Whites are probably inferior

As a black man I don't understand how whites can be superior if their own women do not see them as the fittest mate....are whites the lesser species?

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Beautiful couple by the way I like the diversity

Really makes you think.

why do black women like white men?

>As a black man
You wouldnt lie on a Korean basket weaving forum would you?

Wow you must be retarded that is all based off of online dating apps it's a load of shit very flawed study for more reasons than that doesn't take into account the attractiveness of the individuals

>as a black man
>I don't understand

That's rhetoric Jamal. Keep all critical thinking for 5 year olds and up to the humans.

Because the lowest of the lows ten to find common ground...KEK

I lift more than you sissy blk boi

How the fuck are these threads still a thing in the current year?

Only the best ones.

Lifting your small cock doesn't seem like much of a workout




Good goy

black men have the highest rate of homosexuality and greatest carriers of sexually transmitted disease

most black guys are just better looking and stronger than white guys and they age better, too. but bc of whitey keeping them down and in poverty, there are only so many rich athletes and entertainers to go around, so, white women get with a white guy they're not as sexually attracted to in order to climb the social ladder and please their parents or whatever.


Why do you have images of white cocks saved?


I've noticed that too that's why they get the best white women and leave the Cucks groveling for these....white Master Race amirite?

its only because nig nogs are barbarians who's only real quality is being more likely to have a big dick.

Images like this make me love my life.

Let's find out!
Go back to Africa
build up a mega civilization
go on.

>most black guys are just better looking than white guys

That's pretty funny. Niggers are ugly as shit.

so true!

Did they fuq?

Sounds good to me more than one way to skin a cat

women will like what they're told to like, if it's whites tellin em, jew kikes in media tellin em, doesn't matter, they are followers and will follow trends. There are plenty of people dating within their own race, but of course a woman would date a black guy who is confident and socially calibrated over a fat white boy who doesn't understand female relations and cares more about philosophy and other hobbies deemed "nerdy". You can still have these things but effort must be put into becoming socially aware enough to be the best male you can be, I seriously doubt a white guy who is making decent money and takes care of himself is not able to date unless he's mentally ill and even then there are women who fuck heroin addicts with AIDS because they have masculine traits beneath all that and the women themselves are retarded. You are trying to think logical about attraction and that is why you fucks keep failing.


stop replying to the threads. you dummies never learn.

>nignogs actually believe this
Sauce on the pic: web.archive.org/web/20100118050917/http://www.sphere.com/article/revealing-the-mysteries-of-online-dating-even-the-politically-i/19261774

>black eyebrows

Try again Mbeke

That's your sister stop