ww2, they used Ukraine grain to pay down the war debts incurred via lend-lease and rebuild the USSR on stolen technology. It was not until 1985 that crude oil dumping became the lead export product of the USSR and 1988 when Arms dealing outpaced USSR wheat/cereal exports.
Admitting the Holodomor was real was a condition for Russia joining the G20, as the litigation was impossible to resolve in the Hague court.
To this day, the GRU (modern- KGB) have an active group and budget for Holodomor supression. If you look, there are good articles from Canadian newspapers outlining all the drama which has surrounded Holodomor information and why "The Bitter Harvest" was such a gong show to get to theaters.
I have never been more proud to be part Ukrainian. Keep fighting the good fight my brothers, one day we will feast together in Valhalla.
Did you teach your kids about German rapes and killings of 20 million slavs and (insert correct number of Holocavst victims here) gypsies/jews/poles during ww2?
>Communism was started by jews to control Europe
No it wasn't.
Holy fuck you're stupid that famine was man made by the soviets to punish the Ukraine
I was going to ask why Stalin's Russia wasn't subverted or as heavily influenced as the attempted German revolution, did Stalin sense something was up and quietly murder his way out of it?
O'Reilly? There was no jewish influence on the Bolsheviks? There was no (((influence))) when the doctrine of communism was made? Funny how much (((they))) can benefit from a communist government, where the goyim are under control.
The ones who did it were Jews, that's why you don't hear about it.
Here is an episode of the Montel Williams: youtube.com
Jump to 37:39.
Not everybody is brainwashed/ignorant.
the only difference is the ability to deny it.
Doesn't fit the narrative of the UDSSR being a romantic, if (obviously only slightly) flawed attempt at creating a better world through communism.
Also doesn't fit the general consensus that communism or marxism are somehow good things, and it would infringe on the special pedestal people built for the loloclaust
Not just that. Also because it was the kikes doing.
Can I get the proofs?
>communism is jewish
>USA was and still is controled by wallstreet jews
>ussr and usa have a cold war when they both are controled by jews
>communist jewish russia collapses
>somehow communism is stil a jewish plot
Either the jews are retarded or people like you need a fucking bullet tot the head.
>I didn't know that Armenia is still a country,
Karl Marx, Leo Trotsky and Karl Liebknecht would like a word about that
Because it was a famine that affected the whole USSR and not just Ukraine. Khohols acted particularly retarded during it so they suffered extra and now have the audacity to demand gibs for it.
>"When the Khohol was born, the Jew started to cry"
This Russian proverb pretty much says it all.
These all all great points that nobody has responded to with an actual argument
Countries come and go, Palestine is not a country. Crimea is not a country.
is it worse to suffocate to death or to be so hungry that you eat your own children only to die of hunger later
Yes but there were no forced labor and death camps built all over Europe for the purpose of extermination.
Because no one cares about the Ukrainians
Communism was invented by jews, look up the Bolsheviks and the civil war in Germany just before WWII. There is a reason why they are internationally despised throughout history, it's because they're a bunch of degenerate parasites.
There was more (((influence))) in Hitler's government because he was trying to fight (((their))) parasitic ways and free Germany from the claws of the (((bankers))). Stalin was already killing goyim en masse like a good shabbo's goy.
>being this overwhelmed
it's like you're a subhuman underage burgernigger or something
oh wait..
Here's putin straight up telling that bolsheviks were jews, while speaking before his kike friends.
The man that was responsible for collectivization and repressions that lead to Holodomor.
>He also had the duty of implementing collectivization and the policy of economic suppression of the kulaks (wealthier peasants).
And there's plenty of other info. So kys, you piece of shit amerigoy.
goys are nothing more than a livestock and nobody cares about how many of that livestock died
>muh 6 trillion holograms
>Crimea is not a country.
Well, duh!
The hologram dome never happened.
Where are the bodies?
Polack Kosiora was in charge of Ukraine and he is to blame for famine in Ukraine.
And he was already punished by Stalin.
Stanislav Kosior withstood brutal tortures at the hands of the NKVD but cracked when his sixteen-year-old daughter was brought into the room and raped in front of him. He was sentenced to death by shooting and executed the same day, while his daughter committed suicide jumping under the train.
No they aren't. He could have asked about how many European Jews went on to design nukes, jets, spy rings for the USA.
If anything those 5 points make me think the threat to Germany was underestimated and they should have either not targeted the Jew's for fear of reprisal, or gone HAM right away.
The elite would have jumped ship pretty early.
Blah blah blah
You sound like a jew with your
>muh 6 quadrillion holla at yo coast
It must be bait but I'll bite.
Ukrainian famine was entitely man made.
Where are the bodies?